WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March · combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (2024)

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (1)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 1

Editorial & Layout: Lyn Jones & Gayle Stanton

Sec/Treas: Christine Woodco*ck

Published Monthly Hard Copy Distribution 400 - Website : 6,000 average/month

Windellama, Oallen, Nerriga, Bungonia, Mayfield, Quialigo, Lake Bathurst, Bungendore & Tarago


Progress Association Hall lnc.

Vol. 20 no. 2 – March 2016








See Page 24 for more details

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (2)

Page 2 Windellama News - March 2016



Annual Subscriptions - please send your details and $25 (cheques payable to ‘Windellama News’) to cover the annual cost of postage.

All cheques please post to:

The Secretary, PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580

* Unpaid subscriptions will be cancelled after one month

If you have any short articles, anecdotes, or something else interesting about yourself, your family, or the community; please write it down and drop it in our letterbox at the Hall. We will edit it and publish it in the Windellama News.



Items left in the box after the deadline will not be collected or included in the News

Articles, adverts, etc may also be sent by email to:


Adverts sent by email will not be inserted unless payment is received by the deadline.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone sending money to the Windellama News would include their name and address and a note saying what it was for and put it in a sealed envelope. This would avoid a lot of confusion and uncertainty .

Our Policy on Receipts

The Windellama News makes out a receipt for all advertising payments made to the paper. We don’t post out receipts to save cost and we assume that the appearance of the advertisem*nt in the paper could normally be taken as proof of payment. If you require a posted receipt please include a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment.

Notice to advertisers, article submitters & readers

The Windellama News is published and authorised by the Windellama Progress Association Inc. Whilst every care has been taken in the production of the News & publishing to the web page on the community website, the editor takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions. All such contributors by forwarding advertising, notices, & articles, agree to indemnify the publisher & warrant that the material is accurate & neither deceptive nor misleading, in breach of copyright, defamatory or in breach of any other laws & regulations.

The responsibility for advertisem*nts complying with the Trade Practices Act lies with the person, company or agency submitting such for publication. Original material appearing in this newsletter is copyright. It may be reproduced in part or in whole for the benefit of the community, provided that the source of the material is fully acknowledged. If you have any queries about using material from the

Windellama News, please contact the editor.

Inside this Issue…..

Community Noticeboard 3—5

Willow Glen Gardeners 7

WRF Report 9

Gardening club & SES 11

Gardening Tips /Progress Repor 13

School News 15

Historical Society 17

Wires 19

Country Fair Results 20/21/22

Graham Kinder 23

Landcare 25

Nerriga 27

Historical by Tom Bryant 29

Church Information 31

Classified 33/34

Community Information 35


13/3 Tarago Show

14/3 Progress Meeeting

19/3 Historical Society Excursion

26/3 RFS General Meeting


23 Brigade Auction

30 Landcare working bee


28 Landcare project visits

Coming Events…

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (3)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 3

Community Notice Board

WANTED— Work with Windellama News Team as an EDITOR. Knowledge of Microsoft Publisher an advantage, but not essential. Work from home and make your own hours. Volunteer position. Call Lyn Jones (4844 5843) or Christine Woodco*ck (4844 7275) or Gayle Stanton (4844 5156)


One of the deliverers on the Windellama News team is moving to the coast and can no longer carry out the task.

The delivery route is 999 Oallen Road to 902 Oallen Road, Nerriga plus a few others and then a drop off to Nerriga Pub.

The delivery takes place ONCE a month – February to December – usually in the first week of each month.

If you would be prepared to take on this vital role please give Christine Woodco*ck 48447275 a call.

Tarago Preschool Opportunity

Tarago Preschool is looking for a casual

employee for relief work with the possibility of

a regular shift in future. Must have Cert III or

Diploma in Children’s Services. More detail

please call Helena at the Preschool 4849 4427

Wanted: Handyman/Gardener

Approximately 1 day per fortnight. Windellama area. General household repairs and maintenance, light gardening and perhaps a bit of rural fencing repairs from time to time. Must be a fairly fit and a competent ‘jack of all trades’. Payment will at least equal Award rates.

If this is what you’re looking for, please email your contact details to [emailprotected]. Please feel free to add any information you feel might be helpful.


I would like to thank members of the RFS who successfully fought a bushfire on my property “Kywong” Lake Bathurst, on Monday 11th January 2016.

Units from Tarago, Windellama, Gundary, Currawang, Taylors Creek and Bungonia all worked to contain this fire and kept it from entering heavy timbered country to the northeast with assistance from a task force from Palerang Shire, Lake George and Goulburn Mulwaree. No stock, buildings or equipment were lost.

I cannot begin to thank all those involved. I want to especially thank the Keatley family and McMahon families, Danny McGaw, Brett Roberts, The Windellama Community, Tarago CWA Fife’s Stockfeeds, Marulan Rural and Hill & Co Mobil and Australian Stockyard Co.

Bruce Haylan Kywong Lake Bathurst



Limited stall sites available.

With usually over 1,000

people attending the

Windellama Rural Fire

Brigade auction days,

limited stall sites will be

available for the 23rd


For enquiries contact Ellen 4844 5407


WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (4)

Page 4 Windellama News - March 2016


Open 4 days a week

Mon – Thu

Children 18 months – 6 years

Standard Rate - $31/day

Casual & half days available

Subsidised rates on application

We follow the curriculum set out by the Early Years Learning Framework

Preschools NSW – Education for life

Ph 4849 4427

Fees for Hire of Hall or Supper Room

at Windellama Hall

*HALL ALL DAY $200 DAY 4hrs or less $100 EVENING/NIGHT** $200

*Includes Supper Room & Kitchen

** $2 per hour for heating

SUPPER ROOM (Includes Kitchen)


DAY 4hrs or less $40 EVENING/ NIGHT $100

# Use of the premises prior to your booked

function will incur a surcharge of

Supper Room Fee

To Book please ring W. P. A. Secretary, Christine Woodco*ck on 4844 7275

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (5)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 5

A heartfelt Thank You to the Windellama Garden Club and its generous members, who have donated and installed a larger water-tank, to service the toilet facility at St Bartholomews’ Church. It is a gift that will be appreciated by many members of the Windellama Community for years to come!

As for the person who complained that the new tank was empty!!..all we can say is thanks again to Rex and the Windellama RFS for their help, in time for Harvest Festival.


Graham Kinder; Warden

Tarago Show This year’s Tarago Show will be held on Sunday, March 13 rather than the first Sunday in March. Admission is Adults $10, Concession $5, UNDER 16 FREE.

As usual we will be presenting a family friendly show with many attractions for the younger set as well as our usual horse and dog shows, shearing, the wonderful pavilion exhibits organized by the CWA ladies and many more to help make the day a most enjoyable one.

Ben Britton’s Wild Animal Encounters will be returning as well as the Paddys River Bush Band, and of course the Cow Pat Lotto. This year we will also have Sarah Watkin attending with her Wellness and Massage Clinic. Sarah specialises in Seniors Massage and holds regular clinics in Tarago.

A fantastic new event will be the Tarago Tomato Tourney. There are many things involved with this including colouring contests, eating competitions, judging of many classes of tomatoes as well as numerous other happenings.

To gain full details of this contact Jenni on 0429 200 456 or [emailprotected]. or check the tomatotourney on Facebook.

Please follow our website: Society. This gives links to attractions, Pavilion and Horse schedules, Shearing and Tug of War prizes and details, and an overall view of what we have to offer.

We pride ourselves in putting together a show which is easy to follow and catering for all age groups. Two fabulous food outlets as well as the bar help make the day one to remember.

If you have any enquiries don’t hesitate to contact Marianne Ronayne at 4844 5518 or email: [emailprotected].

Craft @ Windellama Hall We meet from the second Tuesday of the month 1—4 pm. For more information please call Irene Turner on 48445 214.

Can you tell us about a situation where local knowledge and expertise helped you out? Let us know and we will publish it in our next newsletter.

`LOVE OF FIBRE` GOULBURN HANDWEAVERS & SPINNERS EXHIBITION Friday 11th -13th March at Goulburn Solider Club in the Merino and Markets rooms 10-4pm Guest Exhibitor Sherri Smith Opening on Friday 11th 2pm by Jeff Prell RSVP 28th February Ring Irene 48 445 214

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (6)

Page 6 Windellama News - March 2016

Rusty Balls Natural bush soaps

Pet shampoo

Anti-bug balls - natural insect repellent

Blind Baking Balls

Hand made ceramics

Gary & Denise Johnson

4844 5087 [emailprotected]



321 George St, Marulan

Ph 4841 1404 Fax: 4841 1454 Mobile: 0413 047 105

Look for the house on the hill

For all your garden needs &

acclimatised plants

Potted colour, Seedlings, Bulbs, Fruit trees, Ornamental

trees, Windbreakers,

Shrubs and more

Potting Mixes & quality soils & mulches.


Sales & Service Photo Copiers

Fax Machine

Cash Registers




Ph: 4821 5109

E: [emailprotected]

10 Russell Lane, Goulburn

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (7)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 7

Willow Glen Gardeners

We arrived on a sunny morning (following a wild storm the previous night) to a warm welcome from David & Melissa at Bungonia Creek Winery (open every Sunday for wine tasting or by appointment). With a flourish of David’s cape laid over the muddy walkway, we entered onto the verandah with gasps of ooh & ah looking at their wondrous views.

After an introduction to their property, our large group split into 2 led by David & Melissa and we were given an extensive tour of their gardens, hothouses and greenhouses. They use a combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety of vegetables, herbs, plants, flowers and trees. Also Hugelkultur raised garden beds, a permaculture method of fungi transforming woody debris into a garden – benefits include water retention and warming of soil. An interesting item in the hydroponics system was a small pot containing eggshells – David explained that these would neutralise the slightly acidic water as they dissolved.

We then adjourned to the verandah for our morning tea and discussion of our member’s garden problems. Katie is having a major snail invasion everywhere (all they can hear is crunch, crunch, crunch) underfoot – suggestions included setting beer traps but problems if the men find them and don’t expect snails in there! Another suggestion was to get some Khaki Campbells because they don’t eat greenery – Muscovy ducks do (but keep out of the doodoo). Wazza has a peach of a problem with bugs in them. Joy has black mildew over all her mint – replant the mint into in a sunny spot because the

shade & humidity is probably causing this. Discussion about apple trees – apples grow on new growth spurs so prune heavily in summer but lightly in winter. We also welcomed Jo West from Towrang into our group.

Enthusiastically we enjoyed a tasting of David & Melissa’s wines – rosé, merlot, shiraz & cabernet sauvignon. When we had sampled and purchased some bottles it was off to view the vineyards. Their beautiful white maremma sheepdog, Magnum, guards the heritage Southdown sheep (short legs) that graze on the grass in the 5 acres of vineyards. Everywhere you turned were more great views. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Bungonia Creek Winery and thank David & Melissa for their wonderful hospitality.

Our next meeting will be at Bruce & Doreen’s at Run O’Waters on Tuesday 1st March. As always, everybody is welcome.


WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (8)

Page 8 Windellama News - March 2016


Windellama Public School

Each Thursday

9.30am – 11.30am

BYO snacks - tea & coffee supplied

Qualified art teacher visiting each fortnight

Bring your bubs & toddlers for a fun morning

Music, stories, sand-play, free-play, art, craft.


WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (9)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 9


Report all Fires 000 Brigade enquiries 4844 5359 Yass - 6226 3100

& Emergencies UHF 21

RFS website or Brigade website

Captain – Rex Hockey 4844 5147 Snr Deputy – Jim Meehan, 4844 5554



NSW Rural Fire Service SOUTHERN TABLELANDS ZONE has declared the start to the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) as at 1st OCTOBER 2015.

From October 1, any person wishing to light a fire in GOULBURN MULWAREE, UPPER LACHLAN and YASS VALLEY Local Government areas will require a permit.

During a Total Fire Ban however, no fires of any kind may be lit

even if you hold a permit


Fines can apply if regulations are not carried out.

During a Total Fire Ban however, no fires of any kind may be lit even if you hold a permit. Take Care: Once again we would like to remind you that extreme care must be taken when working outside such as welding or using grinders and in particular when driving in long grass or using a slasher or mower as all these events can easily result in the start of a fire.


Always have water available for quick use

In particular when working with welders and grinders

Electric fences can cause fires. When the fire danger rating is very high or above it is recommended that electric fences be turned off. This action will reduce fires accidently ignited by these fences. Maintenance can be undertaken to remove vegetation by spraying or brush cutting under the fence lines. Over the Last Month The Captain Rex Hockey advised that there were no incidents over the last month. COMING EVENT - BRIGADE AUCTION 23rd APRIL 2016 Brigade Auction to be held on the 23rd April at the Windellama Hall & Grounds. So now is the time to get together all those unused goods as they could be exactly what someone else is looking for. If you can spare some time to help either with catering, in the office or on the grounds please contact 4844 5359 as much of the setting up and work is done on the day before as well as on the day. Become involved in your community and be assured your assistance and efforts are greatly appreciated. Training: If you wish to take part in the Windellama Brigade training or be contacted by email regarding the monthly training details visit the Brigades website and send an online contact form or email [emailprotected]. For information on training dates, times and scenarios check the Brigade website or contact the Captain Rex Hockey 4844 5147. General Meeting 26th March- 6pm Training 26th March - 1pm

No Meeting or Training 23rd April - Windellama Brigade Auction Day Windellama Hall & Grounds


WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (10)

Page 10 Windellama News - March 2016

All mechanical repairs

Breakdown service available

Travel to you

Motor re-builds

New car services

Stationary engine repairs

Clutches, brakes

Tractor repairs & re-builds

4844 5727

Goulburn & Southern Tablelands Newest Winery

Cellar Door Upcoming Open Days

Hours – 11am to 4:00 pm

Sunday: 6 March

Sunday: 13 March

~check website for any changes or

call prior for a drop in visit or purchase anytime ~

25 kms down Windellama Road from Goulburn turn left into Muffets Road

email: [emailprotected] web:

133 Muffets Road, Quialigo

Ph 4844 7188

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (11)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 11

Windellama Garden Club Incorporated Windellama Garden Club Incorporated

Hi! Everyone,

What a very busy month it has been for the start of the year. We held our Country Fair on the 13th February. There were over 250 entries and how great that was. Beautiful flowers, arrangements, crafts, cooking and photography. A lot of people put a great deal of effort into so many things. I would like to thank everyone who put in exhibits, who came along to have a look, to all our stall holders and the Windellama Public School’s parents and teachers who did a wonderful job in the canteen.

We would also like to thank all our sponsors: Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Zantis Jewellers, Coles, Blooms Chemist, Bunnings, Burke’s Backyard, Farmer Felds, Fife’s Produce, Goulburn Post Office, Hazel Boole, JCF Contracting, Kay Cruise, Sandy Cox and Soap World Goulburn, Gehl Garden Centre, Lincoln Paints &Hardware, Dinah Gegg and Tanya Simm

We would also like to thank our Stall holders Cisilia Baxter with her orchids, Rosie Kent and her beautiful cheeses, Irene Turner Shirley Komnacki , Kimberley Laidlaw for her beautiful singing, Jason Andrews for the sheep shearing and working dog demonstration, Neil Andrews and Gary King for their help with the removal of all the staging and the stools.

We would also like to thank the SES, Windellama Fire Brigade and the Goulburn Police for coming as well.

The Winners of the raffle were:

1st Cisilia Baxter – Porcelain doll 2nd Trevor the Postman – Hamper 3rd Shelly and Jason Andrews – Cold frame 4th Graham Kinder – Bracelet 5th Harry Simm - Runner

Happy Gardening

Ros Woods

Windellama SES First Aid & CFR

Hi Folks,This is the 3rd month already, seems hard to believe.

Our training for the year starts on the second Monday of March. We train on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of each month, for the SES, 1830 to 2030 app and the 4th Saturday of each month CFR (Ambulance) 0830 to 1230 app.

We are fortunate to have a few new members to start the training schedule, so there will be a busy few months ahead for all.

We would like anyone interested in joining, to come along and meet the current members, also see what actually takes place.

There were a low number of callouts for the CFR unit, none for SES, in our Windellama area, that is.

Stay safe. Kevin Muffet Deputy Unit Controller Windellama SES/CFR

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (12)

Page 12 Windellama News - March 2016

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (13)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 13

March In Your Garden By Irene Turner

Plant out your cauliflower, cabbages, brussel sprouts of broccoli, plant young seedling and use liquid fertilizer to get them established for winter harvesting. If cabbage moths are still about cover with netting.

Other vegetables to plant now;- lettuce, turnips, radish and white onions.


Seedlings to be planted now- alyssum, pansy, viola, stocks, poppy, calendula, carnation, dianthus, polyanthus, larkspur, snapdragon, statice, verbena and Virginian stock( sow these directly into the garden).

Seedlings that can be planted are wallflower, sweet William(tall) and dwarf.

Perennial plants, providing the weather hasn`t been too hot, will be in the nurseries this month. These include hollyhock, Canterbury bells, aquilegia(columbines), delphiniums and pentstemons. These perennial can be divided and replanted this month, give them plenty of old compost and some old manure.

This month watch out for aphids on roses you can spray with Rose spray.

Black aphids on chrysanthemums can be controlled by spraying them with Malathion.

You can propagate cuttings of geraniums, fuschia and hydrangeas. Using a mixture of 1 part coarse sand to 2 parts of peatmoss, have at least 2 eyes in the mixture and 2-3 eyes out, making sure the mixture never dries out, you can place several cutting in a 10cm pot.

You can fertilizer your lawns with complete lawn fertilizer now water it in.

Make sure your Citrus doesn`t dry out, cover the roots with sugarcane mulch, and give deep watering. Feed with each week with Citrus liquid plant food, mix two capfuls into a nine litre watering can. Cut any suckers that grow below the graft.

Pick your peaches and any stone fruit as it ripen, and bid any soft or rotting fruit to stop Fruit Fly maggots.

Windelllama Progress Assoc. Report

At the February meeting of the Progress Association we welcomed two new members - Ros Woods and Peter Andersen. We look forward to their input at future meetings.

Ray Plant was nominated and elected as Treasurer. Thank you so much Ray for taking on this very important role. Ray now holds the joint position of Vice President/Treasurer.

A successful market day was held 21st February with 15 stalls. There were lots of hungry customers which kept the kitchen volunteers busy.

Next meeting of the Progress will be held Monday, 14th March at 4 pm.

Everyone is welcome.

Christine Woodco*ck - Secretary

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (14)

Page 14 Windellama News - March 2016


NSW Lic.No 198855C

NSW Lic.No 498875S

ACT Lic.No 2009576

QLD Lic.No C13290


AUS C.E.C. Design & Install Grid Connect & Stand Alone Solar Systems #A3632173



Rural * Domestic * Commercial

PH: 0428 445 259 Email: [emailprotected]

NSW LIC. #174303C ACT LIC. #2008568

Our Advertising Charges

Classifieds - Personal FREE (maximum 2 lines) Month Year 11 issues) Small advertisem*nt $ 6.50 $ 65.00 (business card size) Quarter page advertisem*nt $12.00 $120.00 Half page advertisem*nt $25.00 $250.00 Full page advertisem*nt $50.00 $500.00 Double page discount $90.00

Inserts - $40.00 for 400 inserts into hard copies Typesetting of adverts: $50

PAYMENT: Cheques: payable to Windellama News PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580 Direct Deposit or EFT: IMB Ltd; BSB 641.800; A/c 200045794 with Name & advert as detail

* Unpaid adverts will be cancelled after one month

* All advertising copy must be accompanied with payment

All advertising enquiries to

Christine Woodco*ck

Athletics Coach

Personal Trainer

Marina Wenban

Ph: 0439 029 313 Accredited Athletics Australia,

AT&FCA, Fitness Australia

General Plumbing Maintenance and roofing

Drainage Gas-LPG

Renovation work TMV & Backflow prevention

ABN 56756688933 Licence 2009704

Jason Tolar Mobile 0418227480


WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (15)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 15

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (16)

Page 16 Windellama News - March 2016

MICK’S MULTI TRADES ABN: 90 178 544 738

Multi Skilled Tradesman Windellama NSW

Lic # MVTC 126573 Mob: 0413 059 587

Email: [emailprotected]

Proudly supporting the Windellama community is Mick

A multi skilled tradesman and diesel mechanic by trade

We renovate bathrooms, tiling and floating floors.

We can also build your shed and help you design and convert your shed

into a home, installing your water tanks and fencing.

I have always looked after the locals, and turn a hand to any job.

So shoot me an email or phone anytime, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at

our down to earth rates.


WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (17)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 17

Hello Everyone,

We have lots happening this year, with the main endeavor to be the

completion of the shed at the back of the museum so we can display

our old farming equipment to its full glory.

Our first excursion for the year will be to the Shoalhaven River to have

a good look at the new bridge and to remember the old one, and also

the crossing before that. We will have a lot of old photos to have a look


Bring A chair, your own drinking water and A GOLD PAN, you just

never know your luck, we might just strike it rich.

DATE: 19th March 2016

MEET: at our museum at 10am

COST: for morning tea and lunch $13

Bookings essential, please phone one of our committee members listed


We have Windellama History preserved in our wonderful museum,

with lots to look at and lots to talk about, so come and visit on the

next market day.

The museum is open on Market Days - every third Sunday of each

month, from 9ish-am till 1ish-pm

The Next Meeting will be on Saturday 2nd April 2016 10am

NEW MEMBERS and GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME For any enquiries please contact: Rex Hockey: 48 445147

Marcia Tatam: 48 216421 Julian Woods: 48 44 5270

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (18)

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WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (19)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 19


By Kay Muddiman – Media Officer

It’s not often that Southern Tablelands WIRES has the opportunity to rescue a threatened species, but one such occasion was when a female Gang-gang co*ckatoo was found near Crookwell standing stunned in the middle of the road amongst a lot of feathers, obviously having suffered a vehicle collision. She was still ‘with it’ enough to not want to be caught, and latched onto and opened up one of our volunteer member’s fingers – a good sign (although the member wasn’t impressed!) The bewildered Gang-gang was taken straight to Crookwell Vet Hospital where an examination revealed nothing broken (fortunately), and a diagnosis of head and/or spinal trauma was made. She was taken into temporary care with our branch, and subsequently transferred to a specialist carer at Fitzroy Falls. She received intensive TLC in a heated hospital cage for 8 days, with a further 8 days in a hospital aviary, eventually making a full recovery. As she lost a lot of feathers from one wing, and also all of her tail feathers, she remained in further care for quite some time until the feathers regrew enabling her to fly, after which she was successfully released.

The Gang-gang co*ckatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum) is listed as a ‘Vulnerable Species’ under the ‘New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act’ – so every one we can save is a bonus.


• Males are slate-grey with a scarlet head and crest.

• Females have a grey head and crest, and the feathers on the under-parts are edged with salmon pink • Gang-gangs require hollows in the trunks or large limbs of old growth trees in which to breed. • They do not breed until the relatively late age of four years, so this combined with feral predation, habitat loss and degradation, has contributed to the species decline.


If so, why not consider becoming a WIRES volunteer? We are always in need of volunteers to help care for our injured and/or orphaned wildlife. The WIRES Rescue & Immediate Care Course can provide you with the basic skills to do that. Training is undertaken online, at your own pace – with one face-to-face workshop. The next Rescue & Immediate Care Workshop will be held in Goulburn on Sunday, 3

rd April, 2016. To find out more please ‘phone 0458 720470

For help with injured wildlife please ring our Rescue number – 4822 3888, our volunteers will be only too happy to assist.

Above left: A male Gang-gang co*ckatoo. Above right: The rescued female Gang-gang in her hospital cage. Inset – until Gang-gang was strong enough to self-feed, she was crop fed, to ensure she received adequate nutrition to aid her recovery.

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (20)

Page 20 Windellama News - March 2016

Open Section Champion: D Andrews Arrangement using weathered wood – free expression 1st D Andrews 2nd D Andrews Arrangement in a teapot accompanied by a lid 1st I Turner 2nd D Andrews Arrangement using Australian native flowers and foliage – free expression 1st D Andrews 2nd I Turner Arrangement using glass – free expression 1st V Cardiff-Kinder 2nd D Andrews Arrangement using flowers and fruit - free expression 1st D Andrews 2nd S Cox Float bowl (flowers must be floating) 1st D Andrews 2nd T Simm Wine and roses – free expression 1st S Cox 2nd I Turner Foliage arrangement 1st D Andrews 2nd D Gegg Miniature garden – free expression 1st R Woods 2nd D Andrews

Dried and Artificial Champion: D Andrews Dried arrangement 1st D Andrews 2nd D Andrews Arrangement using silk or artificial flowers – free expression 1st D Andrews 2nd I Turner

Cut Flowers Champion: H Stenchow Branch of any flowering shrub in a vase or other container. 1st D Gegg 2nd D Andrews One red rose – hybrid tea 1st I Turner 2nd D Gegg One pink rose – hybrid tea 1st H Stenchow 2nd B Bowes One yellow rose – any variety 1st B Bowes 2nd D Gegg One rose other than red, pink or yellow – hybrid tea 1st B Bowes 2nd D Gegg Any rose in full bloom 1st B Bowes 2nd B Bowes Any rose in three stages 1st B Bowes 2nd I Turner


Results of Country Fair 13 February, 2016


FLOWER SHOW Champion: M Stenchow

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (21)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 21

One cut rose not hybrid tea 1st D Gegg 2nd D Gegg One cut of miniature roses 1st D Andrews 2nd D Andrews Any cut of flower not mentioned 1st D Gegg 2nd V Cardiff-Kinder Bowl of roses – any variety 1st I Turner 2nd D Andrews Plants Growing in Containers Foliage plant in a container 1st T Simm Flowering plant in container 1st D Gegg 2nd M Grant Fern plant in a container 1st D Gegg Succulent in a container 1st M Grant 2nd D Gegg

COOKING Champion: M Grant Fruit cake 1st D Andrews Boiled fruit cake 1st D Andrews 2nd I Turner 6 patty cakes – no icing or paper cases 1st D Andrews 2nd D Gegg 6 plain scones 1st M Grant 2nd M Grant Apple pie 1st I Turner 2nd D Andrews 6 pikelets 1st D Andrews Chocolate cake – no icing 1st M Grant 2nd D Andrews

Jams and Pickles Section A Plum jam 1st I Turner Two fruits jam 1st I Turner 2nd G Feldman Fruit jelly 1st I Turner Marmalade jam – any flavour 1st C Feldman 2nd I Turner Lemon butter (in a 10cm jar) 1st M Muilwyk 2nd I Turner Section B Green tomato pickles 1st P Williams 2nd I Turner Mustard Pickles 1st I Turner Tomato relish 1st I Turner 2nd P Williams Tomato sauce 1st I Turner 2nd M Muilwyk

PRODUCE, FRUIT & VEGETABLES Champion: I Turner 4 eggs 1st H Stenchow 2nd K Roach 4 stalks rhubarb 1st D Gegg 2nd M Grant 4 tomatoes 1st I Turner 2nd I Turner Collection of any fruit (not stone) 1st I Turner 2nd I Turner

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (22)

Page 22 Windellama News - March 2016

CRAFT SHOW Champion: J Kinder Section A – Knitting and Crochet Any knitted or crocheted garment 1st W Yates Any other article knitted 1st V Cardiff-Kinder 2nd V Cardiff-Kinder Any other article crocheted 1st C Cooper 2nd V Cardiff-Kinder Knitted or crocheted rug 1st M Schapp Homespun or hand woven article 1st J Yates 2nd M Schapp Section B – Sewing Any embroidered article 1st V Cardiff-Kinder 2nd C Robson Machine sewn article 1st V Cardiff-Kinder 2nd C Robson Any machine quilted or patchwork item 1st M Grant Section C - Craft Open Hand painted or appliquéd item 1st V Cardiff-Turner 2nd V Cardiff-Kinder Any tapestry A. Not Cross Stitch 1st V Scarfi 2nd V Scarfi B. Cross Stitch 1st V Cardiff-Kinder 2nd S Komnacki Machine or handmade toy – teddy bear or doll 1st M Schapp 2nd M Schapp Dressed teddy bear or doll – clothing only judged 1st I Turner 2nd I Turner

Fancy coat hanger 1st S Komnacki 2nd S Kmonacki Any beaded item 1st V Cardiff-Kinder 2nd V Cardiff-Kinder Section D – Craft Open Folk art 1st T Stenchow Craft from wood or metal 1st L Turner Art painting or drawing – any subject 1st T Stenchow Any paper craft (e.g. greeting cards or scrap booking) 1st B Beresford 1st B Beresford Any craft not mentioned 1st J Kinder 1st T Simm

PHOTOGRAPHY Champion: Michael Lees Plant study 1st M Grant 2nd A Herring Relic of the past 1st V Cardiff-Kinder 2nd D Andrews People study 1st M Grant 2nd M Lees Three prints on one mount (local subject Windellama Fire Brigade area) 1st B Beresford Portrait 1st B Beresford 2nd M Lees Landscape 1st M Lees 2nd B Beresford Animal 1st M Grant 2nd M Grant

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (23)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 23

Most humorous photo 1st M Lees 2nd M Grant Country life 1st M Herring 2nd D Andrews

CHILDREN’S SECTION Children’s Flowers Infants – Arrangement in a jar 1st S Glover 2nd S Lentini Infants – Vegetable and or fruit figure 1st C O’Donnell 2nd S Roberts Primary – Arrangement in a jar 1st K Andrews 2nd A Starr-Andrews Primary – Vegetable and or fruit figure 1st T Roberts 2nd M Andrews

Children’s Cooking Under 5 years - Decorated arrowroot biscuit 1st C Nicholl 2nd S Roberts

Over 5 and under 8 - Decorated arrowroot biscuit 1st M Andrews 2nd M Andrews Over 8 and under 12 - Decorated arrowroot biscuit 1st K Andrews 2nd K Andrews Children’s Craft Colouring – Infants – Boys 1st S Roberts 2nd C Craig Colouring – Infants – Girls 1st S Lentini 2nd M Glover Colouring – Primary – Boys 1st T Roberts 2nd T Stanford Colouring – Primary – Girls 1st C Mireylees 2nd V O’Donnell

Photography Children 16 and under – any subject 1st P Angel-Lees

Australia Day Honours List recognises Windellama local, Graham Kinder

On 26th January our local resident Graham Kinder, was privileged to be awarded the prestigious Emergency Services Medal by the Governor-General, His Excellency the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd).

The Emergency Services Medal (ESM) recognises distinguished service by members of emergency services across Australia, and people who are involved in emergency management, training or

education. The Governor-General awards the Emergency Services Medal on the recommendation of the responsible Commonwealth, state and territory Ministers.

On Australia Day, Graham was invited to address a large crowd at Goulburns’ Victoria Park. In addition to thanking his wife Vickie and daughters Jade and Claire, for their patience and support, he took the opportunity to encourage all of us to give something back to our community through Volunteering.

While some folk spend time trying to undermine our Volunteers, we could all look to Graham as an example of how to put all that nonsense behind us and stay truly focussed on the important

(Continued on page 25)

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Page 24 Windellama News - March 2016


Sunday 20th March Locally made goodies

Pre loved toys/tools Bric-a-Brac Locally produced honey Variety of plants Gourmet foods Lots for the sewing enthusiast Wooden articles


Food and refreshments

New stallholders welcome

Enquiries Grahame Woodco*ck


Plenty of parking

Museum open

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (25)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 25

Windellama Landcare

Update on Windellama Landcare; A meeting and a Working Bee

Hello Everyone,

The year has opened to a promising start for Windellama Landcare. With our first meeting for the year we’ve outlined a couple of interesting projects for the upcoming year. Having planned the conclusion of some old projects, and the beginning of some new ones, it looks to be a busy year for our little group.

The first two important dates for us will be the 30th of April, and the 28th of May. And, in the spirit of the group I’d like to extend an invitation to the community at large to come and join us, as well as to remind all our members to save these dates.

For anyone interested in pitching in and maybe learning a few new skills, the 30th of April will be the first working bee for the year. Several years ago the group began a project on the area of Crown Land at Budjong Creek. Most of this project has been complete for some time, however there is still a bit of fencing that needs to be done to completely finish the job. We’ll be meeting up at the project site, which is easy to find. It’s about 1km along Sandy Point Rd from the corner of Oallen Ford Rd. It’s on the right hand side and you will easily find all our vehicles. It’s a great opportunity to come along and learn how to (or help to) put up a fence with people who have been putting up fences in Windellama’s tricky clay-soil for decades. So please join us for a cuppa before we start at 9.30 am.

If you’re wondering what it is that Landcare does (or just want a reminder of what we’ve done in the area) the 28th of May will be a day set aside for us to go and visit some of our past projects. Starting at the Landcare Headquarters at Windellama Hall, we will then all drive out and revisit some of our past project sites to see how they are going some years after the work has been done. We’re set to start up at 10am.

Even if you just want to participate in our general meeting, please feel free to come along on either of these dates. To our old hands, we’ll look forward to seeing you, and to any newcomers we’d love to meet you too.

Kind Regards,

Jade Kinder

Secretary Windellama Landcare

issues. “I am humbled by this recognition” he said “but it does give me the opportunity to ask you to seriously consider supporting our local Rural Fire Service Brigade members, get behind our local School and our Can Assist (Cancer Assistance network), join the local State Emergency Service Unit, come along to Progress Association meetings, etc.

He has since been invited to talk to Communities across NSW and he is continuing his State-wide volunteer work in training leaders of the NSW Fire and Rescue, NSW Ambulance, NSW RFS and NSW State Emergency Service.

(Continued from page 23)

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Windellama News—March 2016 Page 27

Nerriga News

Nerriga Gardeners

Nerriga Garden club had its first outing of the year with a visit to Marie and Merv Hutt's gorgeous property along Nerriga Road. The weather was kind and the whole area looked amazing for the time of year with green grass everywhere and water in the dam. Amazing what a good downpour in January can achieve along with good landcare practices. The vegetable patch is all in raised beds and the cucumbers were surpassing themselves. Does everyone have a glut this year? Marie has managed to get Clivias to survive in our climate but has tucked them between the rainwater tanks which will lessen the impact of the frosts and her Hippeastrums had flowered and were flowering. Agapanthus were thriving and fruit trees growing.

Next month we hope to visit Sue Patrick at Peggy's Gully on Oallen Road and see the progress made since emptying several ute loads of dirt into her raised beds. For those not in the know meet at Oallen Road and Nerriga Road Junction at 09-45hrs for a tag along and then car pool. Di Roberts who has faithfully recorded all our meetings for the past years has had to retire from her journalist role with a move to Nowra imminent, she will still be attending when able and we will no doubt descend on her during the winter months. All enquiries to Kay Hamer 48459021 best after dusk or leave very clear message or [emailprotected]


fees for Hire of Hall and Supper Room

Hall -

Full Day $220*

Half Day $110*

Supper Room $66*

Supper Room &

Kitchen $110*

*All fees inclusive of GST

Security/Cleaning Fee $100

Refundable on inspection

To book please contact Helen Rolland 02 4845 9115 [emailprotected]


WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (28)

Page 28 Windellama News - March 2016

The Loaded Dog Hotel

Tarago EST 1848

Hoteliers: Nicole & Mark Ryan 02 4849 4499

1 Wallace Street TARAGO NSW 2580 | 02 4849 4499 | [emailprotected]

LIVE MUSIC @ THE DOG March 19th April 16th

Social Darts 7.30pm every fortnight

Come alone or bring a


All welcome

Bingo @ The Dog 11am on 1st

Wednesday of the month

Closed Good Friday

Come enjoy our bistro meals over the Easter


The Dog Bistro Nicole’s Fish’n’chips Thursdays 6 - 8pm $7.50

Home made Pizza all day every day, eat in or take away

Bistro Hours: Friday & Saturday 6pm - 8:30 pm

Sunday 6pm - 8:00pm

Lunches 7 days 12 - 2pm

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (29)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 29

Windellama Historical Society Inc.

It had to happen

Bull looks for a Cow

Goulburn Herald 15 August 1863 p3.

Richard Bull was the first Post Master at Windellama. The location of the farm has not been established. He only operated the Post Office for about eight months when Mrs Cartwright took over. It seemed a bit odd that Richard Bull would only conduct the Post Office for such a short time so I looked into the circ*mstances of his departure.

On 24 January 1864 Richard went out to round up his cows when the dogs startled a kangaroo. He gave chase and coming near a tree with a low branch he tried to pass on the other side but the horse swerved to the side where the branch was.

The Branch struck the unfortunate Richard in the abdomen flinging him to the ground. Dr Waugh of Goulburn was sent for but there was nothing that he could be done and Richard died at 1 p.m. the following day. He was buried in the old St. Saviours cemetery at Goulburn, his grave being marked by a carved headstone.

Richard was born in 1833 at Liverpool into a large family, his parents being John and Mary Bull. He was married in 1855 to Maria Rowley of Liverpool. They had 5 children, John Thomas born 1856, Richard N born 1858, Sydney E born 1860 (died 1862), Charles F born 1862 and the last one, Mary L was born a few months after Richard died.

For a number of years Richard’s brother John Bull operated the “Carriers Arms” Inn in Grafton Street, Goulburn.

After Richard’s death Maria and her children moved back to her parents at Liverpool where she died in 1873.


Goulburn Evening Penny Post

Goulburn Monumental Inscriptions

Birth, Death and Marriage Index

Tom Bryant 10 March 2016

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Windellama News—March 2016 Page 31

CHURCH INFO Catholic Church Services

Parish Priest: Fr. Dermot McDermott

Assistant: Fr. Assin

Deacon: Chris Van Gessel

Presbytery & Parish Office Phone 4821 1022


Sunday Mass will be at 8am on the 2nd & 4th Sunday at St. Patrick's Marulan.

Mass Times in Goulburn are:

Saturday Vigil Mass:

6pm (DST) at St. Peter & St. Paul's Sunday: 7am. at Our Lady of Fatima,

Nth. Goulburn Sunday: 10am. at St. Peter & St. Paul's

St. Joseph’s Church, Tarago

Enquiries: 4821 1022


St Bartholomew’s Windellama

All Services now at St. Barts

13th March

27th March

Services now start at 10.30 am

Reverend Peter Bertram

St. Andrews (Anglican) - Tarago

2nd Sunday 9am

St. John’s - Lake Bathurst

4th Sunday 9am



Held at Nerriga Church

2nd Sunday each month at 2pm

(Except Easter & Christmas)

All Welcome

Rainfall Stats

16 January to 15 February

Rosewood, Windellama Road, Windellama

96 ml / 8 days

Gar-Den, Oallen Ford Rd, Oallen

ml / days

Johnno’s Store, Oallen Ford Rd, Bungonia

ml / days

Tarkierelea, Fernleigh Close, Windellama

ml / days

Bee Ranch, Oallen Ford Rd, Windellama

ml/ days

Corang Cottage, Braidwood Road Nerriga

61.75 ml / 10 days

Tarago Village

ml / days

Nerrimunga Creek Rd, Windellama

ml/ days

Willy Weather

ml / days

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (32)

Page 32 Windellama News - March 2016

At Barbeques Galore you'll discover a whole new world of

outdoor entertaining.

A lot of places are selling outdoor products, like Barbeques. The

difference is WE can show you how to use them!

We've got a huge range of the latest aluminium, wicker and

timber settings to suit both the size and style of your backyard.

4821 1292 or 4821 4889 388 Auburn Street, Goulburn





WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (33)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 33

Classified Advertisem*nts

Sony Bravia HD 42” TV $200 ono Ph 48445156 Upright freezer $100, Free- white rollerdoor, no fittings Ph 0422 971 217

Pine TV & display unit with 23" analogue TV & digital box. $250 for the lot. Ph 4849 4371

Teak entertainment unit, with two glass door display. 6x4 foot. $75.00 ONO.

Double bunks, Metal, with ladder, new innerspring mattresses. $125 ONO Two wooden bed side tables with cane draws.$50 for two. Ph. 4849 4480

Assorted Household furniture, fridge, table, chairs, china cabinet, T/Tennis table. Braidwood Road TARAGO. Ph 0417 484 944

Ride on Mower, Masport Mercury. 2007 Model 20 H.P.42 inch cut. Regular service – needs new Spindle Housing. $1,000. Ph 0419 004 919

1 x King Single bed $200;1 x Single bed $150;1 x Single bed $100;Dressing table/chest of drawers (8) $150; 1 x Glass TV table $150; 1 x Glass coffee table $50 Ph 0411 421 416

Lounges - 1x3, 1x2 + ottoman - yellow fabric, Matching chair in navy blue. All GC. Offers over $500 considered. 4849 4222

Desk - large timber , 2xdraws/storage under. Leather inlay + matching 2drawers file cab. Ergo office chair. All VGC. $400 ONO 4849 4222

Firewood. $150 per load. Ph 4849 4520 for delivery.

Firewood. 2 tonne truck load $430, ½ truck load $250. Ph 0401 241 646

1 Roller Door + fittings suit American style barn $100.00 or ono. Phone Harry 48447061


Parrot Cage on stand, good cond. $150 ONO. Ph 0429 006 745

Reptile cage - 2’ x 2’ x 2 Glass enclose with heat pad & light & mat $250. Ph 4844 7168 or 0423 524 296

Saddles, good condition, $350 & $200. ONO. Riding helmets $30 and $20. Also other gear: bridles, leather straps, etc. Ph 0434 286311.

Miniature Shetland Gig well balanced, hardly used, some harness, pneumatic tyres, lightweight $730 ono Ph 62301774 or 0417749064


1 Set of lovely baby twin goats ( boys ) Born 21/7 1 Lovely baby goat (boy) born 28/7 All Friendly Phone 48445838

Piglets - different ages so different prices. Ph Bob McDonald 0429 494 331

Alpacas - lots of different colours & ages. From $250 each Phone Jacki 0428 298 157

Angora Goats - various ages & sizes. $20-$35 each. Ph 0428 238 204

Quarrions (co*ckatiels) - $10 each Ph 4845 9147 after 6pm

Horse part Arabian, 3 yrs old, regd, 14.2 hh, chestnut mare. $3,000 Ph 0429 461 490

Alpaca Wethers Variety of Colours, ages 12 months – 3 years.Halter Trained Wethered, Needled & Shorn. $400.00 each. Phone 4844 7267. Faye & Keith. Quialigo.

15 milking goats. A mixture of male and female. Friendly and well behaved. Price negotiable depending on number purchased. Ring Julia 42761489.

One six month old pig for sale - approx. cost $150. Please call Julia on 4276 1489

Sheep for sale good lawn mowers. Black and white, ewes and weathers. Ring Lloyd 48 445 214

All personal classifieds are FREE & also included in the Tarago Times

We run your advert until you let us know when you have sold it or gained it

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (34)

Page 34 Windellama News - March 2016

Classified Advertisem*nts

All personal classifieds are FREE & also included in the Tarago Times

We run your advert until you let us know when you have sold it or gained it

Stockcrate 1.8 x1.8 x1.2 galvanised 40 x 40mm, Good for sheep or calves, sliding rear roller door VGC -$500 o.n.o. Ph 0412 421 464

Two TEA20 1951 Grey Fergie Tractors. 1 going, 1 not. 1 going extremely rare reduction gear (4WD) production. Still has original exhaust and radiator. Comes with grader and lifting jib atts. $6000.oo. Ph 48445545.

Daken 4’6” Slasher - $800 ono 4844 7188 Berends 10 disc cultivator 3 point linkage $500 Daken rondini spreader SPT 500 3 point linkage $600 Phone 48445369 Stanbury Electrical 75 amp battery charger - new condition, used twice only for Solar batteries - $1200. Pho 48459147 after 6P.M.


Knitting wool for volunteer knitters for charity. Any leftover wool, any ply, gratefully accepted. Ph Denise 4844 5087

Carpentry/installation assistance with a new screen door. Ph: Diane 4844 5932

Wanted to meet - 4 young Angus cross cows/heifers wish to meet quiet bull. View short relationship - Stud fees payable. Ph 4845 9147 after 6 pm

Everhot slow combustion stove model 204 any condition Garry/Sharon Ph 4844 5980

Rusty barbed wire. Will pick up. Ph Denise 4844 5087

Instantaneous LPG Gas Hot Water system 16-20 litres per minute flow rate, working or not. Ph Gary or Sharon on 48445780

Person to assist with 2-3 well behaved horses of afternoon, muckout, rug & feed 5-7 days per week or part there of Phone 4849 4269

Person for general house work & cleaning on weekly basis 4849 4269

AGISTMENT Horse Agistment available at 41 Burrabinga Road Tarago. Please phone 0429 461 490 for enquires Horse Agistment, full facilities available, Tarago. Enquiries 0429 461 490.


Peugeot 206 2003. Excellent condition mechanically as well as inside and out, 116,000Km. Serviced regularly and always garaged. 1.4 litre extremely fuel efficient, Bluetooth and aftermarket cruise control fitted, air conditioning

Registered until December 2016 $2,950 ono phone 4845 9167

Toyota truck, 1988, good working order, with 13ft steel tray & stock crate. Ph 4829 5123

Transalloy Ute Tray 1.8 x 1.8, suit most 4x4's, complete with dropsides and LED lights VGC -$1100 o.n.o. Ph 0412 421 464

Polished Alloy Rear Ute Sports Bar $100 Ph0412 421 464

Aluminium Savage 4.3m Boat (1995) with 30hp Yamaha outboard on brooker trailer. Front steering & canopy, electric start, radio, compass, plus all extras. Always garaged & flushed, runs well. $5,900 ONO Call Scott 0418 563 888

Motorhome Hino Rainbow bus, professionally converted for two. Fully equipped and registered. Inspection welcome. Phone Bruce 0428480650.

Commodore VC. Suitable for parts or restoration only. Make an offer. Enquiries to 47517492 (message) or 0417750518 Peter.

Camper Trailer Queen sized bed with large room. Plenty storage room. Comes with zipon canopy/shelter. Easy to erect/store/transport. $3500 ono Ph 62301774 or 0417749064


Lucerne Hay Prime soft green small bales $15 8 x 3 x 3 bakes of lucerne or beardless wheaten available phone 0428493194

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (35)

Windellama News—March 2016 Page 35

Windellama Progress Association

Gary Lourigan (President) 4844 5545

Christine Woodco*ck (Secretary) 4844 7275

Windellama Rural Fire Brigade

Rex Hockey (Captain) 4844 5147

Graham Kinder (President) 4844 5330

Ellen Sylvester (Secretary) 4844 5407

Windellama Field Day Committee

Co-ordinator Grahame Woodco*ck 4844 7275

Secretary Leanne Lourigan 4844 5545

Windellama News

Christine Woodco*ck (Secretary) 4844 7275

Lyn Jones (Editor) 4844 5843

Gayle Stanton (Editor) 4844 5156

Windellama Garden Cub Inc.

Harry Simm (Secretary) 4844 7061

Sharon King (Treasurer) 4844 5980

Kevin Muffet (President) 48447143

Windellama Hall Country Markets

Grahame Woodco*ck 4844 7275

Lloyd Turner 4844 5214

Windellama Historical Society

Rex Hockey (President) 4844 5147

Julian Woods (Secretary) 4844 5270

Windellama Landcare

Kevin Stewart (President) 0439471714

Jade Kinder (Secretary) 0449713585

Windellama CFR

Kevin Muffet 4844 7143

Windellama School P&C

Shelly Andrews (President) 4844 5630

Heather Caulfield (Secretary) 4844 5120

Willow Glen Gardeners

Warren Yates 4844 5350

Wires (wildlife rescue)

HeatherCaulfield 48445120

Southern Tablelands WIRES 4822 3888

Justice of the Peace

Linda Shannon 0490041167 Geoff Burns 4849 4330

Nerriga PSA

Helen Rolland (President) 4845 9115



PHONE 000 For Mobile users & Landlines

Important Phone Numbers

Rural Fire Brigades

Windellama Rex Hockey 4844 5147

Tarago Ken Vassel 4849 4652

Taylors Creek Dave Elward 4849 4240

Mt Fairy/Boro Mike Welford 4849 4623

Bungonia Craig White 0407 718607

Gundary Tony Kent 0437298200

Nerriga John Rolfe 4845 9160

Bushfire Information 1800 NSW RFS

or 1800 679 737 or

WINDELLAMA PH: 4844 5359 or CHANNEL 21/209 Base

AMBULANCE 000 Ambulance Booking 13 12 33 Goulburn Ambo Station 4827 0444

Windellama SES 132 500 Kevin Muffet 4844 7143 Poison Info. Service 13 11 26 Goulburn Base Hospital 4827 3111


Tarago Station - Snr. Constable Gary Handshaker 4849 4411 Goulburn 4824 0799


Goulburn Railway Station 4828 5816 Train info & bookings 13 22 32 Country Energy - interruptions 13 20 80 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March· combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (36)

Page 36 Windellama News - March 2016

March 2016 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8

Craft Afternoon

9 10 11 12

NPSA Meeting


Tarago Show


Progress Meeting

4.00 pm


Craft Afternoon

16 17 18 19

Historical Society



21 22

Craft Afternoon

23 24 25 26



28 29

Craft Afternoon

30 31

WINDELLAMA HALL COUNTRY MARKETS Sunday 20th March · combination of systems including aquaponics, hydroponics, wicking beds, biodynamics, and rotating beds to grow a large variety - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.