The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

t-' JJ.1 1 THUHSDAT MORNING, THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. JANUARY 25, 1900. 11 Slailroads Personal McIllIGH BITRKB. On Jannary 24. at 8t.

Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, by Rev. William Kieran. D. Mr WIUJAM J. MtHCGH and Miss ELIZABETH F.

BURKE, both of I'll Had el NEWS OF THE SHIPPING WORLD PORT OF PHILADELPHIA latitude 84,42 north, longitude 59.40 west, at 6.20 P. the stimer was In collision with a submerged object. No part of tbe same was visible. Init the shock could be felt In all parts of the vessel and so heavy was the concussion that tbe crew was In momenta ar ht ih- about to founder, tfhe. however, appears to have sustained no apparent damage.

Captain Van Hugo expresses much surprine nt the unexitected collision, as It occurred In tbe deepest part of the ocean, wbeee 4nere re no wrecks, either wholly or partly submerged, reported. Philadelphia-Bound Steauner Disabled A dispatch from St. Johns, Newfoundland, late yesterday afternoon stated that the British steamer Osborne, from London for Philadelphia, with a large general cargo, put In there with one blade of propeller gone, rivets eta ted and both bows leaking badly. Tbe Philadelphia Trans-Atlantic Une Is the consignee of tbe Osborne, but up to the hour of closing the Maritime Excbansje yesterday they had received no further tidings. The steamer, under command of Captain It trie, from Ixindon on January 7.

The Osborne was due on January 22 and her non-urrlval was the source of much uneaalnetus to her consignees until tbe receipt of yesterday's news; like 2,000.000 pounds. There Is no Improvement in prices, however, which may he quoted as steady, and on most lines nominally utichauged. Sales of the week in Boston amounted to pounds, a'Hinttt 2.1M3.000 pounds tbe provioug week and 3.524,000 pounds the eorresiondtng week ln3t year. Sales since January 1, 13.155,-6i H) iH)iint)s. aKaiimt 13.21U.uOO pounds for the corresponding time last year.

The Philadelphia and Heading's Tort Klchmand freight statlou, since the recently completed Improvements, covering the construction of two large piers and doubling the rapacity of a third, as well as increasing the capacity of the grain elevator, fe said to be the largest and best equipped city station In the world. It covers 140 acres, with a frontage of over one mile on the Delaware river, and contains 76 miles of track, on which from 3,000 to 4.000 cars of coal, merchandise and grain for shipment by water can be bundled rapidlv. The piers have a storage rapacity of 1.200 cars of freight. There are berths for eiplit or ten ocean steamers, with water depth of 27 feet at mean low tide. There is some tHlk alxuit establishing another Jlne of steamers for points In the south to the West Indies.

The Sub-Treasury wua dehtor at the New York Clearing House on Tuesday since last Friday. $4,851,000. The large debtor balances are partly due to the loss of internal revenue receipts, partly to large pension payments and partly to the quarterly payments of the Post Office Department to railroads and other mail carriers. The profits to banks upon deposits of internal revenue collections could not have been large if the banks had gone into the market and bought bondf for security, and In some cases there would have been a loss. It is said that some banks have surrendered their deposits and withdrawn their bouds for sale in the market.

The receipts of the government continue to exceed the expenditures, bnt the passage of the Tunning mu ant the general acceptance or its terms by owners of bonds will take a good deal nf monev out of the Trensnrr. The amount Is roughly estimated at 11 per ceiit. of the value of the bunda refunded. WHOLESALE PRICE 3 Chicago, Jauuary 24. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat, No.

2. Open: High. Low. Close. January May July Corn No.

2. January May July Oats No. 2. January Mar Mess Pork. May July Lard.

64 64 64'4 61 Vt 674 67 67 I tSU 675,1 81 SI 30 SOT, R.iVJ sa 33 83 33 33 33 I2i, 22'4 22'i 22'4 23 23 23j 23 10.X2 10.P2 10.62 10.65 10.S0 10.80 10.70 10.70 Janunry 21. FRANCIS wife of James A. McHugb and daughter of Alary and the Iste Michael Hanson. Funeral Thursday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from ber late real-dence, 4943 Thompson street. West Philadelphia.

MA ASS. On the 22d of January. 100- suddenly. CHARLES, husband of Carolina ilaass. nee Tnst.

aged 69 yars snd 3 months. Funeral on Friday st 12 o'clock noon, from his son-in-law's residence. Mr. J. H.

Marshall, Llanwellyn, Delaware county. Pa. on January 24. 1900. JOHN W.

MATTIX. In his 77th year. The relatives and frtenrts the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, en Sunday afternoon, January 28, ut 2 o'clock, at his late residence. 147 State street, Camden. N.

J. Interment private. MILLER. On January' 21. 1900.

REBECCA C. ENGARD. wife of Jnmes H. Miller. The relatives amd friends are invited to attend the funeral services, at her husband's residence.

No. Hf2H Spring Garden street, on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock preclnrly Further services in Zlon Lutheran Church, White Marsh. Montgomery coanty. at 12 o'clock. MlLLER.On Jannary 22.

MARY daughter of George K. and the late Marion E. Miller. Funeral services on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at tbe residence of her father, 1546 North Sinth strtet. ON AOH A Sodden ly oa January 24, 1900.

ANNIE Infant daughter of Jomes ana Anaie Monaghan. aged 6 months and 17 days. Tire relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to meet the funeral, at St. Joseph's Cemetery. Swedesboro, N.

Friday morning. January 20. 19O0. on January 22. 1900, W.

ELLSWORTH MOORE. In his 39th year. Funeral services this morning at 11 o'clock, at his late residence, at Swarthmore, Delaware county. Pa. O'CALLAGH AN.

On the 23d of January. 1900. MARGARET, widow of Patrick J. O'Callaghan. Funeral on Friday morning at 8.50 o'clock, from her late residence, 2130 North Third atreet.

January 22, 1900, CATHERINE O'CONNOR. Due notlee of tbe funeral will be given, from the residence of her niece, 2514 South Clarion street. Jaouarr 24, 1900. WILLIAM son of the lste Patrick M. and May K.

O'SullIvan, aged 19 years. Due notice will be given. Residence, 1426 South Mole street. i January 23. 1900.

WILLIE, son of John and Maggie M. Ogdeik and grandson of Mary and tbe late Peter G'Brion. aged fl months and 19 days. Funeral this afternoon at 1 o'clock, from his parents' residence. 339 North Eighteenth street.

Wednesdav. January 24. 1000, Mrs. MARY HOOK Kit PERKINS, wife of Samuel C. Perkins, aged rtO years.

Funeral aervlcen at First Presbyterian Church. Seventh street and Washington Square, on Friday afternoon, the 2Hih Instant, st 2 o'clock precisely. Interment private. Please omit flowers. January 21.

SARAH, wife of Robert Ralston and daughter of Eliza and tbe lute David Iaird. aeed 40 years. Funeral on Thursday at 2 o'elock. from the residence of her husband. No.

2041 Man ton street. RODGERS. On the 22d Instant. son of the late Frnncls and Ksrah Rodgcrs. aged 58 years.

Funeral thla morning at 8 o'clock, from St. Joseph's Hospital. SAYLOR On the 23d of Janoarr. 1900. MARY widow of the late Peter Saylor, aged 88 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral services on Friday. 2fUh instant, at 2 o'clock, nt her late residence, No. 1240 Jessup street, formerly Flettwood avenue. Interment at Mt. Peace Cemetery.

January 23, 1900, JEREMIAH SKXTON. Relatives ftnd friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral on Friday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from his late resilience, 416 North Eighteenth Btn-et. Requiem Mass nt tbe Cathedral. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. SMITH.

Of -diphtheria, on the 23d of January, 1900. TILLIE datighter of Susan ami Walter Smith, nged fi years. No, 1954 North Warnock street. No funeral. SMYTH On January 21, 1900.

MARGARET H. SMYTH. Funeral services on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at ber late residence. 204 North Thirteenth atreet. STOl'T.

In Lower Penn's Neck. Salem county, X. January 21, 19iK. MARIETTA daughter of the lute Joseph and Beulah Stout, aged 57 years. The relatives and friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend the fuueral.

on Thursday next, January 25. at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her brother-in-law, James Mitchell, In Lower IVnn's Neck, Salem county, N. J. Services at residence. Interment nt Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Lower Penu's Neck.

SWEENEY. On the 22d Instant. JOHN SWEENEY, formerly of 008 South Front street. Funeml this morning at 7.80 o'rlock. from tbe rest-dence of his son-in-law.

Thomas S. O'Neill. 1217 South Twentieth street. WILLIAMS. On Wednesday, Jannarv 24.

1900 GEORGE, beloved husband of Aunte A. Williams. Due notice of the funeral will be given, from his late residence. 1441 North Tenth street. PEfiJaSYliVAfmi HfllltROflOi TIlatlNS LEAVE BROAD STREET STATION.

DluUuj Car. 1 1 Dally. VWeek-dars. IBsceut Sat. FOR THE WEST.

-SO A. I. dally, Pittsburg. Chicago. Cincinnati.

Iuiisvllle and St. Louis. (Dining Car.) A. n. astir for nttsbnrg tad Chtrmca.

(No eoarhes to I'ltuburg.) Limited to two buffet parlor cars. U.MP.M. dally, "Lnnlted." Chi. Ko, Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, Loulsvllls hnd St. Iuls.

(Dining Car.) 18.2H P.M. dally. Pltrsbure and Cler-land. 4.30 P. 31.

dally. Plttsbnri, Cbh-sgo, Nasbvllla (via Cincinnati and lndluaapults and St. Louis. (Dlniag Car.) 8 50 P. M.

dally. Pittsburg and Chicago; for To-ledo. except Saturdsv. 10.S5 P. Jt.

dally, ritsburg. Cincinnati, Louisville, Akron, Cleveland and St. Louis. I1.U0 P. -VI.

dally. Pittsburg aud Obiisgo; dally lor Kuosvllle. via Shenandoah Valley Route; for Cleveland, except Saturday. lock Huven Express 4.30 A. M.

Magara. Rochester, Buffalo and Kane ExpreBS A. M. Elmlis and Renovo Express J12.25 P. M.

JMllismsport Exjiress f4.80 P. M. Rochester, BufTalo and Erie Express 18.50 P. M. Rochester, Buffalo snd Erie Fxpress.l13.2il P.

Cumberland Valley R. 4.30. 8.40 12.23, 11 Sundays. 4.30 aud DIVISION. For Phoenlxvllle.

Pottstown and Resdlng. B.SO. 8.35, 10.1D A. 1.B0. 4.10.

5.33, 7.33 and 11.83 8.50 8.2S. A 12.32. 0.02, 8.30 P. M. Ptoenlxville only.

T.2T A. 4.40 snd 5.53 P. week-dors For Pottsvllle. 5.50, 8.35. 10 l' A.

1.80. 4.10, P.M- week-days. Sundays, 6.50. 8.28 A. 6.02 M.

rORaEW YORK. Etpress, week-days. 8.20. 4.05. 4 40, 00, B.l, 6.50, 7 33.

8.20, 8.03, 8.50, 10.2I, II. 00. 11.48 A. 12.00 nbon. 12.35 (Umlted 1.00 and '422 P.

1.40. 3 20, 3.50 4.02. 5.00, 8.56. 6.0(1, 7.02. 10.00 P.

12.02 Bisjht. Sundays. 3 20. 4.05. 4.40, 5.00.

5.18, 8 25. 9.50, 10 21 10.48. 11.43 A. 12.a3. 12.35, '2 30, 4.02 (Limited 4.22), 5.20.

5.50, 6.35, 7.02. 8.10, 10.00 P. 12.02 night. for Boston, without change, 11.01 A. M.

Wee. days, and 8.10 P. M. dally. For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Branch, 8.20, 11 10 A.

3.30 and 4.02 V. M. week-days. uiuiuKriviiie, r.aston ana cranton, u.ou, A. 12.00 noon.

3.52, 5.00 (Lambertvllle and Easton only), week-dars. and 7.02 P. dally. ButTalo, 8.06 A. 12.00 noon week-day, and rt.llv tn thk south.

For Baltimore and Washington. 8.50, 7.20, 8.32, 10.20, 11.23. 11.33 A. M2.36. IJ, 3.12, 4.41.

Congressional IJmlted), B.OSs 28, .55. P. M. and 12.20 night, seek-dnys. Sundays.

3.0O. 7.20," 8.12, 11.23, 11.38 A. 1.13, 3 12, 4.41 (Vi a) ConRresslonal Limited). 6.05, 6.55. 7.31 P.

and 12.20 Bight. For Baltimore, accommodation, 8.12 A. 1.52 and 4.01 P. M. week-days.

5.08, 11.16 P. M. daily. Atlantic Coast Line. "Florida Special," 2.62 P.

it. weekdays. Express, 11.33 A. M. and 12.20 night, daily.

Southern Rnllway. "Florida Limited." 8.14 P. M. week-days. Express, 6.05 and 6.55 P.

VI. dally Norfolk and Western Rallwav. For Memphis and New Orleans, 6.05 P. M. dally.

Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. 7.31 P. SI. dally. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10.20 A.

M. week-days. 11.2H M. dally. Leave MARKET STREET WHARF as follows: Express for New York.

8.00 A. 4 30 P. M. week-days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8.80 A.

M. week-days. For Island Heights, 8.30 A. M. and 4.00 P.

M. week-days. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad Street Station, via Delaware River Bridge, Express, 8 40 A. 7.05 P.

M. weekdays. Sundays, 8.20 A. 7.05 P. M.

Leave Market Street Wharf. Express. O.OO A. M. 2.00.

4.00. 5.00 P. M. week-days. Sundays.

0.00 and 10.00 A. 4.30 and 5.00 P. M. FOR CAPE MAY, SEA ISLE CITY, OCEAX CITY. Avalon.

Stane Harbor, Anglesea, Wlldwood and Hollv Beach-Expreas, OO A. M. end 4.00 P. M. week-days.

Sundays. 9.00 A. M. For Somers' Point Express, 8.00 A. 2.00.

4.00. 5. 00 P. M. week-days.

Sundays, 8.00 and 10.00 A. M. The I'nlon Transfer Company will rail for and check baggage from hotels and residences. J. It.

Hl'TCHINSON, .1. R. WOOD, General Manager. General Passenger Agent. PHmADELPHIflREflDil.5 RAILWAY Anthracite Coal, lio Smoke.

No Cl. dera. Trulna Leave Heading Ter. mlnal, l'bllndelpbla. FOR NEW YORK.

5.40, 7 30 (two-hour train). 8.30 (two-hour train), 830, 10.30. 11.13 A. 12.45 (dining car). 1.30, 3.10, 4.00.

4.40. 5.00, 5.51, 6.00, 8.13 Mining car) P. 12.05 night. Sundays. 8.30, 9.80, 10.30 A.

12.13 (dining car). 1.30. 3.10, 4.40, 5.43, 8.20 (dining car) P. 12.05 night. Leave 24th and Chestnut streets.

25, 8. 39, 10.20, 11.31 A. 12 57 Mining carl. 4.40, 6.68 8.24 (dining car), 11.58 P. M.

Sundays 8.25, -6 10.20 A. 12.16, S.13, 4.40, 5.5, 8.21. 11.58 P. M. In addition to Liberty Street Terminal, all New York trains, except the 12.05 midnight, now connect at Jersey City for new Termlual.

foot of Whitehall Street (Sonth Ferry), Parlor cars on all day express trains and sleeping cars on night trains to and from New York. FOR IIKTI1LK11EM. EASTON AND POlNTff IN LEHIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS. 6 15, 8 00, 9.00 A. 12.30.

2.00. 3.00. 4.80. 5 30, 6 50 8 45 P. M.

Sundays 6.15. 8.00 A. I 82 4 00 6 50. 8.45 P. M.

(8.00 A. M-. 2.00 P. M. week days, snd 8.45 P.

M. dally, do Dot connect for Easton). For BETHLEHEM only, week-days. 11.00 A. II 02 P.

Bnffalo, Mast nra Falla and Chloaaro. 9 00 A. 12.30 (Black Diamond Express). 6.50, 8 45 P. M.

A. 6.50, 8 45 P. M. Tlie 6.50 P. M.

dally does not connect fof Buffalo. For SohuiIUIll Vallev Point. For Perklnmcn R. twlnts. week-days.

4 SO. 8 lig A M. 1 3, 5.21 P. M. A.

2' Fdr Phoenlxvllle and Tottstown Express, 8.36. 10 21 A M. 12.45 4 06 11.86 P. M. Ae-rom 4.30 7.21, 11.08 A.

1.38. 4.21. 4. 36, 6 06 7 21 P. M.

Sunday Express. 4.00, 9.06 A. 4 06 8.36. 11.36 P. M.

7.08, 10.38 A. M-. 161. 6 21 M. For Beading-Express.

8.36. 10.21 A. 12.45, 4 0(1 6 80 11.86 P. M. 4.80, 7.21 A.

1 .16. 4 36 6.06, 7.21 P. M. Sundays-Express. Art xt a oft fi sft P.

M. l.Mt M. For Lebanon aud Ha rrlsburg Express. 8 .18, 10.21 AM 4 0 6.30 P. M.

4.80 A. 7 21 M. Sundays-Express. 4.00 A. 4.08, 9.86 M.

7 06 A. M. For Gettysburg-Week-days. 8 86 10.21 A. M.

For lottsvtlle-Kxpress. 8 36. 10 21 A. M. 4..06.

6 .16, 11 S6 P. M. 4 30. 7.21 A. r.

I 30 T. M. Sundays-Express .4.00 V.O A. 4 00. 11.36 P.

M. 7.06 A. 6 21 For Sha'mn'kln and Wllllamsrort-Express 8.36, 10 "1 A 4 l. 11 36 P. M.

4.80 A. M. Snndajs-Exprcss. 4 00. 9.06 A.

4.06, II 36 Additional for Shamokln Express, week-days. 0 38 P.M. Accom. 136 P. M.

For Danville and Bloomsbarg eek-daya, 10.21 IwkUHaven. Clearfield snd Bellefonte-Expres. (Sleenerl dsllv. evcept Satnnlav. 11.36 P.

M. im Leave Chestnut Street anil Sonth Street Wharves: Week-dlvs-Express. A. 00. 4 00.

5 00. 7 15 8 00 A. 5.30 P. M. Sun- days-Exp'resa, 11.00.

10.00 A. 8.00 A. 4.45 P. M. rarlorcara on all Tr'f'trnjrtn FOR CAPF.

MAY. OCF.A CITY AND SEA ISLK CITY. Week-dava-9 00 A. 4.10 P. M.

Sundnys- 8.15-Soth 910 A M. Ad- dltlonal for Cape May only, Det'aileil time tables ticket offices. 11th and I Chestnut 834 Cf estnnt nun i St." 0(l South 3d 3062 Market St. and at Sta- tlons. -i Tr.nfer will call for sod cuec baggagefrotn SOUTHERN RAILWAY.

FAST MAIL LIKE SOUTH. 3tl4ri Mi LIMITED Pullman Drawing Dally exrepl Room, Compartment Sleeptug kantlay. care. Library, Observation and Dining Cars. New York to St.

Augustine. Pull-msn llrswh.g Room Sleeplug Vw York to Aiken Augusts snil Port Tampa. Steaimuip SiU3 IH. man Drawing Room Sleeping Ually. Cars.

New York to Columbia. Savannah, Jacksonville and Augusta. Dlulug Car Cn'c WASHINGTON CI1ATTA- DiUi) Ps M. NOOUA LIMITED. VIA Unlly.

LYNCHBI Itii AND IIRlSToL. Pnllman Drawing Room Sleeping Cats, New York to Roanoke. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga, New Orleaua and Memphis. Dining Car Service WASHINGTON SoCTn- OiOU r.

WKSTKKN LIMITICD-Pull Dally. man Drawing Room Sleeplug Cars New York to Atlanta. New Orleans, Im-I-mlngbam. Memphis. Ashwllle.

Knoxvllle. Chattanooga ami Nashville. Ulnlng Car Service. Tourist sleeping ar. Washington to San Francisco, Wednesdays ami Fridays.

Tuesdaya and Saturdavs. Sunset Limited connection. 7nn 1 FAST MAll-ltillman Buffet tSU Hi In. Sleeping Cars, New York to alallr. attnnta New Orleans.

Ssvnn- nah. Jacksonville and Miami, Fla. Steamship connections for Nassan, Key weal and Havana. Dlulug Car Service. sol IIIEIIN RWY.

OFFICE, 828 CIIESTNI'T St. Anil all Pennsylvania II. Ticket Offices. Tjrusses Rupture Cured Zv" Stockings Crutches and Su.pcnwrles. PMIiolrlphls Truss 10 Ixxtist Bt.

iPrintm 7 1 WA Bill llesds or Envelope, jjj ttf net our figures on your 4 I t()V printing I. FINK SDN. Prime's. Mi ft 4th St. 'JJetoctiot Jtvenc-et ETWT1V1C SERVICE Dl VORCE WORK A spsclslty; bus.

cuuBd. P. U. Bui 'A. I'hlla.

AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH COMPANY Open Dsv and Night. Eneoutlw OWm. 1031 Chestnut Street Cnlrk an. Teletfrapb vlre. in nnertlAa with Trlr-graph lablr I'rolrrllTC Wnlrh.

Clock nn4 Bnriar Alarm M.vlem for Ftu 'ctipw. BuKintM BslabttKhmeats and Privaifi Iwellinss. Call Boxes lor Mrfueuger, Fire, Police atMlmptf Service. Kjieciai Polloe nail Detect ve Hc-rrK-e. TVlrirram.

fa Bl paint ia ihe Citlfivtf tat or Earopa. riri HllO-he Phli.V Moit Cilebratld life. gtTffl fall name: bnitlnem of eyeir unites seacbangra luck. Ladle. 50c 6S2 N.

JVA U. WXMXfl, BKADKR. IS IX THE 'lty. Her work in of tue highest merit, and ber tjunor is Irresistible, II EADQrARTKRS POK RUBBER k. uim i aons ft 720 Chest.

107 S. 13. MISS ALLEN. 1707 Chestnut Street. fl.

DeHARIvr tl PENNYROYAL TILLS. Sold liy dmlst. Office. 209 N. NINTH St.

Zfteat Cstata foe Sal GERMANTOWN MPOH AT. PROPERTY 42 PENN Germantoa-n Handsome Stone House and Stnuie; snnde and frutt trees in lot terms reasonable. Apply to WENDELL P. BOWMAN. H07 CHESTXL'T ST.

COUSTItT MPOR LESS THAN A VI ILK NORTH of Ktrafford Station, main line P. R. 66 aoru. well timbered. muzninVent view of Chester Valley: a superb site for a pentlemsn's country aeat.

Samuel M. Leels. 731 Walnut Street. FARMS (BFOR RENT-151-ACRE FARM. ABOVE Jl Chestnut Hill; rich, arable land; well fenced, aood house, lnrne barn, nil necessary outbulMlnRs: unusual opimrtunlty for practical farmer.

.1. RftWAKn IJ'TZ, N. 17th street. fteal Cstate for fteni WEST PHILADELPHIA HESTONVILLE REAL ESTATE 4S23 LANCASTER AVENl'B. Apartments LORRAINE Broad St.

and Falrmount Phlla. Apartment. Family and Transient Hotel. THE ONLY FIREpRooF HOTEL IN THK CITY. Kb basem*nt fettchen or Are In main building, except on 10th floor, where culinary department Is lomted.

Boilers, engines, In annex. Inducements offered fnmlllea wanting unfurnished apartments toy tbe year. Furnished auartmeoU toy tbe menth or tranntently. 3SO. J.



Manager. Winter Resorts ATLANTIC CITY Katherane ricCune Announces that the EASTBOURNE will open February nnohetmcted ocean view. ffioardiny HESTNTT 1 029 SEVERAL DESIRABLE vacancies: also table boarrl. jCoans and 97fortgagos BENJ. F.



Loans to auv amount on llrat and secood mortgage, payable In Installments. If desired, on real estate of ever; description In Philadelphia and suburbs. -Publisher of Teller's Heal Estate Register. FREE AT ALL HRUO STOKES. Schools and Colleges JECTt'RES AND LESSONS FOR WOMEN'S CLUBS TRAINING IN Pl'BLIC SPEAKING, By Miss LF.LIA E.

PATUIDGE. Lecturer snd Instructor. Prlrate lessons lu Extempore Speech. Classes In Dlscussiou and "Coach lug" for all kinds of club work. Also training to Memory and Concentration.

Studio THE BARTRAM. Thirty-third and Cbenrnut Strt-etsi Monday and Thursday Afternoons and Saturday Morulugs. Address all correspondence to P. O. Box 2064.

TbiUdelphla. 1ENNINGTON SEMINARY. THOROUGH education good home and nobility of character our constant aim. Address Thomas O'llnnlou. I.

Pcnrrington. N. J. Wants (1 OOD GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTH1NO AND shoes bought: hlnhest prices paid, norlaud Oirard Aveuue, Call, send pstal or phone 8-2S-43 LADIES' AND OENTS' CAST-OFF CI.OTH-1ns:. Hats, Shoes and Carets bought.

Highest price paid. Send postnl. WEINSTBIN, 320 XorIhTHIRTEEXTH. TADIES' FINE STREET AND EVENING i dreaea hntieht. Address Mrs.

SctMtiisp. uvl South Street. ANTED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. oa ts (epilre hoq). JBcobaiB, 1329 Itldie.

IOHEST PRICE PAIR FOR CAST-OFF Clothins. Cooper 824 Avenue. II Storage ENTn AL STORAGE IIOrBR, S2I-323-325 North EIGHTH Street (above Vino. Low rates. Estimates free.

New alx-story building. l.tmO private rooms. tftO.000 PdR LOANS. GOODS INHERED. Carpet Cleaning 1.1 NTETvPRISE CARPET CLEANING WORKS, N.

I'lST Street. Hnullng free. Proposals I)PR1 the Co BLIC Bt'lLDINGS. PENN SQUARE SEAL- will be recplvr-d it the oiTlce of tomuiljtsioners for the Erection of the Public ItulldhiK. Room No.

45 t. In tbe Public Buibitiigs. until VI o'clock noon, of T1ESDAY. February 0 1(hn. for bsrd bricks, preened bil ks.

enatnebt. a nd Art brick, hot low bricks, hollow pa rt 1 1 Ion blocks and (lorr arches, cement, reudy-mlxed iuor. tar, snnd and gravel. Macklte blocks, repairs to aepbalt. HKifs.

floors, lu miter, paints, hrusbea, cnnl. hauling ashes and rubbish, steam fitting supplies, ha rd ware and esrpeuters' supplies, elei'trtc supplies, tiling, tioller. ettgiues snd dynamtts. stonework, brouzework. Ironwork, carpenter and mlliwork.

etc piastrrltig. combination gss and electric flit ores aud etipper work. Kull particulars as to form and every dHall and requirement of the with the necpsHnry blanks and envelopes, mar be had on application at the architect's office. Room 4R3, fourth floor, south side. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids.

By order nf the t'onunlsntoners, SAMI'KL C. PKItKIX. Attest. WILLIAM B. LAND.

President. Sv'cretary. jCcffal 7otices INSTATE OF ALLEN B. RORKE. DECEASED.

letters testamentary on the abnre Estate having beea granted to tbe underalgued. all persons Indebted to the asld Estate are requested to tuuke payment and those having claims to present tbe same, without delsv, ta El.l.AHETII ANN KORKE. FRANKLIN M. KOIIKB. ALLEN B.

ItnltKE. or to their attorney, Samuel Peltz, 810 Harris Building. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. FOR THE UST. Station, Chestnut anil 24th Streets.

Chicago, 7 30 A. 4 20 P. M. dally. Cincinnati.

St. Ixitlls snd Indianapolis. 7. 30 A.M.. 12 20 36 I'.

II. riallv. I'll ul. in g. 7 A.

II 4 20 anil 8 35 P. M. dally. Toledo and IVtrolt, 8.33 dalle. Clevelsi1 4 "0 I'.

ib.llf ROYAL HI.I LINE FOR RLTIMORal AND WASHINGTON. Week-days. 8 M.VI A. 12 20 1 37 "li," 8.07. 4.2" 5 07 "II.

7.30 ft 35 "VA P. M. Sundays, 8.85. T.nO A. 12.20 1," 1.37 "1." 4 2" 5.07 7.30 8.H5 P.

N. Trains carry II. and O. Dining Cars. "It" "Itoyal Limited.

Most superb daylight train In the' world. Dining Car. Pullman Parlor and observation Smoking Cars. No extra far other than regular Pullman charge. IJtntted." Pallmnn State-room Sleeping Cars.

Dining Cars. First-class fare, Philadelphia to Pittsburg, this trulu only. For other trains to Chester sod Wilmington, secure lime isbles from Ticket Agents, offices: KM Chestnut 13th and chestnut liaux Chestnut 8902 Msrkel Is 9 Hd 1209 N. 2d St. snd Ststlou 24th and Chestnut St.

Railroads I i I DIED. Acfeley. A una N. 40. Adnlr, Sumo.

Adams, Mabel C. Ahnsr-Carolhm. tM Barnes, Mai-guret M. Bogan, Mary. -Bruedbent.

Mrtry. Brofzan, A. Buvkfiott, Martha H. CJiattertnn, Benlab, 80. Clark, Jane, 97.

ClHyton, K. 46. Olemo. Mary. Clifford, EliKabeth.

Darlington, Rachel P. Ponchcrfy. Charles. Edwards. Mary.

Flnley, Richard. PleUier, 6.1. Fltipntrick, Mary J. Gahiio, Jhn S. 28.

Gllhaney. Brlitget. Gordon, Elizabeth; rtrar. Charles L. 61.

Hanrothy, Thomas. Haikim, Inaac. HoETord, Aaron, 80. HfUisey: George, Hudson. Wm.

H. Kane, James J. Klrhy, James I. Kelly. Helm Lark in, Mary K.

Lwlefm. Thomas F. McAlevy, Delia. McHuffh, Francis. Mcltevitt.

John. Maas. Charles, U9. Mattlx, John W. Miller, Rebecca C.

Mil4er. Mary S. Monaghnn, Anna K. Moore, Kllsworlb. S.

O'Caliaghan, Mnrparct. Con no a ber 1 ne. O'SullIvan. Win. Qpdeu.

WUIle-lerklns, Mrs. RalstoB, Saruh, 40. Rodcers, John 3. Saj'lor, Mary. Sexton, Jeremiah.

Smith, Tlllle B. Smyrh, Margnret H. Stoutt. Marietta h. Williams, George.

Januwry. 22. ANSA wife of C. Frank Ackley. aged 40 yt-ars.

Funeral to-day at 1 o'clock, from her husband's residence, 1726 street. ADAIR. On Jannary 22. fWSAN. daughter of Margaret and the late James Adair.

Funeral this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late residence. 1503 South Eighteenth street. ADAMS. At Ashevme. N.

on Jamiary 21, 1900, MABEL CHATAM ADAMS, daughter of the late Colonel C. Ross Smith, and wife of Harry Clifton Adams, Mslvern. on January 22. CAROLINE, widow of the late John Aklns. J.

In the 64th year of ber age. Funeral from the residence of Dr, Charles Roberts. In Malvern, to-day. BARNES. On the 21M instant.

MARGARET widow of tbe late Daniel H. Barnes, aged 70 years. Fuueral services on Friday at 2 o'clock, at the ewldenoe of her grandson, Charles A. Carey, 2727 Diamond street. the 21st instant, MARY, wife of the late John Bogsn.

on Thursday morning, 8. SO o'clock, from her In te resi-deoce, lasti Federal street. High mass at St. Charles Bormmeo's Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

BROADBENT. On the- 23d of January, 1900, MARY, wife of the late- Henry Broadbent. The relatives nn4 friends of tbe family, also Lily of the Valley Circle, No. 3. 1.

O. of V. and other societies of which she was a member Are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral on Sunday, at 8 o'clock, from her late residence, 156 West Tioga street. BBOGAN. On January 2S, 1900.

SARAH wife of the late Edward J. Brogun. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday morning' at 8 o'clock, from ber late residence, 91A Soutb Twenty -first street. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Charles' Church.

Interment at St. Denis' Cemetery, Cobbs' Creek. Bt'CKSON. At Philadelphia, on Jannary 23. 1900.

MARTHA daughter of the late J. M. and Elizabeth C. Buckson. Interment at Vlue-land, N.

J. CHATTERTON. On January 23. at the residence of Rev. Ravi.

Smith, 47 Green lane, Roxborough. BKMAH CHATTERTON. in his 80th year. Due notice of the funeral wilt be given. CLARK.On the 22d Instant, JANE, widow of the late Thomas Clark, in the 7tb year of her nge.

Funeral service on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at ber lute residence, 4121 I'euus-grove street. CLAYTON. On the 22d Instant. KMMARETTA wife of Jonnthnn Clayton, aged 40 years. Funeral from her lnte residence, near Hulroe-ville, this morning at 10.30 o'clock.

CLEMO -On-January 21, 1900. MARY (MAY. P. CLEMO. daughter of J.

C. and Ktntly Clemo. aged 8 years and 6 months. Funeral aervlces this afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her parents, 2518 Brown street. CLIFFORD.

On January 23. 1900. ELIZABETH, widow of John (ilfford. aged 42 years. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, Friday morning nt 7.30 o'clock, from the residence of John J.

O'Rourke, southwest corner of Tenth and Tanker streets. Mass at the Church of the Annunciation at 9 o'clock precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. DARLINGTON. -On January 22.

In New York city, RACHEL widow of J. Lacey Dnrllng-ton. In her KM year. Interment to-day at 3 I. from the chapel at Cakland Cemetery, near West Chester, I'a.

DOUGHERTY. On January 22. CHARLES, son of tbe late William and Isabella Dougherty. Funeral on Friday morning at 8 o'clock, from his late residence. 2824 Pelts street.

EDWARDS. On the 22d Instant, MARY, the widow of the late John Edwards. The relntlves and friends of the famllv are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funera'l, on Friday morning, at 8.3o o'clock, from ber late residence. 1512 North Twentieth street. Solemn High Mass at St.

Elizabeth Church, 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. January 22. RICHARD FIN LEY. son of Richard and the late Margaret J.

Flnley. Funeral this afternoon at 2 30 o'clock, from bis late residence, 2240 Carpenter street. FISCHER On tbe 22d Instant. CATHRINE. widow of tbe late Christian Fischer, aged 65 years.

Funeral services this afternoon at 2 clock, at her son's residence, 210 East Dauphin street. FITZPATRICK. On January 23, 1900, MARY wife of tbe late Philip F. Fiupatrick and daughter of Bridget and the late James Martin, aged 31 years. The relatives and friends of the family ire Invited to attend tbe fuueral, on Friday morning at 8.80 o'clock, rrora tbe residence of her mother, 1242 South Thirty-third street.

Requiem Mass at St. Gabriel's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. the 22d Instant. JOHN 8..

son of William and Kate Gaban. aged 2H years. Flint 1 services at bis parents residence 9J0 Percy street, to-day at 2 P. M. OILHANEY.

On the 23d lnarant, BRIDGET, wife of Michael Gllhauev. Funeral on Friday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from ber late real deuce, 281ft Nftudaln street. GORDON. -At Ardmore, on January 23. ELIZABETH MARGARET GORDON, In her 71at year Due notice of tbe funeral will be glren.

GRAF -On the 22d Instsnt. CHARLES L. GRAF. In his Mst year. Fnaeral services on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at bis late residence, 4813 Baltimore avenue.

HAN RATTY. On January 24. 1900, THOMAS, aoh of the late Thomas and Ann Hanratty, aged 28 years. The funeral will take place on Raturdny morning at 8.30 o'clock, from his lnte residence. 2014 Falrmount avenue.

Solemn High Maas of Requiem at St. Francis Church at 10 o'clock precisely. Relatives and frlemls of the family ore respectfully Invited to attend. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. HARRISON.

On January 23, 1900, MARY wife of Francis Harrison and daughter of the lute William aixl Eliuiheth Creemnn. The relatives and friends of the famllv are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral, Saturday morning it h.flO o'clock, from the residence of ber broiher-in-Inw, Reuben Grubb, 2M37 North Swansea stieet. Front and Homer-set streets. Requiem Mass at tbe Church of Our Lady of the Visitation. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery.

HASLAM. On January 22. ISAAC HA SLA M. In his Jilst year. Funeral services to-day nt 2 o'clock, nt his late residence, 1958 North War-nock street.

noFFORD. On January 21, AARON IIOFFORD. In his 80th year. Funeral on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, from bis loto residence, 71U1 Ridge avenue, Koxhorough. the 22d Inatnnt, GEORGE, son of the lnte Jefferson and Sarah B.

Houae. Funeral services on Thursday afternoon nt 1 o'clock, at bia lnte residence. No. Iiw Apuley street, Germantown. Ioteiiuent strictly private.

January 22. Captain WILLIAM H. llt'IMON. aged 78 years. Funeral services on Thursday aftermnn, at 1 o'clock, at his late residence, 1044 North Twenty-fourth street.

KANE -On January 23. CATHARINE, daughter of the late James and Mary Kane; The relatives and friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral, on Friday morning from the residence of her brother-lii-lDW, James Kane. 1822 Indley street, below Mtrfllu street. Maas nt St. Patricks Church at 8.80 o'clock precisely.

Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. KANE. On the 23d Instant, JAMES aon of John and Mary Kane. Due notice of the funeral will lie given, from bis late residence, 2MB Pine street. Klnp.Y.-On Jsnuiry 24, 1000.

JAMES son of James H. and Angelina Kirby, aged 29 years. Due notice will he given, from bis late residence, od Jackson street. TELLY. On the 22d instant.

HELEN daugh-ter of John aqd Mary Kelly, aged 21 years. The relatives and friends of tbe family, also Sodality B. V. M. and Km red Heart Society, are respectfully Invited to attend tbe fuueral, on Friday morning nt 7.80 o'clock, from her residence, 120 street, German-town.

Solemn Reuulem Mass at St. Vincent's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. LARKlN. On Jaduary 21.

1000, MARY ELLEN, widow of John Lark in, aged UO yesrs. Tb relatives and friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, en Thursday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from the residence of her eon. Patrick Lark In. 10M Nona Seventh street. High Mass at St.

Matacbl's Church. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. Schuylkill county Sapers please copy. LAWLESS. THOMAS died In Mexico, January 21, BH, son of Bridget B.

and tbe lata Duvld Lawloss. Due notice. I McALEVY -On the 24th Instant, DELIA, be-loved wife of Bernard McAlevy and daunhter of Michael and tbe lute Mary Gllvey. in ber 30th yeftr. The relatives snd friends of tbe family also tbe Rlesaed Virgin Sodality snd Sisterly Love Circle, No.

2H0. F. of are respectfully In vlted to attend the. funeral, on Saturday ut 8.3') o'clock, from her late residence, 428 Richmond High Maaa at the Imuiaculnte Conception Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

Pottsvllle papers pleaae copy. January 22, JOHN McDKVITT, aged 47 years. Tb relatives and friends of the fnmtly, also the cmiilnyes of the I'ennaylvania Railroad Company, ate respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning at 8.30 o'clock, 1 from bis late real deuce, 3719 Warren afreet. 1 Solemn Rentilcm Mass at St. James' Cburcb.

i Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. I Thursday, January 85. Sun 7.15 A.M. I Sun ti 5.13 P.M. High waters 8.32 A.M.

High water. 8.48 P.M. Low 2.59 A.M. I Low 3. It) P.M.

Arrived January $4. Steamer Ellen RtoJ-imera, German, Dewers, Bremen, sugar, B. Humburg Jr. Co. Steamer Pennland; Belgian, Nielsen, Liverpool via gueenstown, passengers and merchandise, International Navigation Company.

Steamer Anthony Groves, Fowler, Baltimore, merchandise. F. 8. Groves. Schooner Rebecca M.

Smith, Grace, Bridgeport, ballast. 1'ettil Co. Tug Lykens, Taylor, Boston, towing barges Phoenix, Eagle Mill and Tbomaston, O. 11. Ha-gennan.

Cleared January S4. Steamer Admiral Sampson. Hopkins. Port Antonio. United Fruit Company.

Steamer Oorean, British, Stewart, St. Johns and Glasgow. H. A. Allan.

Steamer King GrulTydd. British, Hebroo, Havana. J. B. Hnmel, a Co.

Steamer Indian, Nlckerton, Boston, George C. Erkhardt. Steamer Saxon. Sherman, Providence and Fall Elver, George C. Erkhardt.

Stenmer Benefactor, O'Neill. Richmond, W. P. Clyde Co. Steamer Goldsboro, French, New York, W.

P. Clyde 4 Co. Steamer Defiance, Ford, Norfolk, W. P. Clyde Co.

Steamer Anthony Groves, Fowler, Baltimore, F. S. Groves. Bnrk La Vtguesa, Siwnlah, Gantes, Wilmington, Louis H. Meyer.

Schooner Charles K. Rchull, Clark, New Orleans, C. T. Megee Co. Schooner O.

J. Wlllard, York, Jacksonville, C. T. Megee Co. Schooners Kes6h? C.

Beach, McKeague, Jacksonville. Haldt ft Cummins. Tug Lykens. Tavlor, towing barges Pine Forest for New Bedford. Schuylkill and Glendower for -Boston.

O. H. Uagerman. Delaware Bay and River 3few, Philadelphia, January 84. Arrived Schooner Edith Melntyte.

Sawyer. Ponce, P. cocoa-nut. -Charles T. Megee Co.

Breakwater, January 24. Passed up Steamers Bremerhaven, Pntcn, Antwerp for Philadelphia, at 1.23 P. Hindustan, British, Baltimore for Philadelphia, at 5 P. M. i Arrived United States cutter Greshnm; steam-ens Henry L.

Gnw, Baltimore for New York; F. W. Brune, Baltimore for New York: schooners Lucy A. Davis. Philadelphia for Christlanstadt i Harry W.

Haynes, Philadelphia for San Juan, i P. K. Thomas L. James, Savannah for New I York, in tow tug Alex. Jones; Charles H.

Wol- ston, Fernamllna for New York! F. C. Pendleton, Dnrlcn for New York; tug Nathan Hale, towlug barge Sailed Schooners Charles C. Lister. Austin P.

Knight, Joel Cook, Nellie W. Craig, George B. Dudley, Rebecca It. Douglass, Eslelle l'hlnney. Passed out Steamer Ralshy, British, Philadelphia for Aarhuus.

Awaiting orders Ship Jeannette Francotse, Dutch, from Wind Northeast, 5 miles, clear; barometer, 30.16 (at 5 P. M.l Cftle May, January 24. Passed up Tug International, towing barges Alburtis, Preston and Ashland, at 1.50 P. M. Reedy Island.

January 24. Passed up Tug Alex. Jones, from Breakwater. Passed down Steamers Teutonla, Putch. for Rotterdam via Boston Saxon, for Providence; (ioltlstioro.

for New York; Bfuefactor, for Richmond, bark Paul Itlckmers. German, for Hlogo; schooners Charles K. fSrhull. for New Orleans; John G. Schmidt, for Suvannaa; Lykens.

towing three barges. Marcus Hook. January 24. Passed up Lighthouse tender Zizauln. Passed down Schooner Charles J.

WIHard, for Jacksonville. Breakwater. January 22. Arrived Schooners L. Godfrey, Iuritan, Abble II.

Ghecti. Addle Mc-Fadilen, Helen Hnsbronck, Fannie Tracy. Sailed, January 22. Schooners Charles J. Strung, Thomas Humphreys, Ella R.

Simpson. PORT OF NEW YORK Arrived January 84. Kaiser Wtlbclm Genoa; Cuiityba, fiara-COft. FiDinc. Colon; Triuidad, Bermuda.

Cleared January $4. La Bretagne, Harre; Advance, Colon; Gera, Bremen; VtgUancla, Harana and Mexican ports; Antilla, Nassau, X. Aupuste Victoria, Genoa, Athens. Alexandria; Itliaka. Tampio; San Juan, Snn Juan, Pnur Arroyo, Cevic, Liverpool; Marcu, Savannah.

Failed January 24. Fernfleld, Melbourne, King Bleddvft, Baltimore; it tori Baltimore; Brit lob Empire, Antwerp; Hogurtb. MAncbeeter; 11a, Newport News; Winifred, Hamburg: Advance, Colon; Laureldene, Cape Town, VlgllaucM. Havana, tian Juan, Ban Juan, Antilla, Nassau. Steamer to Arrive at New York.

DUE JAM Aft 25. Manltou OllKTB London St. Lucia DUE JANUARY 28. 18 Polatla Itheln Tartar Prince Orizaba Hamburg Bremen Oibmltur 14 Jan. l.t 12 22 FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS The market for sail tonnage retains a generally steady npiearance.

There Is a fair Inquiry for West India and South American trades, but tonnage of a suitable character Is scarce; therefore previous rates are sustained. Large vessels are wanted for long voyage trades, bot the offerings are light, owners seeking to obtain some Improvement over recent figures. Coastwise lumber tonnage Is In limited demand and. thourh the supply of vowels has Increased somewhat of late. owners are not disused to urge the market, cou- of b(1er condition of affairs later on.

freights to the Kant continue quiet, though are 8tPRlly. Stfamer tonnaSe for grain la In better reU(Ht, and, with boats avall- able, rates have a struiiRor ten-enoy. To Cork. for onlers. as.

4H1. Is January-February. ,0 llkwl ports. Cnlted Kingdom and Contl- of jtraln. Philadelphia to fork, for ordirs, 8s.

iirompt. Steamer Daphnp. Noriul-i. l.llW tons. West India tlmp churter, ubovit iUTS, toen months.

tim1 "'r. bou tw.lvo or elgli (told.n 8h.f, 400 tons coal, Phlladcl-; plila to Chrlatlanstad. li. w. f.i.

seaooner i-xlward J. llerwlnd. 1,800 tons coal, Philadelphia to JSavsnnali. prirata terms, and back with Inmher. private trmis fehonner Mollle Rhodes.

400 to'na coal, Philadelphia to lioston, $2. Steamer Port Darwin, Rrltlsh, 14.000 quarter! of grain. Baltimore to Di'ttuiurk, 3. 3d. and 3a.

Jsnnary-Kelinisry. Ship Eliislnnd. British, nitrate of sods. Iqnique to north of Hsttera. 22s.

promt loadtnir. Hehoooer Alice M. Colhurn, coal, llaltioaore to Boston, t'i. PORT PARAGRAPHS Schooner Adventurous Voyage. A rather annsusl charter teas posted In maritime, circles yesterday, that of the schooner Golden Hbenf.

which bss contracted to carry a carjro of coal from Philadelphia to Chrlstfatwttid, at $3 per ton. Cbrlstlanstad, more frequently called Ilasstn, Is a town of the West Indict, capital of the Pun tub Inland of ftnnta Crux, on the northerns coast. There Is no record of a tpssel ever before haTlnff loaded coal at Philadelphia for that port. It will be an adventunma voyage, as the Golden Rbeaf a diminutive craft and scarcely fitted to cope with the peril of the tropics during the hurricane Reason. Captain Chandler, how- ever, expressed confidence that the schooner would arrive In safety.

Arrival of tho Pennland. Tbe Betolan steamer Pennland, Captain Mel-sen, arrived at her pier. Washington avenue, yesterday from Liverpool, wbeuet sailed on January 10. She put In at Qiieenstown the following day. Capralo Niels rri ta a stormy voy.

Hp. with head wlndr and heavy The Pennland brought an unii-nnUjr heavy general cargo and had a large paseengrr list. German Stcnmer'a Hough Trip. The big Gennan ateamer Ellen Rlckmera, which arrived from Bremen yesterday, under command of Captain Jscot.

with a cargo of beet sugar, ex-j perlenced very stormy weather on ber voyage. The Kirk mors sailed on January 8. She en-J countered furious galea went of the 41 went longl-1 tude. with Ihe acompanlment of rnountaln.iua waves und heavy following sens. For the first two dtiya the wlud whs from the due western narter.

whence It sblftHl to north-northeast. -espte the unfavorable weather conditions, how-j ever, tbe Hlckruers made flue run. Sixteen daya is rattier a remarkable vnroge for a tramp ateamer. No dami'ge is reported by Captain Jacobs. Dnyonne 8tmiclc Submertrcd Ohject.

The German steamer Ilayonne, nnder command of Captain Van Hugo, which arrived from Venice yeaerday in ball nut, reports a curious Incident wbk-h occurred on her voyage, On January mt In NOTES OF THE SHIPPING Tbe British steamer lan too, from Hamburg. January for New York, entered Halifax harbor yesterday. A Ixmdon special yesterday said that the new "British steamer Bruno, from Punderland for Orleans, in ballast, was lying oft Grimsby disabled. The British hark Inversard. from San Fran-clsi-o for Qiieenstown.

has put Into Valparaiso with cargo shifted, bulwarks stove and deck damaged. The Austrian steamer Arioato. before reported atraoded at Ocraeoke, has discharged cargo. Tbe tug Rescue left Norfolk yesterday to make an effort to float her. The British steamer Ardnndhu.

before reported sunk near Vineyard Haven, Is nearly in the track of vessels passing through Vineyard Sound. It la reported very dangerous to navigation. The British ateamer Medians, from Sabine Pass for Fecamp, grounded at Iynn and was afterward asRlsted off. tThe Hedlana has been reported as having arrived at Fecamp January 1.) Tbe JMerrttt Wrecking Company has been engaged to raise ihe British steamer Ardandhu, before reported Bunk hy collision. She is now renting upright, having slid off the bank about one-quarter of a mile from abore.

Only two feet of stacks are visible. The bay with which she Ig loaded has commenced to drift Into the sound. DAWSON SWEPT BY FIRE Four Hundred Thousand Dollars' Worth of Property Destroyed. Scattlp. January 24.

Adviofg from th North iwolTed to-day Bnhstaiitlate ttie report of a big fire at Dawson. It occurred on January 11, and destroyed buildings and merchandise to tbe value of four Hundred thousand dollars. The news comes by telegraph from llawson to SkaRiiay. The flames burned about 400 feet along the principal street, laying In ashee many of tbe most substantial structures In the Klondike metropolis. These buildings Included many saloons, restaurants, opera house, grocery and general store, and a brunch of the Ciinnillan Bank of Commerce.

There was no loss of life, but very little of the contents of tbe buildings was saved. Nothing approaching a reliable, estimate as to individual losses can. be obtained. Three of the most handsomely furnished and heavily stocked saloons in the city were burned. The Opera House property is said to have been worth J75.O00.

ACADEMY SCHOOLS Exhibition at Plastic Club a Good Illustration of AVhat Is Being Done. In nil recent art exhibitions the work of past and present students of tbe Academy schools has attracted wide attention. Tbe exhibition now open at the riastlc Club of the work of three of our best-knowu Illustrators Is Itself an illustration of what is being done Each of the three artists received his education at tbe Academy of the Fine Arts. The new term begins on Monday next, and the attendance promises to be tbe largest ever bad, a fact due not only to the reputation of 'the schools achieved in past but to tbe prevent strenglh of the faculty, one of whom. Miss Cecilia Beaux, is at present tbe most talked of painter lu America.

Miss Beaux, who was herself an Academy student, teaches nowhere else, but the lin- firess of her work upon modern portraiture distinct. A class which In very popular among the students Is tbnt In Illustration, conducted by Walter Appleton Clark, while the noon sketch class, conducted by the students themselves. Is always crowded, rilnce the endowment of the Edmuud Stewardwon firlte for sculpture the Interest in the model-ng course at tbe Academy has greatly Increased. This course is under Charles Grafly, five of whose works have been selected to represent American sculpture a the Paris Exposition. GUARDSMEN ELECT OFFICERS The Inter-Btate Association Winds Cp Its Initial Indianapolis, January 24.

The Interstate National Guard Association closed Its two days' session at soon to-day, after having chosen Washington, D. aa the place of the next meeting and electing the following officers: President. General J. N. Rcece of Illinois; vice presidents.

General I'. II. Harry, of Nebraska: General William Henry, of Mississippi: General John W. M. Appleton, of West Virginia, and General James K.

Gore, of Indiana; secretary and treasurer. Colonel C. E. Bleyer, of Chicago, 111.: executive committee, General William B.Bend, of Minnesota; General Avery D. Andrews, of New York; General H.

B. Kingsley, of Ohio; General John T. Hlchards, of Maine, and General Jaaim It, Curtis, of Indiana; assistant secretary, Captain E. J. Dlinmlck, of ChlcHgo.

General Gore and Captain Dlmmlck ire the only officers re-elected. FRENCH PRIESTS FINED Correctional Tribunal the Dissolution of the Atwump-tlontst Order. Paris, January 24. The trial of the twelve Assiimptlonlst Fathers before tho Correction, al Tribunal resulted to-day lu their sentence to 1(1 francs One each, and tho Court decreed the dissolution of the order. The proceedings closed without Incident.

The Imposition of merely nomlnnl lines Is explained by the fnct that the main object of the prosecution was not the punishment of the Fathers, but tbe dissolution of the order, which the government had long regarded as a reactionary political association, and an important nuauciul buttress of tbe Nationalist movement. MARRIAGE LICENSES MARRIAGES AND DEATHS LICENSES Charles H. Rcott. and Rebecca W. McKelvr.

Arthur F. Ma her and EMvtbe M. Denny. I nils Ktcbarda and Isabella Dives. George ft.

Lubkpker and Ruth Walla. Jomes A. Hubbard and Jennie Yates, Hnlomon L. Lclberman and Mary K. Young, Christopher Neenan and Martha O'Hars.

Andrew Breck and Ellen Murray. John Cameron and Willie Wynder. Robert Hoffman and Therieat Kehrsnhach. George O. Jones and Flora K.

Larosa Rchults. F-mtl acbreot and Josephine Kamp. Thomas N. 'Lewis and Elizabeth C. McGarny.

Andrew 1'. Remincrt and Hara Hamilton. Frank K. Devlin and Katie Gayhan. George II.

Appellate end Mary B. Gnmbie. Benjamin Hill and Annie J. Murphy. Ah ram Itrancr and Fannie Stoenff.

Richard W. FIncb and Rebecca J. Jftniaon. Gllman Hans snd Phoebe Clark. J.

Holland and Catharine A. Barns. Andrew Johnson and Amanda Robinson. John J. Roach and Margaret Rrlckson.

Alexander II. Johnson and ollvts Gontlie, JoHcph Hternbera-er and Mary Hawkins. Georg M. Hralth and F.llzabeth N. Ileer.

John Starr snd Annlr Devlin. Joseph Rellrjepskl and Mary Ruhnlska, ItoIert Owen and Victoria Ferklns. Julius Pilaum and Ida Hnxlett F. Owens, and Anna Hoiipt. Charles Trimble and Minnie Haddrm.

Frederick Bailey and Annie Kleglst. Thorn ns IA Homier snd Anna M. Rrannnn. Carl Y. Veil and Lltslo.

Frederick. Max HefT and Hoeke? Alloge. John I. Bulllvan and Margaret Fltnn. Morris Ouldtlne and Dora Hchlndermnn.

MARRIED. RKDIENT-PRKSTON On January 23. 1WX1. by Inane W. Hnirliy.

pantor of The First HsplUt Chnrfh. Ifnrrtfthurg, I'i OF.OHGR 11, RF.D1KNT and RKUTHA rHBTON. both ot Baltimore. Md. Muy 6.00 July OTH 6.07, Short ribs.

5.02U e.02 e.oo 6.00 Jauuary 5.60 5.60 Jlay 5.75 5.75 July 5.75 5.75 5.60 .67 5.75 5.60 .67 6.75 Cash qnotations were as follows: Flonr, steady; No. 8 spring wheat, o2c; No. 2 red, 67c. No. 2 4orn, 31c: No.

2 yellow corn, 31c. 'So. 2 oats, 2.1c; No. 2 white. No.

8 white. 24ia 25c. No. 2 rye. 53e.

No. 2 barley. RSn40c. No. 1 flaxseed and No.

1 N. prime timothy seed, njess tiork, per barrel, 10.55; lard, per 100 pounds. Jfl.70u5.82i,; fhnrt ribs, sides, loose. dry salted shoulders, boxed, Slia.Vlic short clear sides, boxed, 5.82n5.2: whisky, distillers' llnished goods, on a basis of high wines, per gallon. sugars, unchanged.

Receipts Flour. 6:1, 000 barrels; wheat. 70.0(10 bushels; coin. 2M1.000 bushels; oats. bushels: rye.

4.000 barley, 180.000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 37. 000 barrels; wheat. (U.OOO bushels; com.

144. 000 bushels; oats. 222.000 bushels: rye. 3. (loo bushels: har-ley.

42.000 bushels, on the Produce Exchange today tlie -iHitrer market was steady: cream. 19a dairies. I.sa22c: cheese, flriu, egs, steady, fresh, KiulGHc. Stocks and Bonds at Auction. Barnes Lofland yesterday sold at public auction the following securities: $10,000 Manhattan Oil Motor first 6 iier gold, coupons January and July, due January, licit) lot 200 52 shs.

Bank of Kentucky, par $100 179 1 sh. l'hila. Library dues paid to May, 1000 2 15 shs. Kensington Nat. Bank, par $50 5514 S.

shs. Fire Association, par $50 410 13 shs. Pennsylvania Co. for Iusurances on Lives and Granting Annuities, par $100.. 400 50 shs.

Fourth St. Nat. Hank, par $100 172 30 slis. American Fire Ins. par $100.

142 I'5 shs American l'lpe Man. par $100.. 225 5 shs. John It. Stetson Co.

par $100. 103 33 shs; do. 101 42 shs. do 1 100 10 shs. Bell Telephone Phiia 7 40 shs.

do 01 V. 20 sbs. do tH 2 shs. Germantown (Fourth and Eighth sts.) Passenger Hallway Co 148 30 shs. Integrity Title Trust and Safe Deposit par $50 72 2ft shs.

Delaware Insurance par $25 2 6 shs. I'nlon Passenger Hallway Co 240 8 shs. Philadelphia Darby Pass. Railway Company 40 2 sbs. Phlla City (Chestnut and Walnut streets) Passenger Rallwav Co 205 1 sU.

Continental Pass. Hallway Co 156 shs. Thirteenth and Fifteenth Streets Passenger Railway Company 310 1 so. Thlrteeuth and Fifteenth Streets Passenger Pallvay Comnnnv 311 si s. rov dent lfe in Tn st Co.

par 100 510 1. liming 1 heste. tl Company, collateral trust. 5 per gold. coupons April and October, due 11118 108 $200 City of Phlla.

6 p. c. due 1804.. 112 $3,000 due 1003 lopii $1,600 due July. 1001 104 $300 due Julv.

11)00 101 $3,000 Mortgage Trust Co. of Pennsylvania debenture. 4 per series 5ft. Int May and November, due November 1D0S 7514 TJ. S.

Government Bonds, Bid. extended 102U, registered 100V coupon IIO14 114 coupon 114 Ask. lio 111 114V, lMib I33iJ 134 112 113 TJ. S. 2 per cent I.

S. 8 per V. S. 3 per V. S.

4 per U. S. 4 per TJ. S. 4 per new, 132 V.

S. 4 new. coujion 13304 S. 5 per 112 TJ. S.

5 per coupou 113 Prices of OH. Oil City. January 24. Credit balances, eerllAcates. no hid.

Shipments. 90,551 barrels: average, S7.06S barrels. Runs, barrels; average, S0.S52 barrels. AGED PAIR TRY MATRIMONY Mrs. Clark and Mr.

Haa. Kneh More Than itft n-in man 00 lours Old, ill Begin wife Anew. i T). lork Hlnl, In the Opiums' Court, yestcr-1 lny Issued a HcenHC for the ninrrluce of line, to Mrs. I hnelie lnrk.

of Howurrt Ktreet. It was utulort Hint both the iicraona intorestpd nip ovor 5(i ypnra of airp iin.l that they ari wilowi'r mid widow Mr. Hnna' first wife iliitl twenty yearn ago and Mrs. ('lark llrst hiisbinni ilie.i lifteeu yenrrt itpo. U.

S. Pneumatic Horse Collar Co. The company Is now prepared to fill orders for their Improved collar. PRICE LIST TUB FOLtOWlNO PRICES INCLUDR HAVES WHICH AUK ATTACHED AND A PART OK EVERY. COLLAR.

Highest Grade Light Draft Collars FOR COACH. CARRIAGE OR LIGHT WAGON USE. Plain Black $12.00 Nickel end Black 14.00 Full Mckel 16.00 Half Patent Leather and Solid i Silver 25.00 Highest Grade Heavy Draft Collars' Plain Black $13.00 Nickel and Black 16.00 Full Nickel 18.00 Black and Solid Silver 25.00 i Fire Department and Am bull act Collars specially mrfde, $20.00 $25.04. AS PHOftK ok THK1H MFKIT they hare been thormiIily.TKSTKI, ACCEPTKU and IXDOHSIOO by thn Best-ecpilpped FINE DEPARTMENTS In the t.MTKI) HTATE.M. and Orders for the following cities are now betnc filled, New York, Brooklyn, Phllndelphla.

Hiiffslo. sril-WMiikee. Providence. New Haven and others of leaner note. UtiNUPRDS OF RS I I A TH from Veterinary siirpeon und others indorse their Immune oppltratlon to tho horse and their practical result hi K'neral use.

Agents wanted. AddreM Mh In (ifflee, 52 PntHd.vay. Now York. Branch, lit PalHre Arcade. IlufTslo.

Factories nrooaiyn. fl. i. ltji Gieenwlth 8t. I 1 i I I Cremation A SANITAR MEASURE SEND FOR PAMPHLET Office, 242 Franklin St.

Undertakers JOHN C. CAHILL PRO 262 South 20th Street. Telephone I-41-0S I. Special Vfotices f-5SMASS MEETING IN THE INTEREST L--2i of Manual and ludustrlal Trnlning among the colored people this evening fThtiralay, the instant), at the Bereah Presbyterian Church, South Collepe Avenue, atwre Hith Street Addresses by Col. A.

K. MeClnro, President James MacAllfiter. of the I)rexel Institute; Her. ilcury J'hllllps. John II.

Converse. Rev. John B. Reeve. D.

Professor Thellwell R. Coaee-shall ot Glrard Collene; Rev. Credit, II. Hon. William N.

Ashman, Chrta. J. Perry, II. LeBarre Jayne and others. fT-i OFFICE (IF THE LESGF.RT CO.

LK-2i Phllailelihla, December 20, 1809. Tbe Hoatvl of Directors of this company hst cnlled a siieclal meetlna of the stockholders, to be hel.l at tbe office of the company, 237-245 South Twelfth Street, Phllsdelphla, on the loth d- of February, litoo. at 12 n'rWk noon, for tbe purpose of votlus for or afalnst a reduction of the rniiital stock WJI. J. CT? ANTNEL.

Secretary. jfnnual 77tetinys r-t3aTHE ANM'AL MEETINO OF TUB LKTSPlllLAllELI'lllA SOCIETY FOR ORGANIZING CHAH1TV will he held in the assembly mom of the society, on the second floor of the Anatlu Hull.llnK. 170B Chestnut Street, on TUCKS-DAY. January 2ft. Ilsjo.

at it o'cIik-K P. M. The Annual Report of the Hoard of Directors will be presented and directors elected to serve for the ensuing- term of three years. All Inter, estcd In charltsble work are Invited to be present. FRANK T.

ATKINSON. Ueneral Sec. lro tern. rVcireTHK ANM'AL MEETING OF THE I arMT AMERICAN ANTI-VIVISECTION SO-clety will be held In Association HhII, southeast corner 1Mb and Chestnut Streets. Nvdav, Januury 2R.

ut 3 O'clock P. M. The election of a Hoard of MatiMfters will be held anil addresses are expected from Rev. Frederic of Rockland, Mrs. Enoch Totten, of Washington, D.

c. anil othets. Jfelp Wanted MALE HALFTONE ETCIIKIt, experienced. E. A.

rigtn, nun i nosi nut m. WEAVERS wanted on Jacqnard work, one shut tic. one Im'hbi, one bwra. cau earn $13 to $1.1 prr ween; goou wearers laurnr rree; steaay won; i Third street car. sIrh Itrldeshtirg.

takes you to 1 mill. Robert Lewis, Brldesburg, Pa WANTED Wearers and learners to work on 1 upholstery goods. Wifcea from $14 to $18 dollnrs per wren. Apnir to aranac II I Us, uroad and Streets. I'hlla.

Jtgents Wanted Edition of Life and Works of Iwlght L. Moody for $1.00. Aweots' (ireateet Money Maker! Tbe best and most beautiful Book published. Over 500 puges, profusely Illustrated. Sella at sight.

Out (It free. SO tier coot, eo tutu Ihn Ion credit given; freight paid. Wrlto today. W. B.

Conkey t'ompsny, Clilrago. Situations Wanted Mi LB COMPETENT head wa ter wants situation; elty or country; hotel or flat. 1014 Lombard Street. GROCERY CLERK. 27understsndln 1 R.

book-keeping, wishes situation; sny clerical work; waces no object; acquainted with city; reference. 1013 Cherry Street. Norrlslown. Pa, FEMALE WOMAN wants situation washing, office cleaning or snv klml of day work. Address 161, Times Office.

ost and Jound IOST-A SMALL BLACK POMERANIAN male dog. long hair, curly tallj answering to (he name of Frits. Fifteen dollars j-ewenl will he paid uHn return to J. M. Khohs.

Ardmore. for Sale i SAFES SKCOND ND SAFES. ALL MAKES. 1 cheap: slso full Una new safes; old safes taken in exchange. STlFFtL a FREEMAN.

Saf I 723 CHESTSCT Street. I OR SAIE TEN RJ.P.A.N 8 FOB CENTi I 1 at One gives relief..

The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.