Sanborn Brer - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    BILL LANN LEEActing Assistant Attorney GeneralCivil RightsDivision

    JOHN L. WODATCH Chie!RENEE ". WOHLENHA#$ De%&ty Chie!

    Disa'ility Rights $ection

    JEANINE ". WORDENJO$E(H C. R#$$OTrial AttorneysDisa'ility Rights$ectionCivil Rights Division#.$. De%art)ent o! J&stice(ostO!!ice Bo* ++,-Washington D.C. /00-12++,-Tele%hone3 4/0/5-0,2+11+

    4/0/5 -0,2///6Tele!acsi)ile3 4/0/5 -0,2776

    ALEJANDRO N. "A8OR9A$#nite: $tates AttorneyLEON ".WEID"ANAssistant #nite: $tates AttorneyChie! Civil Division$#;ANNEL. BELLAssistant #nite: $tates AttorneyCali!ornia Bar No.717070Roo) ,17+

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer



    Table ofAu!o"##e$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#

    I% I&"o'u(#o&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)

    A% T!e Ue' Sae$ a$ Pla#ff-I&e"*e&o"+A,#(u$Cu"#ae%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)

    B% T!e A,e"#(a&$ #! D#$ab#l##e$ A( of )../ %%%%%%%%%%0

    II% A"gu,e&1 T!e O&e"$ a&' O2e"ao"$ of !eMa"3e2la(eC#&e,a Fa#le' o De$#g& a&' Co&$"u( !eFa(#l#4 #&Co,2l#a&(e #! !e Ne Co&$"u(#o&P"o*#$#o&$ of !eADA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5

    A% 6!eel(!a#" Sea#&g Lo(a#o&$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5

    )% Ne Co&$"u(#o& P"o*#$#o&$ of T#le IIIGo*e"&gA((e$$#ble Sea#&g #& A$$e,bl4 A"ea$%%%5

    0% Defe&'a&$ Fa#l o P"o*e a$ a Mae" of LaT!a T!e4 7a*eMe !e ADA$ Re8u#"e,e& T!a6!eel(!a#" Sea#&g Lo(a#o&$#& Mo*#e T!eae"$Affo"' L#&e$ of S#g! o Pe"$o&$ 6!oU$e6!eel(!a#"$ Co,2a"able o T!o$e Affo"'e'Me,be"$ of !e Ge&e"alPubl#( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9

    :% Defe&'a&$ Fa#l o P"o*e a$ a Mae" of LaT!a T!eMa"3e2la(e C#&e,a$ Co&a#& !e Co""e(Nu,be" ofCo,2ao& Sea$ Lo(ae' ;Ne

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer





    A&er v. Ro''ins 77, $. Ct. 601 677267/4766,5................./

    Bartlett v. Ne@ 8or $tate Boar: o! La@ E*a)iners /

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer



    H.R. RE(. NO. =1 at+-476605..................................2



  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    (&rs&ant to the Co&rts Or:er o! A%ril 7- 7666 the#nite:

    $tates s&')its this "e)oran:&) as a)ic&sc&riae.


    De!en:ants have )ove: this Co&rt !or %artial s&))ary

    &:g)ent %&rs&ant to R&le 1+4'5 o! the

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    i)%le)enting reg&lations to ren:er technical assistance

    e*%laining the res%onsi'ilities o! covere: in:ivi:&alsan:

    instit&tions an: to en!orce Title III in co&rt theDe%art)ents

    vie@s are entitle: to :e!erence. Brag:on v. A''ott 1/= #.$.

    +/= 77 $. Ct. /76+ //0 see also A&er v. Ro''ins 176 #.$.

    =1/ 77, $.Ct. 601 67727/ +1 #.$.L.W. =7-+ 4766,5 4agency

    %osition entitle: to :e!erence even i! o!!ere: in ana)ic&s

    'rie!5. In or:er to %reserve its rights as(lainti!!2Intervenor

    the #nite: $tates reserves any an: all legal arg&)entsincl&:ing

    '&t not li)ite: to those )a:e herein !or arg&)ent ino&r case at

    the close o! :iscovery or at any other ti)e a%%ro%riate inthe

    co&rse o! the a'ove2ca%tione: litigation. In thoseinstances

    @here @e :o not a::ress the assertions o! De!en:ants @e :onot

    @aive o&r right to :o so in o&r o@n case or in:icateac&iescence

    to their %osition.

    B% T!e A,e"#(a&$ 6#! D#$ab#l##e$ A( of )../%

    Congress in enacting the ADA !o&n: thatarchitect&ral

    'arriers constit&te: one o! the ty%es o! :iscri)ination

    contin&ally enco&nterKe: 'y in:ivi:&als @ith:isa'ilities. =/

    #.$.C. 7/7074a5415. To a::ress this !or) o! :iscri)ination

    Congress )an:ate: that all co))ercial !acilities an: %laceso!

    acco))o:ation :esigne: an: constr&cte: a!ter Jan&ary /+766- 'e

    rea:ily accessi'le to an: &sa'le 'y in:ivi:&als @ith

    :isa'ilities. =/ #.$.C. 7/7-4a5. Congress inten:e: strict

    a:herence to the ne@ constr&ction re&ire)ents so thatover

    ti)e access @ill 'e the r&le rather than the e*ce%tion. H.R.

    RE(. NO. =1 at +- 476605. The ADA is geare: to the

    !&t&re . . . . Th&s the 'ill only re&ires )o:este*%en:it&res


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    to %rovi:e access in e*isting !acilities @hile re&iring allne@

    constr&ction to 'e accessi'le. I:. 4e)%hasis a::e:5.

    $ection -0- o! the ADA re&ires that ne@lyconstr&cte:

    !acilities 'e rea:ily accessi'le to an: &sa'le 'yin:ivi:&als

    @ith :isa'ilities . . . in accor:ance @ith stan:ar:s set

    !orth . . . in reg&lations iss&e: &n:er thiss&'cha%ter. =/

    #.$.C. 7/7-4a5. These architect&ral stan:ar:s @ereinitially

    iss&e: as the A)ericans @ith Disa'ilities ActAccessi'ility

    G&i:elines 4FADAAG5 'y the Architect&ral an:Trans%ortation

    Barriers an: Co)%liance Boar: 4the FAccess Boar:5 an

    in:e%en:ent govern)ent agency charge: @ith :evelo%ing

    accessi'ility stan:ar:s. When the De%art)ent %ro)&lgate:its

    reg&lation i)%le)enting Title III the De%art)entin:e%en:ently

    a:o%te: these G&i:elines as %art o! its reg&lation /C.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    services !acilities %rivileges a:vantages or acco))o:ations

    o! the entity. =/ #.$.C. 7/7/4a5 an: 7/7/4'54754A54i5. It

    is si)ilarly illegal to %rovi:e a goo: or service that Fisnot

    e&al to that a!!or:e: to other in:ivi:&als. =/#.$.C.

    7/7/4a5 an: 7/7/4'54754A54ii5.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    Ca%acity o! $eating in

    Asse)'ly Areas

    N&)'er o! Re&ire: Wheelchair

    $eating Locations

    = to /1 7

    /+ to 10 /

    17 to -00 =

    -07 to 100 +Over 100 + %l&s 7 a::itional s%ace !or

    Each total seating ca%acity

    Increase o! 700

    I:. at =.7.-47654a5. $ection =.-- in t&rn sets !orth

    re&ire)ents !or the sie %lace)ent an: con!ig&ration o!the

    @heelchair locations. I:. at =.--.-. O! signi!icant

    i)%ortance to this case are the %rovisions containe: in=.--.-.

    (lace)ent o! Wheelchair $eating Locations. Wheelchairareas shall'e an integral %art o! any !i*e: seating%lan an: shall 'e %rovi:e:so as to %rovi:e %eo%le @ith%hysical :isa'ilities a choice o!a:)ission %rices an:lines o! sight co)%ara'le to those !or )e)'erso! thegeneral %&'lic. They shall a:oin an accessi'lero&tethat also serves as a )eans o! egress in an e)ergency.Atleast one co)%anion !i*e: seat shall 'e %rovi:e:ne*t to each@heelchair seating area. When the seating

    ca%acity e*cee:s -00 @heelchair s%aces shall 'e%rovi:e: in )orethan one location. Rea:ily re)ova'leseats )ay 'e installe: in@heelchair s%aces @hen thes%aces are not re&ire: to acco))o:ate@heelchair&sers.


    0% Defe&'a&$ Fa#l o P"o*e a$ a Mae" of La T!aT!e4 7a*eMe !e ADA$ Re8u#"e,e& T!a6!eel(!a#" Sea#&g Lo(a#o&$#& Mo*#e T!eae"$Affo"' L#&e$ of S#g! o Pe"$o&$ 6!oU$e6!eel(!a#"$ Co,2a"able o T!o$e Affo"'e' Me,be"$

    of !e Ge&e"al Publ#(.

    As state: earlier the reg&lation re&ires that@heelchair

    seating locations 'e %rovi:e: so that they are Fan integral%art

    o! any !i*e: seating %lan an: . . . %rovi:e %eo%le @ith%hysical

    :isa'ilities a choice o! a:)ission %rices an: lines o! sight


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    co)%ara'le to those !or )e)'ers o! the general %&'lic. I:.The

    )ovie theater in:&stry recognies the i)%ortance o! sightlines.

    The $ociety o! "otion (ict&re an: Television Engineers4F$"(TE5

    has iss&e: engineering g&i:elines !or theater :esignF$"(TE

    Engineering G&i:eline Design o! E!!ective Cine Theaters EG72

    766= %%. 721 4F$"(TE G&i:eline5 4attache: hereto asE*hi'it


    A)ong other things the $"(TE G&i:eline :escri'esvario&s

    co)%onents o! a vie@ers Fline o! sight i.e. the vie@ing

    angles as they relate to the vie@ers horiontal an: vertical

    !iel: o! vision the screen an: vie@ing co)!ort the angles

    @hich allo@ vie@ers to see )ovies @itho&t :istortion:istance

    !ro) the screen an: the e*tent to @hich the vie@ o! thescreen

    is o'str&cte:. In so :oing it :e!ines the Fverticalvie@ing

    angle to the to% o! the screen as the angle !or)e: 'y the

    intersection o! a line horiontal @ith eye level 4a straight2

    ahea: vie@5 an: a line !ro) eye level to the to% o! thevie@ing


    The !&ll Fvertical vie@ing angle on the other han: is

    :escri'e: as the s&'ten:e: arc o! an angle !or)e: 'y t@o

    intersecting lines 2 one :ra@n !ro) a vie@ers eye level tothe

    to% o! the screen an: the other e*ten:ing !ro) the vie@erseye

    level to the 'otto) o! the screen. $i)ilarly the Fhoriontal

    vie@ing angle :escri'es the s&'ten:e: arc o! an angle !or)e:'y

    t@o lines 2 one e*ten:ing !ro) the vie@ers eyes to the le!tsi:e

    o! the screen an: the other :ra@n !ro) the vie@ers eyes tothe

    right si:e o! the screen. These !actors an: others liste: inthe

    $"(TE G&i:elines are &se: 'y the in:&stry to:eter)ine @hether a


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    vie@er has an e!!ective vie@ o! the i)age on the screen. I:.

    They are also &se: to :eter)ine @hether the vie@er has aline o!

    sight that res&lts in %hysical :isco)!ort. I:. There!orethe

    in:&strys o@n g&i:eline acno@le:ges the i)%ortance o!co)%aring

    the &ality o! the vie@ing e*%erience 'y eval&ating thelines o!

    sight %rovi:e: to %atrons. I:.

    Once )eas&re: Title III re&ires the lines o! sight

    %rovi:e: to @heelchair &sers to 'e co)%ara'le to those%rovi:e:

    to )e)'ers o! the general %&'lic. FCo)%ara'le is anor:inary

    @or: &se: in every:ay %arlance. Gri:er v. Cavaos 677

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    @ith the overall intent o! the ADA @heelchair &serssho&l: 'e

    %rovi:e: e&al access so that their e*%erience ise&ivalent to

    that o! )e)'ers o! the general %&'lic.7 In other @or:sto

    ens&re that @heelchair &sers are %rovi:e: lines o! sightthat are

    co)%ara'le to the vie@ing angles o!!ere: to the general%&'lic

    the lines o! sight %rovi:e: to @heelchair &sers sho&l:not 'e on

    the e*tre)es o! the range o!!ere: in the sta:i&) %ortiono!

    sta:i&) style theaters. $i)ilarly !or tra:itional theatersthey

    sho&l: not 'e locate: in a )anner that %rovi:es the) @iththe

    e*tre)e range o! sight lines o!!ere: in tra:itional theaters'&t

    @ith those availa'le in )ost o! the seats in the theater.

    In the only case :eci:e: th&s !ar on this iss&e Laraet

    al. v. Cine)ar #$A Inc. No. E(26,2CA210/2H $li% O%. 4W.D.

    Te*. A&g. /7 76654attache: hereto as E*hi'it /5 this

    inter%retation o! the co)%ara'le lines o! sight %rovision@as

    a:o%te:. The co&rt !o&n: that =.--.- re&ire: lineso! sight

    %rovi:e: to %atrons in @heelchairs to 'e si)ilar to those

    %rovi:e: to an Faverage %atron o! the theater rather than'eing

    relegate: to the @orst seats in the ho&se. I:. at =.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    sight lines 'e %rovi:e:.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    lines o! sight. De!en:ants res%onsi'ility !or co)%lying @ith

    the sight line re&ire)ent is not :e%en:ent on theavaila'ility

    o! co)%ara'le ticet %rices. It is certainly not :e%en:ent on

    @hether )ore than one ticet %rice is charge:. In !act eveni!

    ticets @ere !ree De!en:ants @o&l: still nee: to %rovi:e

    @heelchair seating locations @ith co)%ara'le lines o! sight.

    Th&s the !act that :e!en:ants charge a &ni!or) %rice !orticets

    is irrelevant.

    De!en:ants secon: arg&)ent that they are in co)%liance

    @ith the ADA 'eca&se all seats have &ni&e sightlines an: the

    @heelchair seating locations are near other seats that have

    si)ilar 4i.e. e&ally 'a:5 sightlines is a )isg&i:e:atte)%t to

    re)ove the &alitative co)%arison re&ire: 'y thereg&lation. It

    is a*io)atic that reg&lations sho&l: not 'e rea: so asto ren:er

    ter)s )eaningless. Bartlett v. Ne@ 8or $tate Boar: o! La@

    E*a)iners /

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    they nee: to 'e &alitatively co)%ara'le to those %rovi:e: tothe

    general %&'lic i.e. )ore than a han:!&l o! other%atrons.

    To 'olster their arg&)ent that the theater co)%lies @ithall

    ADA re&ire)ents De!en:ants s&')it the Declaration o!9evin

    Tro&t)an a %rinci%al o! $alts Tro&t)an P 9aneshiro4F$T95 the

    architect&ral !ir) that :esigne: the "aret%lace Cine)a as@ell

    as several theaters !or A)erican "&lti2Cine)a Inc. 4FA"C5.The

    Tro&t)an Declaration is :e!icient in several @ays 22 'oth!or

    @hat it says an: @hat it :oes not say./

    To s&%%ort :e!en:ants arg&)ents that sightlines !or

    @heelchair seating areas are co)%ara'le to those !or )e)'erso!

    the general %&'lic the Tro&t)an Declaration contains a!e@

    isolate: )eas&re)ents relating to t@o !actors that thein:&stry

    consi:ers relevant in eval&ating sightlines in )ovietheaters.

    $ee E*hi'it 7 4setting o&t several !actors relating tosightlines

    that the in:&stry consi:ers in :esigning )otion%ict&re

    theaters5. "r. Tro&t)ans )eas&re)ents @ere not :isclose:in his

    e*%ert re%ort as re&ire: 'y . (. /+4a5 since "r.

    Tro&t)ans e*%ert re%ort containe: no )eas&re)entsrelating to

    sightlines.- In:ee: instea: o! eval&ating the sightlines


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    %rovi:e: !or @heelchair seating an: !or )e)'ers o! thegeneral

    %&'lic as =.--.- o! the ADA $tan:ar:s :ictates "r.Tro&t)ans

    e*%ert re%ort asserts in a concl&sory )anner that FK@hat

    constit&tes a goo: line o! sight is a highlyin:ivi:&al

    :eter)ination. Tro&t)an E*%ert Re%ort at +. Th&sDe!en:ants

    sho&l: not 'e %er)itte: to '&ttress their s&))ary&:g)ent )otion

    @ith "r. Tro&t)ans hereto!ore &n:isclose:)eas&re)ents.=

    E*h. / at -6.


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    "oreover the )eas&re)ents that "r. Tro&t)an %rovi:es inhis

    Declaration are at 'est @oe!&lly inco)%lete. "r.Tro&t)an has

    %rovi:e: isolate: )eas&re)ents !or only a han:!&l o! the@orst

    seats in the sta:i&) theaters isolate: )eas&re)ents!or

    @heelchair seating locations seats in the sa)e ro@ as@heelchair

    seating locations an: seats in ro@s ahea: o! @heelchairseating

    locations. In reaching his concl&sions a'o&tco)%ara'ility "r.

    Tro&t)an ignores the )aority o! seats in the sta:i&)theaters 22

    i.e. all o! the 'etter seats @hich are locate: in ro@s'ehin:

    the @heelchair seating locations an: th&s all seatshaving

    s)aller )ore co)!orta'le vertical vie@ing angles than@heelchair

    seats. Accor:ingly "r. Tro&t)an concl&:es thatsightlines !or

    the @heelchair seats are Fco)%ara'le 'eca&se he onlyco)%ares

    the) to seats that have sightlines that are e&al or @orsein

    &ality totally ignoring all seats having 'ettersightlines.

    In a::ition the Tro&t)an Declaration %rovi:es a !e@

    isolate: )eas&re)ents !or only t@o o! the !actors thatare

    recognie: 'y the in:&stry as relevant to )otion %ict&retheater

    sightlines3 475 the :istance !ro) so)e seats to the screenan:

    4/5 the vertical vie@ing angle !ro) eye level at so)e seatsto

    the to% o! the screen. As the $"(TE G&i:eline an: "r.Tro&t)ans

    o@n :e%osition testi)ony )ae clear sightlines involve other

    cr&cial co)%onents s&ch as the !&ll vertical angle!or vie@ing

    the entire screen !ro) to% to 'otto) the !&ll horiontalangle

    !or vie@ing the entire screen !ro) si:e to si:e an: thee*tent

    Evans v. Technologies A%%lications P $ervice Co)%any 0

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    to @hich a %ersons vie@ o! the screen is o'str&cte:.1"r.

    Tro&t)an has o!!ere: no )eas&re)ents @hatsoever relatingto these

    cr&cial sightline co)%onents. Th&s De!en:ants have!aile: to

    carry their '&r:en o! sho@ing that sightlines areco)%ara'le

    since they have !aile: to intro:&ce into evi:ence the:ata

    necessary to )ae a co)%arison.

    De!en:ants thir: arg&)ent that it @o&l: 'e too:i!!ic&lt

    to %rovi:e co)%ara'le sight lines in @heelchair seating areasis

    co)%letely &ns&%%orte:. De!en:ants state no reason an:cite no

    a&thority !or their contention that it @o&l: 'e too:i!!ic&lt to

    ascertain the correct lines o! sight in vario&s asse)'lyareas

    incl&:ing )ovie theaters. As the $"(TE G&i:elines:e)onstrate

    the )ovie theater in:&stry clearly &n:erstan:s ho@ to)eas&re

    sight lines an: has stan:ar:s !or :oing so. $ee E*hi'it 7 at72

    1. De!en:ants also assert in a concl&sory @ay that)aintaining

    co)%liance @ith F!ire sa!ety seis)ic an: other a%%lica'le

    '&il:ing co:es @o&l: create !&rther co)%lications.As state:

    earlier the ne@ constr&ction %rovisions o! Title IIIre&ire

    strict a:herence to the re&ire)ents o! the $tan:ar:s.$&%ra at

    12+. Only in rare circ&)stances @here entities can:e)onstrate

    that it is str&ct&rally i)%ractica'le to )eet there&ire)ents

    can they !ail to co)%ly @ith %rovisions o! the $tan:ar:s. =/

    #.$.C. 7/7-4a5475 / C.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    @ith :i!!ic&lt or co)%le* '&t @ill 'e !o&n: Fonly inthose rare

    circ&)stances @hen the &ni&e characteristics o!terrain %revent

    the incor%oration o! accessi'ility !eat&res. / C.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    Co)%anion seating is e*actly that 2 seating !or co)%anions

    o! %eo%le @ho &se @heelchairs that allo@s the) lie )e)'erso!

    the general %&'lic @ho :o not &se @heelchairs theo%%ort&nity to

    atten: )ovies s%orts contests concerts an: any other events

    that tae %lace in asse)'ly areas in the co)%any o! !rien:s

    !a)ily colleag&es an: clients an: not 'e segregate: tositting

    alone or in the co)%any o! strangers. Th&s thereg&lation

    re&ires that each @heelchair seating location 'e acco)%anie:'y

    at least one !i*e: co)%anion seat. I:. Altho&ghDe!en:ants

    arg&)ent is not entirely clear it see)s to center on theter)

    Farea an: i)%lies that in those instances @here @heelchair

    seating locations are cl&stere: together only one co)%anionseat

    nee: 'e %rovi:e:. The reg&lation :oes not ho@ever :e!ine

    @heelchair seating area an: it is not a ter) o! art in:icatingan

    area @here )&lti%le @heelchair &sers congregate intheaters or

    other asse)'ly areas. Instea: the reg&lations &se theter)

    F@heelchair seating area interchangea'ly @ith F@heelchair

    location F@heelchair s%ace an: F@heelchair area. / C.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    !i*e: seat 'e %rovi:e: ne*t to each @heelchair seating s%ace.1+

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    )anner that non2:isa'le: %atrons :o 2 )aes clear @here this

    seating sho&l: 'e locate:. (eo%le :o not ty%ically sit in!ront

    o! or 'ehin: a %erson @ith @ho) they atten: a )ovie%er!or)ance

    or s%orts event '&t to the i))e:iate si:e or Fne*t to the)so

    they can co))&nicate share !oo: an: :rins an: in the caseo!

    so)e %eo%le @ith :isa'ilities receive nee:e: assistance@itho&t

    :isr&%ting the event. The %lain )eaning o! Fne*t to an:the

    co))on acce%te: %ractice o! sitting 'esi:e those @ith @ho)yo&

    atten: events in asse)'ly areas )aes it a'&n:antly clearthat

    Fne*t to )eans to the i))e:iate right or le!t.

    5% Defe&'a&$ Fa#l o P"o*e a$ a Mae" of La !aEa(! T!eae"#& T!e Ma"3e2la(e C#&e,a Co&a#&$!e Re8u#$#e Nu,be"of 6!eel(!a#" Sea#&gLo(a#o&$ a&' T!a T!e4 Do No Nee' oP"o*#'e6!eel(!a#" Sea#&g #& Mo"e T!a& O&eLo(a#o&

    As state: earlier =.7.-47654a5 )an:ates the n&)'er o!

    @heelchair seating locations that )&st 'e %rovi:e: inasse)'ly

    areas. / C.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    overall an: as to ho@ )any @heelchair seating locations are

    %rovi:e:., $ince the #nite: $tates has not yet ha: the

    o%%ort&nity to con:&ct :iscovery an: co&nt the seats@e cannot

    a&thoritatively co))ent on the !act&al inconsistency'et@een

    the). Ho@ever t@o signi!icant legal iss&es are raise:.The

    !irst is @hether the @heelchair seating locations %rovi:e: inthe

    "aret%lace Cine)a co)%ly @ith all @heelchair seating

    re&ire)ents o! the $tan:ar:s an: th&s can 'e co&nte:as ADA

    co)%liant @heelchair seating locations an: secon: @hetherthe

    @heelchair seating locations the)selves sho&l: 'eco&nte: @hen

    :eter)ining i! s&!!icient seating ca%acity e*ists tore&ire

    :is%erse: @heelchair seating 4@heelchair seating locations

    %rovi:e: in )ore than one %lace in the theater5.

    While =.7.-47654a5 o! the $tan:ar:s governs the

    calc&lation o! the n&)'er o! @heelchair seatinglocations that

    nee: to 'e %rovi:e: it also )an:ates that accessi'le@heelchair

    locations co)%ly @ith =.--./ =.--.- an: =.--.=. I:. at

    =.7.-47654a5. I! as @e e*%ect to %rove thro&gh :iscoveryso)e

    or all o! these F@heelchair seating locations :o not )eetthe

    ne@ constr&ction re&ire)ents set !orth in therelevant


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    %rovisions o! the $tan:ar:s the non2co)%liant @heelchairseating

    locations sho&l: not 'e co&nte: to :eter)ine @hetherDe!en:ants

    have %rovi:e: a s&!!icient n&)'er o! ADA co)%liant@heelchair

    seats. De!en:ants )ay there!ore !all short o! the)ini)&)

    n&)'er o! @heelchair seating locations re&ire: 'y=.7.-4765

    4a5. Beca&se @e cannot yet :eter)ine @hich @heelchairseating

    locations co)%ly @ith the $tan:ar:s it is %re)at&re !orthe

    Co&rt to r&le on this iss&e.

    De!en:ants arg&)ent that in :eter)ining @hether@heelchair

    seating locations )&st 'e %rovi:e: in )ore than one %ositionin

    each theater only !i*e: seats !or non2:isa'le: %atrons nee:'e

    co&nte: is @itho&t )erit. $ection =.--.- e*%licitlyreects this

    li)itation re&iring :is%erse: @heelchair seating FK@henthe

    seating ca%acity e*cee:s -00. I:. at =.--.- 4e)%hasisa::e:5.

    In calc&lating the seating ca%acity =.--.- :oes not li)itthe

    seats co&nte: to those !i*e: seats %rovi:e: tonon2:isa'le:

    %atrons '&t e*%licitly incl&:es the entire seatingca%acity

    incl&:ing @heelchairs. I:. Contrary to the arg&)ent%&t !orth

    'y De!en:ants @heelchair seating locations are !i*e: an:

    :irectly i)%act the seating ca%acity o! asse)'ly areas. Theyare

    re&ire: 'y the reg&lation to 'e an integral %art o! the!i*e:

    seating %lan an: can 'e &se: 'y non2:isa'le: %atrons @henthey

    are not nee:e: 'y %eo%le @ith :isa'ilities. I:. Th&s inany

    Th&s De!en:ants reliance on the De%art)entsTechnicalAssistance "an&al is )is%lace: 'eca&se heass&)es @heelchairseating locations are not !i*e: seating. Itis also )is%lace:'eca&se De!en:ant )istaenly sites a %ortion o!the TechnicalAssistance "an&al :ealing @ith rea:ily achieva'le'arrierre)oval @hich incor%orate: a :i!!erent stan:ar: !or@heelchairseating than ne@ constr&ction. The a%%ro%riatesection o! theTechnical Assistance "an&al is III2,.170 @hichstates in


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    theater @here the seating ca%acity 4:e!ine: to incl&:e@heelchair

    seating locations5 e*cee:s -00 @heelchair seating locations)&st

    'e %rovi:e: in )ore than one location.

    9% Defe&'a&$ Fa#l o P"o*e a$ a Mae" of La T!a

    !e S#?e a&' Co&f#gu"a#o& of !e 6!eel(!a#"Sea#&gLo(a#o&$ Co,2l4 6#! !e Sa&'a"'$

    $ection =.--.- o! the $tan:ar:s re&ires all @heelchair

    seating locations to 'e con!ig&re: in accor:ance @ith=.--./

    an: to a:oin an accessi'le ro&te. I:. $ection =.--./ re!ersto

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    that each o! the @heelchair s%aces is s&!!iciently :ee%as

    re&ire: 'y =.--./ 4= inches !or rear a%%roach +0 inches!or

    si:e a%%roach5. While a !act&al iss&e see)s to e*istregar:ing

    the @i:th o! the @heelchair seating locations De!en:ants !ailto

    set !orth any evi:ence to contra:ict the allegation that the

    @heelchair seating locations accesse: !ro) a !ront or rear

    a%%roach :o not a:oin an accessi'le ro&te @ith a )ini)&)clear

    @i:th o! -+ inches. $ections =.--.- =.-.-. Beca&se they!ail

    to a:e&ately assert that they have co)%lie: @ith thereg&lation

    :e!en:ants )otion !or s&))ary &:g)ent )&st !ail onthis iss&e.

    B% Defe&'a&$ Fa#l a$ a Mae" of La o P"o*e T!a T!e4A"e NoRe8u#"e' o Ma#&a#& A((e$$#ble Feau"e$ #& !eT!eae"

    The Title III reg&lation s%eci!ically states FA%&'lic

    acco))o:ation shall )aintain in o%era'le @oring con:itionthose

    !eat&res o! !acilities an: e&i%)ent that are re&ire:to 'e

    rea:ily accessi'le to an: &sa'le 'y %ersons @ith:isa'ilities.

    / C.

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer


    $&))ary J&:g)ent sho&l: 'e :enie:.

    Res%ect!&lly s&')itte:BILL LANN LEEActing AssistantAttorney GeneralCivil Rights Division

    JOHN L. WODATCH Chie!RENEE ". WOHLENHA#$ De%&tyChie!Disa'ility Rights $ectionCivil Rights Division

    JEANINE ". WORDENJO$E(H C. R#$$OTrial AttorneysDisa'ility Rights$ection

    Civil Rights $ection#.$. De%art)ent o! J&stice7=/1 Ne@ 8orAven&e N.W.Roo) =0=-(ost O!!ice Bo* ++,-Washington D.C./00-12+,-4/0/5 -0,2///6 4tele%hone54/0/5 -0,2776 4!acsi)ile5

    Date:3 A%ril /0 7666


  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer



    I Jose%h R&sso :eclare3

    I a) over the age o! 7 an: not a %arty to the @ithin

    action. I a) e)%loye: 'y the De%art)ent o! J&stice CivilRights

    Division Disa'ility Rights $ection. "y '&siness a::ress is(.O.

    Bo* ++,- Washington D.C. /00-12+,-.

    On A%ril /0 7666 I serve:




    on each %erson or entity na)e: 'elo@ 'y co))on carrier

  • 8/10/2019 Sanborn Brer



    (age Wellco)e Es.-/7 $ta!!or: Aven&eCar:i!!2'y2the2$eaCali!ornia 6/00,

    Terence J. 9il%atric Es.7,/0 Bancro!t $treet$an Diego CA6/70/

    Gregory H&rley9&ta Roc+/0 Ne@%ort Ctr. DriveNe@%ortBeach CA 6/++0

Sanborn Brer - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.