Times Colonist from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

wf i "ui ay 4 CLA VICTORIA OFFICE TELEpHONE EV 2-3131 DUNCAN BUREAU TELEPHONE 1600 SSIFIED WANT ADS Btrloria Datlij $lmt ptATHS FUNERAL 'n memoriam BEST CROP Wm is TWIS? IT'S ROOKIE. VC- 3 BUSINESS SERVICES and DIRECTORY Photo Engraving PHOTO ICNCRAVINR Hlt Time, I. me anil Colr Enuraxitig Ci.nimiTi'ial Art isi.avi) 649 Pembroke. Just Rfl.iw Dousli Phune Piano Tuning Ht H'CH In on Li GLoVKH-In memory of our April 7. l'til, Arthur n.

lluilnuhi riailtiiK daughter, Linda, who nr fVtlcn Lane, litTniwKrti, pasttrd away April Hi, MSI in 1.m-i-. y(1rg f(i )h shinv England, ana ut a former I sud dn of Alia h-1 Wnfn n(. 'W(, WHn fore fnminjr Viriona. He leaves twv to mourn inn wife. KU.e, at hf-r home, it was Hi, will, a dauber.

Maip: w.inn our she liveih mil. fjtAUTV ueYa BULLWHlR UP THE TRAINING CAMP MTH HIS SPECTACULAR FIELDING- II THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME DJLJ i if, otfawa. find R.her. pK two bmher. William and J.

i nest, in Ena'antr and mnei firnndc'hildren. He wax a member ftn Legion at Ciareshftlm The Rev 1, Knsirr will c'n-Huct Die funeral servn-e on ttrdm dnv, April I J. at 'J nm in Diaplir's Kuneral Chaiwt Interment in Ihe Veterans' Cemetery. CAMERON In suddenly on (ane Ave. in net 6" year, holovrri wife of I.

A (Vuurrrtrt. h-'vr In .11. Ji.lin's, New-fi'tindl'ind and irxi'ied here rki 'i She is ako hv two ounrers. K. (' ihriilh Hi nm of Vii L.na at.H Iltiar I COMES OPEM-ING DAY ANO WHO'S INI THE LINE-UP TO STAY ALL SEASON? WHY, THE GRIZ2LED OLD VETERANS OF CUSS CUSS" Mai L'fttr' Alfred Maarie minster, imp nn Waiter' of Kdnvn-! p.m.--Kl'iial Chanel, ton, 7 siandrhtldrrn and "ne.rR(l Rnhrt brother Sim Steven-n in Tr.n'n 3 15 pm -Floral Chapel, l-uneral sen-ices will he held mi MeC Brn.

FI'Tal Funeral I WEPNEDAY and 'an'ouver on We-tnesdav. Ap'il 12. at p.m. PATH. Owen Havtd C-tnon Rnheti Willis "frieialma.

In- 1 "W' p.m.-Floral Chapel JIMMY HATLO TUlHXtltOATPor TWE UATLO UAT CV, NOWOOD M. X.VKMMIV1 22 SALESMEN, AGENTS xxxxxxxxxxx WHY REAL ESTATE? This profession offers many benefits to an aggressive young man. Jam trie asoncv A that can provide these benefits. Full co- operation, congenial atmosphere, practical insi-tiir-tinn all Mend And this THE MINOR'S; A'JLJ BREAKING THE SPRlNp- 1 KWINIINCJ FENCES" 26 FEMALE HELP WANTED CLERK TYPIST Experienced typing, eral oltice routine, pioyee benefits. filing.

fen-Usual em- Apply Miss Brunec Phone EV 4-0565 int 'r-r" ur Pla ground Annlirai ions are in i'ed fur the Hisitions of Piaaruund Supervisors for a period of si weeks from July 4lti-Aueust K'th at ihe rate of $175 wr Ine six-week period. Apnlicanis mml be ears or ase or over1 tofnlW! flms h(, olitained' undersigned Saanich Hall. Roval Oak. Van- Cntiver lainnri W. I.IfE.

P. Ens. Muninnal Engineer. STENOGRAPHER, SWITCHBOARD, full-time position, interesting work in automobile dealership. Typing ano snor nann essennal.

Apply in person. Olson Motors, general oHice. 1060 Yates. COMPANION TO ELDERLY LADY. Comfortable home.

Remuneration Victoria Press, Box 159. HOUSEKEEPER FOR ONE ELD- fflX be good cook. Sleep BOOTH FOR RENT TO FULLY qualified hairdresser. Citv centre. Victoria Press, Box 350.

HOt'SEKKEPKR FOR A routnc i-ignt worK. me in. t'nnne EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANT-ed. Trudy Kitchen, 652 Vales St 27 TEACHERS WANTED SCHOOL DISTRICT Sl )OKE i -No. 62 Applications are invited for a teacner of Grades 7.

8 and 9. Home Efonomics. including Grade 8 Eng-! and the apnlicailons must be to make this a most A turned to the undersigned by Mai 1 VlJSl BUSINESS SERVICES and DIRECTORY Elactrical Contractori (ill.l.BSPIE KLECTRIC, CR VHISI. Ph.ine anvllmv. Itpwiring and new con.lmclion.

(Viurleuu, -rvlcc, r'KKR KSTIMATKS Cumniete wirlna Olrtei rewired M'-Cov (ill IMM ILUh COMPLETE-W'lhV in ii'rvire. l)hv nichl. EV 2-97j2 KEN ROGERS KOR REWIRING new services, EVymifi. Flooring and Sanding fvi'KS OK KuioKS EX-ntllly waxed and polished '1. niaf'lunes.

H'mei our tTiefiaiiv escammiel lljn EV 4-03. CO. LTD. FLOOR lavinf, aandina. tiniihins.

Erea catl-niatei. EV-3IT8 q-aiSJ Purriara EUR REPAIR SERVICE Remodel, repair. Call, deliver Paul. SIS Beaeh Drive. Guitar Claanlng GI'TTERS DOWNPIPES Cleaned.

Renalred end Renewed EV 3-3915 MODEL SHEET METAL, 2010 DOUGLAS STREET Hairdreuera HALE PRICE PERMS. Beauty 920 Pandora. NEW RAY EV 4-3644 Home Improvements MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH STUCCO Also Old Stucco Resurfaced Like New FRANK'S Complete Home Modernizing Service FREE ESTIMATES and FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS Phone EV 3-7642 Jewellers BIRKS JEWELLERS SILVERSMITHS Jewellery and silverware skillfully repaired or made over Ricks craftsmen. Silverware repaired and re-plaled Ail walch renainng done in our shop and guaranleed for one year. Pearls antl heads re-strung.

Diamonds and precious slope iewel lery sold on consignment. Estimates gladly giren without ooligallon. 706 YATES STREET EV 2-4241 CARMICHELSILVERSMITHS The Repair and Reputing Centre TIW-712 Humboldt EV 3-1743 Landscaping Barker Landscaping FREE ESTIMATES EV 2-8323 KIMOFF LANDSCAPING Free estimates and plans. GR 9-5522. LANDSCAPING, small.

EV 3-2747. NO JOB TOO Lapidary ROCKHOUND SHOP MACHINERY, slabbing polishing, lewellerv. find- ings. 13S5 Hillside. Phone EV 6-2032, 1 Lawn Mower and Saw Service ENJOY A REKI S.iAKP TOOL COOK and VIEW EV S324 LOU'S LAWN MOWER SERVICE Sharpening.

Repairs. Kf vs. EV Jacobsen 64 Cormorant ELVES SON Precision Sharpening, all Mowers Pandora EV 2-5o58 Painters and Decorators PAINT NOW! PAY LATER! Home owners apartment Have your decorating done now! Up to three year.1) to pay In easy montniy payments. A. C.

GRIEVE Painting Decorating Phone EV 2-1413 ISLAND DECORATORS Painters Paperhangers Spray Painting Convenient Time Payments Phones: Day EV 3-9059 Night EV 2-1479 CLARK PATT1SON PAINTING CONTRACTORS LTD, Brush or spray paperlianzcrs, tex tore work. Terms if desired. Phone EV 4-0443. 740 Princess Ave. WEBB SON EV 4-6S27.

Paperhamjing. pamtlni. Quick, clean. reliaDle. irst-class workmanship.

Thirty years' experi. ence Victoria. Terms if desired. MAY I BE OF SERVICE TO YOU? Order now at special rales. Paper-hanging, repairs, etc.

Guaranteed, clean, fast, efficient. Tommy Ilarker. EV 3-S773. PAINTING AND DECORATING. Reasonable rates, satisfaction guat-anieed.

Terms. EV FOR REASONABLE RATES AND! good workmanship call Saxonia Painting EV 4-3S30. LONGMAN, DECORATIONS. I Painting spraying, i Free estimates. Phone EV 6-2fCi3 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, reasonali'a rates.

Ph. EV 4-6707 or F.V 2 in56 FREE PAINT EH-rTMATFS Exoert work EV 3-67S3 elter I. REASONABLE PRICEfs WALLS WASHED BY MACHINK No mess. Costs less. Detergergllde wall cleaning service.

EV 3-4374. CHFJiGS PALM WASHIM; DEPT. bath rnorn. 3 year' evrwrinre. EV 4-5TJ3.

Estimates. lift CP ROOMS PAPE i.FD OR natntrd. S'lkto painting. D. Smythe.

EV INTERIOR. EXTERIOR PAINTING. Free estimates. EV after S. Parking Lot PARKING CITY CENTRE Dominion Motori.

EV 5-3012 BRIDGE 34 I I 13 APRIL 10 SUhSClUfWON KATES Wherever carnei ervit in main tamed. i per mitih. ingie sales piict 10 cenu dA.iv, 14 cents iiuioav Ky maii. Canada. Great Britain.

Yukon 'lVrriiorv une year JiviJO; i months. Ht'OO. Ihice mun'o, lintl month. UO. Aus-liaiia.

monih, nvrfiUi, iw. KortMRi, 0u per mnnih, Weekend) Saturday only, ('annua. per eMr, 30 per AMs'iaiia, per year: inrrign. IT '10 I'er year. CLASSIFIED KATES 15c per lint per flay; S4c per tint for uree daw, Si per une six dai; S.i.70 per line fur the nrtn'h i.tS rtajs A how raies flpsny to cinpi-ulive invniMits.

Minimum advertisem*nt two imps only. Con-lic-t ruh'jt appliralion. Birth notices. per Marriages. Kngasem*nt In Me- Cards of Tiianks.

l.i!n and unerat NoMres. eeding 12 lines, $1 75 first mser- ajnl 2i siiospn.uent infer- tmns. Each additional line, i6c daily. TERMS OF PUBLICATION In he event of an error lyvnir-nng. the liahiiity of Victoria Press, Ltd.

shall not eeed the rharne-for 'he snaee ariually occupied bj i the item in question. i The Victoria Press, shall not he liable lor the non-insertion of any advertisem*nt beyond the amount paid such advertisem*nt. DUNCAN BUREAU Du ncan Cham tier of Com rre Post Oi'ii'-e Box 13S, Telephone Duncan 16'i0. Ail advertising copy will be subject to the approval or the Victoria Presa, who reserve the neht in us sole discretion to ciassuy reject or insert copy furnished. All claims of error in publication shall be made within 1'J hours thereafter, and if not made shall not he considered No rlaim will avowed fr more than one m-ron-eH insertion nor for errors nt affertine the value of the advertisem*nt.

United Slates representative; rVClerque SHunnon. New York. Chicago, Detroit. Cleveland Atlanta, San Francisco, South Pasadena. Eastern Canada representative: FP Puhlicatlona, 320 Bay Street.

Toronto, OnL Replies to private box numbers now available only from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday Inclusive, at the main office of Victoria Press 2631 Douglas Street, and at the Duncan Bureau, Duncan Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1 BIRTHS BECKENSELL Born to Mr. and Mrs, Harold IW ken sell. L'7)l ioswirth Road.

Victoria, it Royal Hospital on April 6. i Gn.MOfR-p..m tf Bert and (Jwen (iilmour, (JotTiun Head Viftona. al the Jubilee Urn-. pital on April 7, rifil, a son (Jarv Thanks to Dr. L.

Heffer- nan and staff. YEATS Alex and Muriel Yeats. Willow Street, wish to announce Ihe arrival of a daughter. Carole Anne. Tuesday, April 4, T'61.

Sincere thanks lo Dr. D. R. Norton and the Jubilee maternity staff. ENGAGEMENTS FRANKLIN-RESTALL Mr.

and Mrs. T. Franklin, 12W7 Wlrd Ave. Edmonton, announce the engagement of their daughter. Dianne.

to Bruce Restall. sun of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.

Reslall. 274.1 Gosu'orih Victoria. Wedding td lake place May 1.1 liltil, in Norv.od United Church. Edmonton. MARRIAGES SCR1VEN HAKIN Mr.

and Mrs. W. Hakin. Saanichton. C.

an-noune the marriage of their daughter. Ruth Elizabeth, to Mr. A. Scriven. on April 1.

1'Wl. at St. Mary Church, Chard. Somerset. England.

5 DEATHS and FUNERALS ARGYLE In Victoria. B.C., Helen Argyle in her year, pioneer daughter of North Saanich. Survived by her loving daughter. Mrs. Gwendolyn Gowiand and giand-dauiihter Janet, one brother Colin Mi 'Donald in New Zealand, also nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be held at Hnywai-d's Chapel on Wednesday. April 12. 1061 at 3 lo m. Supervised parking adjoining the Chapel. BARKER At Mount St.

MaW's on April 7, J'j61, Mr. George Frederick Barker. 62 yeain. a native son of Victoria. Survived by ins wife, Mary: four suns.

Eredenck, Georee. Donald and Reginald: four dsu'niers, Mrs. w. rRnat Rosenberg, Mrs. R.

Kathleen i Bell. Mrs. 'Shiileyi Gcrfje and Mrs. D.I Evelvni K'Tchems; his sifter Irene I Mary Spalteholz and grand-1 all of Vu a. 1 Praters wm be offered in the I Sand Mortuary Ltd "Memorial Chanel of Chimes" on Mondav.

April 7" it 7 m. Mass will hp celebrated In St. Andrew's Cathedral on Tii'-j dv. Anril 11. nl 9 a m.

Interment In Hatley Memorial Gardens. B'VWES In Virrorifl nn Anril 9. TW1 Tada Bows, aeed vt eai-. M'n'rWl t.r fnmierh of Ai'a Mie is survived hv daughter, Mrs. yiK; Maryaret M-vi Rind of Viet.i,a ttvee Evrreii O.

Bowes or Bremn Alia Wilhur of Vi tn(kt and Milow of Ave Surrey, also six crnndchildren and ss greai-iirandchiidrrn. and sifters. Ki-pna S-mders okia-h-ma. Cat oil ne Pchinski in OkI-homa. ard Lydia Forrest in Coinrad0.

Kunerat senices will hpid In wros. hroral i-uneial Jonnson and Vancouver Sis. on Tues-1 at neni in jRt- dens. DATH Suddenly in on April l'ltil. ar Ve't-rans' Hospil.il.

(Mrn D. Oath. 71 of ae, resident of Cavendish Ae. Kormei of Toronto and Winnipeg. Born in hnciand.

resident of this city for past five years. Survived by his He Anne Campliill Daih al Ihe resideyre, ai.so sreial nit-res and nenhi'ws. Hp was a mt'-nilier of Oak Bjiv I'rilcd Chuioh. Serv-il in T'h Canadian Brigade of Kirst World Wai Funeral servile wilt he held In MCall Floral Funeial Chanel on Wednesday. April 12.

limi. at 1 ill. Kev. a. raider will oifinalf Interment In Koval Oak Burial Park.

FERRIS In Victoria on April 8, lf51, PbuI William Ferris, aaed 21 ypars. born in CeliiriKwonti. Ontario. and fi resident of Victoria (nr the pu 15 ypars, late rrirfpnce. Paradise Street He leaves parents.

Mr and Mrs. Russel Ferris. ,16 Paradise brothers, Robert, view Royal, C. David and Douglas, at home; his sister, Patricia, at home; urandfHther, Mr. James Williams.

Colli na-nnrl, Ontario: aun's and uncles Funeral services will be held in the Sands Mortuary Limited. "Memorial Chapel of Chimes." on Tuesday. April 11. 19fll. at Tuesday, April 11.

n6l, at 1 mi p.m.. Rev. A. Roberts nfficiaiing. HOI.DER Suddenly at the resnlenrt on April 8.

l''bl, Alfred Holder, of 220 Vnncoqver Street, ased 73 years. fvH Stroud, Gloucester, England, and a riw-dent of Virtnria sinre He leaves his wife. Norma, at home; one daughter. Nfrs. G.

(Eleanor) Prevost, West Vancouver; and one son. Ronald Maurice. Kingston. N.Y.; six grandchildren; also one sister in Toronto: two brothers in England and one brother in Australia. The late Mr.

Holder was an elder of Metropolitan I'nited Church, a member of the TOOF. and the United Commercial Travellers. Hp worked out of Vaneouver m-ny rr. Funeral services will be held In Mr-Call Flnral Funeral Ciap and ancnuver nn Tuesday. April 11.

ai Dr. J1', K- 'l'. assisted hv Rev, R. McGilllvray, fnl3nwp hY cremation. JOSE-On April 1161.

at Mr. Hedlev of 5" i Admirals Road. Survived hv one nephew. Ernest Vlcary of Dear-horn. Mich.

Funeral service will he held at Hayward's Chajiel on W'odnesdav April 12. 1961, at 11 a.m. Interment Veterans' Cemelrrv. Supervised parking adjoining the Chapel. Mi'SUn In Victoria on April 7.

39S1. Robert Munro, ot 1506 Hillside Avenue, aged S3 years. Born in Edinburgh. Scotland, and a resident of Victoria since lislH. He leaves two daughters.

Mrs. George (Marguerite) Bcal, with whom he resided and Mrs. C. C. f.Iess'e Bell.

Whalley. B.C.: and one son. Robert, on the CMS. Eslevan: also six grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren: also relatives tn Scotland. He was predeceased by his wife.

Jessie. In Mav. liwi. Funeral services will he held in McCali Bros Funeral Chanel nn Tuesdav. April 11, at 3.15 p.rr.

Vm Rev. rtr. .1. L. W.

McLean offieiat. ing, followed hv cremation. Flowers gratefully declined. PAYNE Tn Victoria on Anril 7. Emilv Harriett Pane.

of 341 Shelhnurne aged si years, horn in London. Eng. She leaves her husband Thomas at the residence, one daughter. Mrs. Jnin Nesnitt in Portland.

one grandson Donald, and one sister Mrs, Eihel Gaughan of Vancouver. C. Funeral services will he held in M'Call Floral Funeral Chanel on Tuesday. Anril at 10 30 m. Rev.

Dr. James officiating Interment in Roial Oak Burial Park RANDALL-At the residfnc. 1,10 Fell Street on Annl 9. ll-HI, Mr John Harper Randall, asM Vfr. Ivrn in U'ilichra A.

dliu ai Xable husiness. vve a wouin liKe to aiscuhs a these merits with you at and in strict confidence Call Mr. Ditchhurn, Saanich L. tA r-o q.icj9 A iu- vaiv XXXXXXXXXXX, "SALESMEN" "SALESMEN" -tab-: lished 19031. promise you NOTHING except lots ol HARD WORK.

Plus all help necesary to pass vnttr reriaireri exam. pi is dozens or proven ideas vou sell. Plus somrone tn help smooth out the rough and listen to vnur problems. Phis All office leads no sales sibie Plus- Disabiiitv and compensation insurance. Plus -Facilities to obtain your insurance salesman's licence.

Phis The opportunity for better than average earnings. And lots more. So if you are the sort of salesman lor hope to bei, who knows by this ad that Real Estate is one of the finest busi-n esses in which to sell, but also realizes that it takes lots of work to be successful, yet is willing to learn, call Mr. Peaker now for more details at EV 5-2471. JOHNSTON COMPANY LIMITED 1306 Broad Street Victoria, B.C.

PROFESSIONAL STATUS IN REAL ESTATE FOR MEN AND WOMEN fine ef the niHnc- ai fir. Viet'tna offers iiulslandine tirtuntties to men and w.imen who wish to make a pel manent career courritanrng tmme- diateiv LvDenenccd milructors to siiirle lish. at the Belmont Jr. -Sr. High ADDITIONS RENOVATING, GN-School.

This position is for the i eral repairs. Cunningham. GR 9-612. PIANO TTNING. WALTER STAHR.

C'lnstTvatnniim ol Zurich and Vienna. EV -4614. Plostcrart A I G. STUCCO AND twii hini; Wuantv lob al a reaionat-'a pure. CR S-4779.

Plumbing and Heating ,1. WELHAM, Pn.p Plumbing, healing. furnr lepalis. sheet nielal unik, oil hurners and appliances Einencen under home improvement plan. 6H2 E-quimill Hd.

EV3 741J. BROWN PLUMBING RE-modelllnB new work. Rea.onnine. 24-hour repair tervioe. EV 2-2747.

D. DANIELSON PLUMBING Repairs, alteration, uew Emeraenoy call anytime EV OIL BURNER SERVICE 1-hour aemce Phone EV a-2576. Pottery KILNS 140. WHEELS CI.AZKS Sin gal Gilmm Studio, 1971 0k Bay Ave. EV 5 M13.

Rooting and Insulation ROOFING Barrett and Duroid Rocf, Cedar Shingles and Shakes Roofing Repairs Experience and Workmanship (luaranteed BROCK ROBERTSON Est. Since 1910 EVJ-WI4 Parker Johnston, Ltd. 1314 RHOAD ST. F.V 2 roofing insulation at id very REST. Over 40 veals combined experience to stand the TEST.



EV 4-3021 Shaver Repairs SHAVERS SHARPENED. LOWES! rates. Shaver Clinic, 800 Yales. Stamps K. M.

RORERTSOX -SPECIALIST dealer in Canada, Colonials, UN. C'llectifms wanted. GR 7-trMri. Tailoring LADIES' AND MEN'S TAILORING. Alterations, Suils tailored to measure from Nothing down.

6 to 12 months lo na. Accurate Custom Tailors, 7l'0 View. EV LADIES'. CENTS' TAILORING -ResKlmg. Li I-breasted made smsrle.

Morisse, 61 Burnside E. EV 3-2M38. rTALTERA-tions. repairs. 6sl3 Fort, EV Tree Service SCIENTIFIC PRUNING.

SPRAY-ms (mil and shade trea. Trees felled. Chemical spraying, brush, grss, weeds. Chas. A.

Cowle. Ties Su-geons. Ltd. (Licenced and in-sutedl EV 2-1676: EV 3-3668. CAPITAL CITY TREE EXPERTS.

EV 3 6152. EV 3-1S05. COMPLETE TREE SERVICE. Free estimates. R.

Davis. EV 2-1171. U-Drivt Cars DICKSON'S BROS. DRIVE Brand new Enniish and American cars. Low-est rates, 813 Dousias EV 4-6525 Venetian Blinds CLEANED.

REPAIRED. RE-corded Free pickup and delivery. Work guaranteed. EV 2-3351. Washing Machines AUTHORIZED BEATTY PARTS AND SERVICS BUTLER BROTHERS 1720 Douitla.s St.

EV 3-SM1 KER ELECTRIC. AUTHORIZED Beatty Service 1119 Fort. EV 2-3425. 37 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Accounting INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS. Accounting Corp America.

EV 5-2146. 39 PERSONALS PROh'ESSJONAL MAN TO SPEND one year in England and Enroot. Will undertake commissi ins ine sti tctfsi confidence, Victoria Press. Box 149. GIRL IN WOULD LIKE o'her girl lor to tra'1 to the in Ma.

Victoria Press. Box j.16. I V)WER LATE LP like to meet sincere, refined wid-iw around 40. Vift.Hna Press, Box lift. fwiIX HO AVYWHERE, ANY-time for Victoria Press, linn 40BUSiNESSERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOl.S Having tnmble with your dnnkinjr? Alrohohri Anonymous at EV3JMI5 or P.O Box Victoria.

B.C. Confidential. WHY BE LONELY? Fownhope fur men and women of jcooa i iittdii ipi WPKiim i ''fiiiiiii -ii- and nnni: S-riai Sat J3th. 8 15 pm. KV4-7 LESSON criminal or at lenst an offender Hainst thp rodp nf jood bridjre and it will bp your job to find both him and his crime.

West opened trip- king of of spades a cam. it South' four-heart contract. Thp defpnep took" three spade trick1? and a club and South was down opp little trick. Who was the criminal? It couldn't be West. He had taken quite a chance when he bid three clubs, but hP was merely gambling and his gamble paid off.

How about North? He had a rather poor hand with which to give DP COOKIES I EVER SAW SENSATIONAL vouno pitchers- A vouno out field TMAT SHOULD HIT 550 v. 36 BUSINESS SERVICES and DIRECTORY Asphalt Paving IDEAL PAVING CO. Ltd. EV 2-7612 Anytime O.K. PAVING CO.

FREE EST! MATES -EASY TERMS EV 5-1812 Thomas Paving Ltd. Guaranteed Wo-k Easy Ternii EV J-HVil Bricklayers FOR BRICK WORK ON FIRE-' places, barbecues, chimneys and repair work, phone Erie Hagnlom, EV 5-4810. ALL TYPES OF MASONRY WORK. H. A.

(Sanoyi Ormiston EV 4-6777 Bulldoitrs J. HEN. 4UN Fninnned for holldoyme eveavfltinff land clearing, IVvard loading bucket bv dav ur hour. Reasonable GR 3-42J4, EV 5-11603 Irrigation ponds. Land Clearing, Roads, Excavating.

Backlilling JOHN D. KISSINGER JR. EV S-S425 day EV 2-3947 night BOB SOUTHWELL BULLDOZING No moving charge. Expert work. Free estimates.

EV 5-1132 anytime. Corpantars HOME REPAIRS. STEPS BUILT, repaired. Verandahs jacked up. roof, chimney repairs.

Gutters, down pipes cleaned, repaired. Stucco patching, painting. Over 2(1 years ex- peri nee. D. Henry.

JSV 2-11163. HOUSE REPAIRS. ALTERATION'S, foundations repaired, jacked up, houses raised, ceilings lowered. EV iMfi-lt CARPENTER REPAIRS, ALTERA-tions. gutters, stairs, tile and cement.

H. Pistell. EV 2-W2. REASONABLE RATES ON HOUSE framing, finishing, cabinet s. altera tions and repairs.

jv-M-IU. DAVE FOSTER Class Carpentry, EV 4-3014. High Carpet and Linoleum HOURIGAN'S CARPET LINO. Su.iplierl and Installed. Estimates t-ee.

715 Pandora. EV S-240L Cement FOR A BETTER CEMENT JOB PHONE j. McLaren const. Ol'R ARI.E AND PROFICIENT TtlihrMl'V apv vni'ipprn T0 HANDLE ALL TYpitS OF CONCRETE AND CEMENT WORK Guaranteed jn'b. Reasonable price! FARMER CONSTRUCTION LTD.

Repair Department Concrete Work. Sewers. Rock Blasting EV 4-OjIL GILMOUR CONST. GR 7-1606 CEMENT EV 4-3488 CITY AND COUNTRY CONST. Basem*nts under houses, conveyor excavating, all rejtair work, all ceinenl work, floors orofessi.ihatly power trawled.

Terms. B1RKETT. CEMENT CONTRACTOR. All wmk gunranicert. lilt CEMENT SEWERS.

DRAINS Guaranteed. Politano. EV 4-S308 Chimney Cleaning STAR CHI.M SWE F. P. DAY and night service, no waiting list.

Vacuumed clean. EV cTKRI tr nintvviirnmrv STERLING CHIMNEY SERVICE Evpert cleantng. Modern vacuum equipment. EV 4-K742. GR 9-3107.

Clean-Up Service CLEAN UP SERVICE Backyards, hasem*nts. etc nihliish hauled, light moving. Reasonaole. EV 4-22S7. CI.

KAN UP BASKMKNTS. YARDS, garaijes, Rfanonable. EV 3-4)42, aftrr 4. YAnlVs. A PF TS CL V.

A NED, EV anytime. NEED WORK. BAsem*nT. YARDS, rieaned. Moving.

EV jon.i v. Cjrt i. an ik, tu. Dav or liiRit. EV 5-6573.

HCRBISH HAP LED BAsem*nTS rieanea EV 4-S718 after 5 o.m. Contractors FARMER CONSTRUCTION LTD. Repair Dept. Alterations, a3dlttjns. canenfrT EV 4-C511 GILMOL'R CONST.

EV 4-34 lifi 7 ISO G. a HEATON LTD. Rair. Aitfrat.unj KV 2-a A. LTD HOI r.

KEP'R. DRAINS. PR'VE-WAYS HOCK Bl.ASTlN'i Sim vd rns's IM m'h. PR' 5rKCTITE HOME OWNERS- I Kr ir nous frT. -J la WHA apwifratnna.

EV 1344 KASAPrcONSTR EVS-'WlTil repa.rs. etc. IMK B'-i r.f;PA!i'.s H. I L-a ev a Dressmakifif DKESMAKIMi AND ALTERA i ojn in yjijt Dr-s-iiur rw! a Cf 'kr-iJinsl-in ANNS AL-; tua-iona Frw pickup and vyry. pr.n tor DP.EXAE-N1 lU.U.Ni.SY ILTF.RATON'S.

EV Hi PRASta-T N- BED- sr'ar. 1 EVJ--'JO OryclMninf FYFE CLEANERS Skirts 59c SWF an: cnfcT rs ppii' f' E-. EV ua ii tn uif car oniy. Applications, together with copy of latesi inspection report to be forwarded lo School Distnrt No. fti iSnnkei, 2227 Sooke Road.

B.C. 29 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE GARDENS DCS. LANDSCAPING, lawns a specialty, Kree estimates. Work unriMTltlinnaHv EV 4 36114 between 6 and 10, eve nin2s. ROOF GUTTERS CLEANED, basem*nts and yards cleaned.

Gar-; dcran? done. Reasonable rates. LAWN CARE. GR9-1S02 Conscientious mowinc. trimmine.

edttinc, sparious lawns a specialty. Siimmpr bnnkinEs available now. CARE AND MAINTENANCE OK lawns, flowers, shrutw. general gardening. EV 2 after 5 p.m.

DITCH GARDENER. HARD WORK- AIws; remembered hy Mummy. iwdrty and 10 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McCALL BROS. Funoral Crfaprls Graham E. MeCall.

T'-rrey A. Mefalt R'fft J. nvovrnd. Ass Manager Tl'lvSDAY PAYNK, Kmily Harnett lit a.m. Floral Chapel, 0V Tada 12 no noon Floral Chapel.

rAMFRn 3.3t) p.m. Floral Chapel. Three Funeral ChapMS dedicated to Though! ul and Understanding Service SANDS MORTUARY, LIMITED "Memorial Chape! of Chimes" Oundra Street at Worth Park Street1 Vic'ona. EV 3-75U SANDS FUNERAL CHAPEL OF ROSES Fourth Street at Sidney Avenue Sidney. B.C.

GR SANDS FUNERAL CHAPEL OF HEATHER Colwood Corners, Cnlwood. B.C. GR 8-3S21 THOMSON IRVING A Funpral CiappJ lttl Formerly nf WinnipeK fjiirnied and underjttandmi! servire at moderate enst. PRE NEF.D AT NEED SHIPMENTS 1625 Quadra Street Phone EV 4-2612 HAYWARD'S B.C. FUNERAL CO LTD.

EsTahhshed 167 The Hayward Family Bruce l.eyden. formerly ot Ca'gary 734 ROUGH TON ST. EV CHAPLIN'S FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness. Courtesy. Service 9S0 Quadra Street EV 4-5512 1 MONUMENTAL MORTIMER'S MONUMENTAL WORKS ESTABLISHED 1577 "The Finest in Craftsmanship" 633 David Street EV 3-6421 STEWART VON OMENTAL WORKS Ltd Monuments lS 110S Street EV 4-3152.

uirTriniA i rMiTrn 'Memorials ol llisiinction" 140 Finlayson al Doug.as EV am 12 FLORISTS BROWN'S Flowers for Every "Occasion EV 4-6612, EV 4-3521 Nights POSY SHOP In The Yarrow Bldg. 623 Fort Street EV 52475; BALLANTYNE'S EV 4-0555 One No. 8 Phones. Charge by Phone The Flower Basket EV 2 8744 Fairfield Plaza IMS Fafrfleld SWEETHEART FLORIST OPPOSITE JL'HILfEE HOSPITAL 101 FORT EV 2-3331 CEMETERIES AND BURIAL PARKS ROYAL OAK BURIAL PARK MUNICIPALLY OPERATED Future plots on credit. Up tn 90 refund if not reijuired Call GR 9-K13 for further Information.

14 ANNOUNCEMENTS A A. One Hundred Year Anniversary ANNUAL MEETING The annus general meins; of the British Columhia AJriculiural Ao nation will he held in the Citv Hall, Victoria, BC. on Wednesdav, April u. at 8 m. DR G.

COX WISHES TO AN-niunce a in his orrire address tn Sine Medi-al A-ts Buildinsr. 1105 Pandora EV 15 COMING EVENTS MOOSE PINGO 512 FORT ST. Enjny Yourself and Help Others Snowball ALL PROCEEDS MOOSE CHARITY Monday, April 10 at 8 p.m. At Moose Hall Two Jarkpots Cash Prizes KEEP IT OPEX! Thursday, April 20 OPTIMIST BIXGO VICTORIA BADMINTON HALL Walch for Announcpntrnt Latnr! The Classified Ads Are MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER Ads Are A REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY THE COST IS SO LOW. RESULTS ARE QUCKI TO PLACF tojr classified AD, PHONK EV2 3I31 or E'3 4111 away from I i 1 a IS COMING EVENTS Next Wednesday at SL Patrick! Hingo EVERY GAME PAYS AT LEAST $25 In fact, they'll all pay more, berause it's SILVER DOLLAR NIGHT whirh means an added silver dollar'1 for e'Ty winner, and "ne f-r everv goud neixhh'ii, t.v And that's a lot nf dollars, lor EVERY GAME'S A GOOD NEIGHBOR which the kind of crazy thine that msikee St Pat he binn u.t i MORE CHANCES TO WIN of course, our popular game with Ihe $100 PRIZE MUST BE WON when viu plav hino in comfort in St.

Putrtrk-s Hail. Trent Slreei im'f Fort, near Foul Hay. opposite Safe- r.a. iane uows DUs. i a dvt u-iTi 8 P.M., APRIL 12 Admission SI Extra Cards 50c EXTRA GAMES Plent.v nl oarkinK aailatde Please don'l nark on Tn'nl St FREE BUS DOWNTOWN ESQUIMALT LIONS BINGO EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 8 P.M.

Boilermakers' Hall 802 Esquimalt Road Admission $1.00 EXTRA CARDS 50c 4 EXTRA GAMES 25c TWIN JACKPOTS GOOD CASH PRIZES All Proceeds Lions Charities MEISTERSINGER CONCERT AT i. Aiaan i nurcn nail. weooesnHv. April 12, p.m. Tirkm at Kents or at he door proceeds lor choiT gowns.

RUMMAGE SALE TO BE HELD AT St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Broughton SI reel entrance, on Friday. April 14. 7 p.m., sponsored hy the Evening Guild, Sooke. 18 RESTAURANTS THE co*ck PHEASANT 15 W.

Saanich Road GR 9-2066 20 LOST AND FOUND LIST. BY NEWSPAPER CARRIER, liny's 3-speed Krepn. fully equipned Kaieiyn mcyeie vicinity or oak Kay Ave. atid Amtihion. Reward.

Phone EV BLACK SPANIEL TYPE DOG. chin, wearing wnite patch under EV4for FVUrea- LOST IN EATON'S. IN TOWN OR in Burnside-Wilkinson bus. wallet, containing money and papers. Will1 finder please phone GR 9-4-47.

LOST. CHI LOS NYLOMAtTc' uooden way in on after-" n'in, from 515 Richmond. EV 3-6tit*. LOST -ONE HKT. RED A uhite hvdroplane.

EV fi-J559 and FV l-xmi. LOST BYDTdY PENSIONER. brown purse on bench in Be-icin Hill Park. Please phone EV 3-3IKI8. LOST ONE BRITISH INDIA MAT.

approximately 2xi. EV 4-4952. Re-S ward. LOST nLACKDIAMftN DCI fT link in victmiy of lngraham Hotel. Reward.

EV FOIND MAN'S HAND KNITTED sweater. Phone GR 1 LOST KOUR PET? ed. found. aP.C.A. HOMES WANT- i EV 3-D5I4.

I LUST-APRIL 5 al HOCKEY GAME, lady's wrist watch. EV 4-HM3. 2i malehelF wanted CAREER OPPORTUNITY AS Victoria lpprrfn'auvt? for one of C'narta'? Icafims lift in--urance cnmpsniM. Man wp seek is probably married, between 25. and 45.

dom well at present Job, yet samrwhtit ImpaiipnE wtih oro- While applicant nefd not have life insurance expnpnee, he will need ambition, dtermma-tion and desire io serve others a1- well as himself To thU nidn uf''er a per man'nt pon u.n rh sound tramine pian and un- c.Ai-ri lent benpf i a vai a mr nidinir mrdicai, group hie insurance and pen-ion Whn reping. give derails of past experience, educa tion ana marital stains and an apn'ude tes; will be arranged at vour ronvenienre. All replies con-, ftdenual. Viciona Pres. Box 130.

Rninrtei to inronH' ani to be yur tt enr.w yourself" Wanl tn a' leei--f t-ur EV i Yf I Hi EARN EXTRA i.XU,LAKS KnI! part-line. Jil to T'l ean EV and 7 m. WANTED. EXPEJUENCFD CK 5 1 1 n. Apply B-and Heuman-.

22 SALESMEN, AGENTS I SALES OPPOKTI'NITY One 'annda's 'Ific' Mu'ual Fund st- ot an alrsrrtan of -na, ra to n-C V'-io- a jT.u-ij r- n.is r. r.e iS'-r m-v" i-ar. ad -e r-fr fo vras of ae. P'-ase T'i- -aa stmpnt C. rp.

V.rt REUUSIX'S MAN NEF.r.KD Tl r'-prfscni Fnil or lifr'tme wi urity Ex-I j-nis" rr.iristry Ein r. m- rr. -si'r. t.k vtifs Wntt J.in Rirftn Co Zt Wrtt Ma.lfl TOWN 4 LTD. ue an two aa --net- 1 o'f o.n print 7ft': f-orriniit.

A Mr i- 1 1 EV 4'7Wl er. with own power mowt to 12 dener wauls work one or two days demonstrations. a EV Cent ml luration. Cnnjieniat sur- roundinss and modern olllces fori PAINTER. CLEAN.

FAST, EKFI-your oiiiTaiiiins. Icient. EV 3-39(6 or GR 8-3245 any- Ample miiriitaiie funds availanle lime. and a resident of Victoria lur 1heCHRlS' COWEE SHOP. 1033 COOK, past 51 vears He leaves his uif "aW "Pn until.

11 p.m. everv dav Rcnre. at home: his daughter Sunri.v. W'e serve the nest Mrs, A. (Oorothyi Mcii'rrr'1 and ffVd at reasonable Prospect Lake.

C. and Uad' I dav Apnl 11. at 12 1)0 noon Inter-1 mortal chapel ol Chimes." on Tnes-ment in Roval Oak Burial day, April II. ISfil at 3 00 pm (Flowers gratefully declined. Friends Rev.

T. D. Rasg officiating make donations lu the Central ferment In the Hatley Memorial Baptist Mission.i I Gardens. By OSWALD JACOBT This wepk's columns will be dpvoted to dcvploping your talpnts a. brirlgp dplectivcs.

Every day there will bf" oithpr a major noon or EV5-12S2. EXPERIENCED DI'TCH GAR- B.C. REGISTERED PHARMACIST 1 for lelief r- x-t LAWNS JOB8" "gaR- den. eld 11 hour. EV 2-1847, any.

time. PAINTING OF PORCHES AND oiiisule trims of houses, etc. Phone EV OLD COUNTRY PAINTERS. BIO or small, we iiaint tnem all. Just' ran en j-k" i ff -v-i i call l.KM...

GRASS CUTTING. LAWNS OR long ei ass. Power mow ers. Phone EV 2-JM4. GARDENING.

ODD Ji iHS. specialize In plumhing. EV 4-75a PLI'MRER. ALL WORK GI'AIIAN lecd. rcpaits and installations.

Rea sonahle. GR prIhtTIEV6 1 GARDEN WORK. wr.d hauling, ii PART -drafting, TIME ACCOI CARPENTRY, FRAMING. CABI- Hwr or conuact. 2 YOCV; MEN WILLING TO IK) odd jottjt.

Si hour ecn EV 4-tfJHi. MAN WILL CI.T TREES WITH power saw. Odd jobs. EV 6-2. ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS.


FIX) ED. i G'-1 guaranUTa GR 30 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE OKi-ll A.s:.vrNTS I PH. I i-vji i.h- pan ottira p. stf-n it. clTiv, macnina ovrat'irs ALL OK KLOTiRS EXT.RT- 1 ij aid nv -d EV 4-5 LADY IN HF.R YOCNO SIXTIES.

p.fa!ni pere.malir uf1 to trs pKinlir. ncil rk flxs a wk r.ipj iixn Cr EX pa: i ilKNCED SALES CLERK tn iad sri- i rn-n fnpa I. "PRY-FREE CHILD AND RIME Bc.Uy nimin EV 2 -T3 yAP.P.-T-T SPOVAt WAT n.l frrD, mnt a-i Pra i-9 SiU. LOOK AFTER BAY IN MY Borj Rhabi EV Cr Ti CARE CEDAR HTU r. h-v f.R 14 IUSINESSSEVICES" and Jet acK Top Co Uoat EVIKH 'ii AP.A.NTEF.O START TODAY ON THIS REWARD.


ALL-Canadian Co. Experienie desirable, not essential. No risk. EV 5-5611. SIDE LINE OR CAREER FOR sincere people of any ase.

Phone MALE OR FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED SILVER MEDAL-' lsf inllroooi dance teaencr. per week. Paid aration Apply Mr. fio7 Yates, 6 m. 26 FEMALE HELP WANTED AVON CAN HE YOUR RO.A11 TO Success." Do -vou base an Avon representative calling on rcgu-1 lai ly? If iru rj.fl't pet ha ps an opj'n tPiniory which rmid oft'er, nu an excellent earning upponu- Sun niw f'ir rug spring profits.

No experience mn-essai v. I'horw EV L-3 WKKKLY FOR WEAHINr; lovely drr-. erven to vou as bf.nus. i i ttuM fMv Ampni'sn amnion Kiw tj r.r,4 vtm.nt North American Fashion Frocks lodurnat Dept. tH30.

V.tresi 39, Que CAPABLE WOMAN FOR MEAT M'isi be fast, efficient worker srivine corrpiie information. prnrnce. etc. Victoria Prevv Box IhO Ra FOR mtiil central rxwitai. art--ri irj, Sio.1 fiPr m- anf.

arai'hie. Anpiv h'- Pal or phono 2 TO. WMTFF! FS VURT BE NEAT a a n-l 1 1 prt 'm jiitimfr R-ftanran'. p.rmln'El. Brand ATTRArriVE ynrsr; p.i-1' ni 9 Hfa r'r l'i llltr BKA'-nFI'I.

5 ft Fi; r-n-a Mu-3STt Cmt. P-l Aim F')R BAFFPY NEAT a tnrr k'--vAl' it A WOVAN Op to bv in arKl oav iif fir rorirr and frvinvt.l EAr.N EVTrlA s'aM T'Vrr v. rrT Tf E'. INDEX TO WANT AD HEADINGS Classification Classification iNo. I No ATMce for Sia and Hous for Sale i Ann pmenia ,4 Mt-mu; Anntjufs 85 Lisnn-- 1- for Sajp l.Mn-s A 5Ki HHiy Wurk ami Pfuntm? nrA Syppiics Kfair and hfrvict lr Kri( h'-mnd An'o Kinvinciiiji aiKl 1 i'l Mn- ni'Tv .1 2 ereat grandchildren.

nines and nep hews unerat sprre will be held in the Snnds Mnrtuarv I "Memorial Chanel of Chime," -n Werlnedsy. Annl V2. 1I at TO Jtev. AnTUS amfo-nn nf ra offieifljmc. Ciemation.

ers gratefully declined. BMITH In Victoria. on April 7. I9M Mr C.eoree Smith aued fit years, born- at Cnhhle Hul. R.C a resnlent nf iV'Tia for Ihe past fi'r M-aiS-.

emi'tnM'l nv the C. Gmernmcnt for .1.1 years, late residence QnamicliRn Street. He leaves his wile, Edith, at home; his dauchtcr. Mrs Lav, Halifax, Nova bc. and oriff, victoria': BC: live srandcrilltlren and cousins in Sea: tie, Washington and Victoria.

C. Funeral services will he held Ihe Sands Mortuarv Limited. Ma if Wsn'fri or i-'emait Wanted. 7 1.1 t.nnwujs f'T is'S V. lesii1' mi lo Mnpumrmal M'T'efll; Loan 94 Insuranre Momii-: ann haunia Miuinl New Car Direr Pa Tl res a nd Arreor ie Per I Loan Jvi Propatj Vf's P.

aa to ji rt3 p-iipertv Wanted KevauraTS and S.ard lVvms -o Rent 121 Ri.im Warded S-tirsmen and 22 5uati-)ns Male 2 S.ruati ins Wared. 30 r-s Wanted. Ha.e or 5vr Go1s 75 ana rurnace 7 Swaps Ta ben Wanted 7 T-mje- for Rent Travel T-adp Srhooin T'n rs and Traiier par a 7 i tjc i t9 and Um-o tn Rjv tti-i-H fo pnl. VI NORTH A J542 VQ97S3 4 AK WEST AKQ9 6 J752 AQ10S5 EAST A AST 10 4 10 9 95 4 3 2 fiOVTH (D) A 10 3 AKJ82 AQ83 7 No one vulnerable PasUi Wrst North 1 Pss 2 Pass 3 3 4 Pass Pass Opening lead East Pass Pass Pass 10 P-'inrn, an1 irrhMtraa a' ie nd Moiorcci B'-'ht 1 nil Mirme S.ppiii fi; H'l-iai I'i'e and F'injt i iponrtuniliea Carls of Thanm Car for Sale inn liJ Chirks, P.mjI' arni SuiTiif Li -37 Lit 3 f.i'ng iTierrial lJrinsnii Homea and Propenies Punerai and LudM E-turaiion 4j Erajement? 2 Kxcranje Ra Kate rm lor Saie and Wanted Farm Iirrlemws Keaie Ke Wanted 26 aM Aparunents to gent Eumtn-ed Us Fl-'s and Arjartirienti to Rent t'tftimshed and Apartment! Wanted TV! Firns'i 71 Foreign Import and Sport Can I Fuel Fjrersl Directon in. Suri'-n 7 s-ores ana umei to Kent H.i't;e.-H 0- ftn'ed ti to Pi 1 a Hi" R-'M.

Wanted to Rnt i-; r4 ivo raises but there is nothinj criminal about that kind of bidding. That leaves South and the crime he committed was that ot trapping his partner. South had let the bidding drop at two hearts. Onre marie 'hat decision North was to three hearts wrhout having to worry about tie po--t. h.J.'y tnat South would su-i-ie-ly open his mouth and bid game.

Don't let business get you Use an inexpensive classified Ad under 36-Business Services.

Times Colonist from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.