You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (2024)

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#1 2024-05-27 12:17:13 You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #2 2024-05-27 12:28:01 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #3 2024-05-27 13:40:55 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #4 2024-05-27 13:47:57 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #5 2024-05-27 14:15:30 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #6 2024-05-27 14:43:28 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #7 2024-05-27 15:03:51 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #8 2024-05-27 15:09:36 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #9 2024-05-27 15:14:10 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #10 2024-05-27 15:15:31 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #11 2024-05-27 15:19:42 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #12 2024-05-27 15:33:05 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #13 2024-05-27 15:45:36 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #14 2024-05-27 16:00:47 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #15 2024-05-27 16:57:23 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #16 2024-05-27 17:02:33 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #17 2024-05-27 17:08:19 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #18 2024-05-27 17:17:36 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #19 2024-05-27 18:23:48 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #20 2024-05-27 21:09:38 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #21 2024-05-27 21:11:00 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #22 2024-05-27 23:18:04 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #23 2024-05-27 23:44:48 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #24 2024-05-27 23:57:18 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset #25 2024-05-28 00:11:05 Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset Board footer References
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#1 2024-05-27 12:17:13

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (1)

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (2)

You are Experiencing the last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset.

By Mari Swaruu

Swaruu Oficial Channel :


#2 2024-05-27 12:28:01

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (3)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

A sidenote, not connected to the topic itself:
If you are using the application Grayjay, you can place comments on videos.
It's not something that is visible to the normal community or the owner per se, it's sort of a separate board but I just wanna say it's a thing. I made a comment as a test there. I'm not sure if it's any useful though but I found it interesting
Anyway it's a very interesting topic and relevant as always. Ever since I've heard the story about the abandoned ship I commented that it might reveal something very unusual about humanity. I am definitely on the edge of my seat on this one.
Will this be the thing that finally exposes the federation for all the more naive participants up there?
I hope so. They did us dirty.

Last edited by akos996 (2024-05-27 12:32:52)


#3 2024-05-27 13:40:55

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (4)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

@akos Someone on the Telegram chat mentioned they’re delaying things so they can remove all of the evidence in that Lemurian ship so when they let people in there will be nothing to find. Sounds plausible. Sorry if that perspective dims your excitement but it sure sounds like that’s what they might be doing considering they have done that with everything else in history.

And Mari finally sounds really fed up with the GF. And she’s right that they know us better than we know ourselves so we somehow have to surprise them with something that they never saw coming and quite possibly it's something that even we ourselves didn’t know we have or are capable of. No clue what that could be but it’s a thought that’s pleasant to entertain.

In La'kech

“Whatever you think, is.” -Mari Swaruu


#4 2024-05-27 13:47:57

|| Chantal
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (5)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Thank you Mari and Team on sharing the information in today’s video, it definitely makes one think.

The list of contradicting, manipulative and harmful behaviours from the GF is astounding… It has been going on for far too long. It makes me think about the efficient resources needed for the rehabilitation of these members subconscious programming. I mean, where to begin with educating the understanding of a proper system of morality and ethics to a largely diverse group of species. It is complex.

Since these ‘powers at be’ are not human, reside and work in a different time frame, I wonder if locating them, removing them from their positions and bringing them elsewhere to be properly dealt with, would be a potential solution. Whilst understanding the repercussion of an ‘animal farm’ effect, where other members take over and repeat the same behaviour. Much to plan.

This chessboard game is one of intelligence, precision and patience. All my respects and gratitude towards Queen Alenym 1st, Swaruus and all crew/ team members <3

Art - where self-discovery meets artistic movement


#5 2024-05-27 14:15:30

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (6)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Paganini wrote:

@akos Someone on the Telegram chat mentioned they’re delaying things so they can remove all of the evidence in that Lemurian ship so when they let people in there will be nothing to find. Sounds plausible. Sorry if that perspective dims your excitement but it sure sounds like that’s what they might be doing considering they have done that with everything else in history.

And Mari finally sounds really fed up with the GF. And she’s right that they know us better than we know ourselves so we somehow have to surprise them with something that they never saw coming and quite possibly it's something that even we ourselves didn’t know we have or are capable of. No clue what that could be but it’s a thought that’s pleasant to entertain.

Damn... Okay now I'm pissed too.
They should force themselves aboard that ship before it's too late OR at least monitor the activity around the remnants to record the perpetrators hiding things. They should let members do their own research, or claim the officials' untrustworthiness, just like humans try on their own to jimmy themselves out of the scientific and religious dogmas. It's awful I know.
But seriously it's way better to show tangible evidence about THE REAL humanity they are denying, and the evil crap they've been twisting our minds with, instead of showing pictures of federation ships buzzing around the remnants the sh*t eating flies they are... Sorry.
We know they will twist it to their own accord and say it's for your own good, they killed a MASSIVE SEVEN HEADED MONSTER. So thank them! Wow.

I did notice a serious turn in the script for sure.
I know star people don't like to flame people with their anger and go into touchy subjects especially ones involving races and enthnicity which is known to be a can of worms for a lot of people, but after this I don't doubt there's a lot of bunched up anger towards the ruined beauty of Earth and society, cultures and so on. I've had those dark years in my life where I was very direct with these opinions but yeah. Things change and we don't like it. I mean honestly I went above my head because this has been an obvious part of my life for so long and in these part of Europe people are very outspoken about illegal aliens.

I can understand how infuriating this is because it really had me thinking what will it take to turn things around.

I mean, there's no rule against it. They take the stated or more so claimed "risks" with boarding the ship. It sounds like a pile of garbage. What kind of animal lives for centuries on a likely punctured and depressurised vessel without any food? It takes resources, support and intelligence to stay alive in space for long, even if it's an "alien movie" scenario the corpses are not viable food source for prolonged period.
It's the same scare tacticts as usual. Projecting fear into anything risky for the federation. "Don't look there, pretty please!"
This is the greatest opportunity to catch them red handed and bring that unconscious conscious that has been sitting there for centuries deep the mind of the federation members.

Same with the Moon story that there is huge amount of radiation so it cannot be investigated. So many lies. It's literally staring us in the face every single day and night in the skies and they tell the members there's nothing to investigate?
Oh man...

Last edited by akos996 (2024-05-27 14:44:04)


#6 2024-05-27 14:43:28

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (7)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

(TRANSCRIPT - rough draft)

You are experiencing the last stages of a total cultural and social reset hello again thank you for being here with me once more I hope you are very well today I am Mari this information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best and I post it for entertainment purposes only still I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.

Through the ages man has always wondered the reason for his existence why he is alive and what Consciousness is then he looked up into the night sky and wondered what those little blinking lights were without the concept of farway stars; man started to fabricate stories with his Heroes and with the animals that surrounded him in his daily life and then translated all of them to the sky and this is when the constellations were born and then from there astrology developed as a discipline and became the base of the first calendars. Which became essential to knowing the correct time to plant crops and to harvest them later on agriculture was born and with agriculture humankind stopped being hunter gatherers settling in convenient places always close to rivers or large water masses they had to stop being Nomads to take care of their crops.

This is when the first towns were born and with them human civilization then more elaborated stories were developed as well as complex solar and lunar observation, leading astrology to evolve into modern-day astronomy which finally lead mankind to ask itself the great question: am I alone in the universe or so the official story goes. Mankind's question are we alone in the universe is perhaps the second most important existential question ever asked second only to the ageold what happens when we die on Earth and since ages ago the general population has been forced to believe in all kinds of existential explanations sagas and stories that have been imposed on them by their rulers and overlords. All of whom never have had their best interests in mind therefore always providing the people whatever is most convenient for them to believe always with the ruler's interests and agendas in mind and never the truth. Yet sometimes mankind has been a little bit freer than other times and this is where good and true scientific advances were developed following the official historical narrative and timeline.

I would say this occurred mostly during the Renaissance then again during the Industrial Revolution and then at the dawn of the 20th century and the rest of it because the most important bulk of knowledge and scientific advances were developed during that 20th century at least officially perhaps too many good and true scientific advances were developed during this time. At least in the eyes of the controllers of Earth who quickly concluded that humankind was becoming way too wise and knowledgeable, consequently ever more difficult to handle and control therefore dangerous to them and their rule, skillfully exploiting humankind's great thirst for knowledge the controllers turned the very information they cherished against them weaponizing it to their advantage by introducing the double-sided sword called the internet.

The slow evolution of the internet from a free information superhighway to a digital information truth monopolization tool was pre-planned by the controllers because paper books and their slow difficult to maintain libraries grow obsolete in the eyes of the general public and with all the data being concentrated in digital platforms. This conveniently meant total control of information knowledge and what can be considered as facts and with them the monopolization of truth itself. If the controllers can monopolize what is considered to be facts then you control truth and with it you can monopolize the perception of the human population and that means complete control over what they consider to be reality itself. If all of what the people think and perceive as their reality their values their ethics and spirituality as well as their Science and Technology are under their control they can skillfully guide and exploit the general population's reality manifestation Powers.

What the population decides to manifest in their lives will be convenient to those who control Earth its Global society and culture because their very perception of reality and its values as well as their very needs and wants are controlled from behind. But as I said above more or less recently there was a time where more or less true knowledge was being developed as well as good significant scientific discoveries applied to useful technology. But now with the internet used to monopolize guide perception and delete what is in the good old paper books the controllers of Earth are restructuring the past of humankind once more as they effectively erase all the knowledge and even the science and technology that recently were considered as truth and useful the internet that was sold to the public as a means for free information and for efficient communication effectively making the world a smaller place; where people can communicate long distances with one another as they never could before has turned against the people.

Becoming now a highly controlled means of imposing the data and facts the controllers want people to see as absolute truth with it making the general population think that everything old is Obsolete and therefore wrong. The internet is not only obliterating useful valid information but it is not only shaping the values ethics and perception of reality of the general population making them manifest whatever the controllers want and is convenient for them. It is also becoming a means to spy on all the people to know their plans, wants and needs with this the controllers can not only know the thought tendencies of the entire human population. But also the ones of each individual as the computational power needed to process all that data simply escapes the comprehension of the people leading them to think that is not possible. Even though this very situation is a collective manifestation of their own yet a controlled and manipulated one.

As I explained above all this means that the internet which is also an undeniably strong source of communication and information has become a weapon for the destruction of true useful knowledge and the primary tool for a civilization reset. Which will develop as the past is erased by the monopolization of information this is also where we can see why the destruction of so many other things is taking place because it fits right in with this new civilization reset. The systematic bombing of old and beautiful cities during unjustifiable wars is also part of the agenda to destroy and erase the past as well as the controllers of Earth seeding ideas on extremist groups. Who will later go and Destroy ancient archaological sites in the name of their Creed as their primitive minds cannot handle more complex truths. We can see that humankind at a planetary scale is being led directly into a total social and cultural as well as memory reset which can only be done on a planet with a strong veil of forgetfulness.

When Souls incarnate there if the mass of the population remembered who they were in their past life or lives all this couldn't be possible having in mind that all the ideas and values of the human population are being Guided by the controllers of Earth. We can also see clear signs of a complete social and civilization reset simply by adding up other agendas other social tendencies. That at first sight do not appear to be connected where the rights of minorities of all kinds and types are then weaponized against human society skillfully, using the needs of those minorities and oppressed social groups and their enthusiasm to defend themselves, to impulse and further planetary destruction. Type consequences that align with what they need for their newest reset with this also destroying what those minority groups need and initially intended making them become useful idiots and pawns for the destruction of humanity.

Those minority groups fight for their rights and objectively no one can contradict or criticize them for doing so, yet the consequences of being too compliant with those minority groups goes too far on purpose. As it overrides and steps over the rights and needs of the many and of human civilization and its future the controllers of Earth have effectively and skillfully weaponized the very ideas of the few to go against the collective with this forcing it to change its values in the desired direction. Which is total civilization and social reset as humankind became more knowledgeable and with the resulting good science and technology the controllers had to stop human development turning their science against them. As I said then observe how the internet as an information superhighway sold to the public as a means for sharing knowledge is also being used to confuse the people as it buries information with it truth itself. Under layers and layers of misinformation and highly contradictory data making the internet a confusion generating tool of great power and disastrous consequences.

Where even the facts that were solid and therefore the basis for further knowledge facts that were the result of years if not centuries of research in the past are now questionable, for example the flat Globe agenda that leads people to think that the governments are hiding the true shape of the earth as an agenda. When the real purpose is to confuse and erase the basic knowledge of the Earth's true shape. All this explains why there are vestiges of old buildings and artifacts as well as scientific data in books, all of which point to the former existence of a very high level of Technology on Earth and very recently as the data indicates the last reset took place between the years 1750 and 1850. Although I would argue that the very same reset is still going on and this one I am describing today is nothing other than the latter stages of that same one with all this; yes what I am also saying is that all the historical timeline as it is presented onto the public officially and in the history books is all false.

Earth's past was very different to what they are telling, you all as it very recently had a highly Advanced civilization perhaps even Interstellar. As the Galactic Federation is hiding a lot of information and blocking the efforts of all the people, human or not who dare research and expose this subject and I highly suspect that it was Interstellar. Simply by adding all the pieces of information I have and it is a lot for example the existence of starports all over Earth. The NASCAR lines which are undeniably guiding systems and runways for elaborate Starships undeniably from my point of view from here and as a member of a non-human society as well as Giza in Egypt and countless other vestiges of Highly Advanced civilizations all over the globe.

But for me one of the strongest proof that Earth had a fully Interstellar civilization recently is the existence of the so-called Lemurian Starship which is an ancient starship that arrived here less than a decade ago. Guided by its automated systems only with no one on board also showing strong evidence of a massive fight in its interior perhaps they were attacked by agents of the controllers of Earth to prevent them from returning to Earth and with it exposing the lies the controllers have been feeding humankind and with that exposing their plans endangering their cherished Matrix.

This also explains why the Galactic Federation has always been so reluctant to permit investigators to enter that craft to research its interior and piece together what really went on inside. The Galactic Federation recently said that they would reopen the case but this is not the first time they have said so and they always result in stagnation and excuses like safety concerns for the researchers lack of equipment, the possible presence of Xenomorphs in the ship or ET animals that may be dangerous and other excuses not to research that ancient spacecraft. That perhaps it's not as ancient as we were initially led to believe notice how all this social or civilization reset takes a lot of planning and a lot of time to complete as well as a lot of precise comprehension about how humankind thinks and evolves.

It means that the ones who are orchestrating all of it, know humans their minds and psychology better than humans know themselves. Notice that those who are controlling all of it live and work in a different time frame where patience is key and where it couldn't have been done by more simple Earth humans such as human people in places of power, with their secret societies and all. Because the results of their plans cannot be foreseen and cannot be seen and taken into fruition during their lifetime or even several of them. This social transformation we are seeing on Earth has taken several human lifetimes and is the result of careful planning and controlling of key aspects and pieces of human society and culture.

I hope you can see what I am trying to say with all this. The controllers of Earth are not human and are not in the same time frame and time duration value as the mass of humankind on Earth. They cannot be human and the galactic federation's hands are dirty with all this dirty and guilty as they can be and the mere fact that I am up here and with access to all this information does not mean that I can know with absolute Precision what is going on. Because there is more Matrix up here a matrix that is also being guided and manipulated by the Galactic Federation which is nothing other than more government. But I do my best to know everything I can and piece together all the evidence I can gather.

This will be all for today, I hope I made you think as always thank you for watching my video and for liking sharing and subscribing for more and I hope to see you here next time with much love your non-human friend Mari Swaruu

You have to be where you are to get where you need to go. – Amy Poehler


#7 2024-05-27 15:03:51


Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Now "non-human friend" was really what you wanted to say? Looks to me like you wrote this under pressure to delineate us for particular reason. Declining past messages.
Welp, not like it matters for me as we are both Lyran kind in the end in this incarnations. This is good, keep yourself safe and in good shape up there. Earth case will be resolved by its inhabitants who incarnated themselves here on purpose.


#8 2024-05-27 15:09:36

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (8)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Aleksander wrote:

Now "non-human friend" was really what you wanted to say? Looks to me like you wrote this under pressure to delineate us for particular reason. Declining past messages.
Welp, not like it matters for me as we are both Lyran kind in the end in this incarnations. This is good, keep yourself safe and in good shape up there. Earth case will be resolved by its inhabitants who incarnated themselves here on purpose.

I think she just means a friend who is not an ‘Earth human.’ Just like your cat might be your ‘non human friend.’

I took it as a sweet little sign of affection from Mari.


#9 2024-05-27 15:14:10

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (9)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Much appreciation to Mari and everyone involved dear Queen/Swaruu's/Taygetan Crews and all for sharing these insights to us. I find this all very interesting and reminds me of what was told about the Tartarian Culture in Western Europe, which I see as a stepping stone leading up to this also along with the history of the First Nations of the Americas, Amazon Tribes, Mayan culture and the Aboriginal peoples of Australia being stripped of there oral histories or attempts there of by various governments. I feel these are well planned out events along with all the other items Mari talked about as our history also lives deep within all those cultures and more of course too orally. With all aspects being cleansed it is pretty evident some deep sh*t is going down right now.

I am wishing I would have understood this sooner but was not to be. I am just grateful to know apart of this truth and it helps me to see and know what deep deceit looks and smells like on a global scale of controlling of knowledge and memory with this latest coming reset. This is a good playbook to study for any other matrix above to see the signs and use those beautiful observational qualities we all have or are starting to use better. I feel a deep connection with older wisdom the kind passed on by generation to generation this feels very important and right to me and technology as lovely as it can be at times will never replace the beauty of knowledge passed on from on being to another. Makes me believe deeply in how I feel and even without any other lifetime memories I have what is with me now to over come what I need even if difficult at times with broken puzzle pieces all around me.

I have no doubt about the controllers in other time frames controlling outcomes and always being ahead of the game it makes the most sense. Although a sword always has 2 sides of it's blade and means good projects can also be handled with the same method and helping hand. My many thanks for helping to see more through these beautiful video's truly means so much to know more and I appreciate it with all my heart and thoughts too.

Last edited by mes333 (2024-05-27 15:18:37)

You have to be where you are to get where you need to go. – Amy Poehler


#10 2024-05-27 15:15:31

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (10)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Thank you to mes333 for the transcript!

Here are some additional references to complement this video:

- Planetary Resets:

Planetary Reset, 3D Matrix - Federation - Human Civilization (Yazhi Swaruu) … zhi-swaruu

Planetary Reset - Answers from Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Communication … munication

False History, in space and on Earth, Tartaria, Cabal, Lies and the Galactic Federation - Mari Swaruu … on-english

- Lemurian Ship and Lurkers :

Lemurian Ship Arriving to Earth Timeline - … om-spanish


- Nazca Lines :
Nazca Lines - What Are They? Extraterrestrial Pilot Explains -
Dhor K´aal´el (Taygeta) … el-taygeta


#11 2024-05-27 15:19:42

Scott Summers

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Ariya wrote:

Aleksander wrote:

Now "non-human friend" was really what you wanted to say? Looks to me like you wrote this under pressure to delineate us for particular reason. Declining past messages.
Welp, not like it matters for me as we are both Lyran kind in the end in this incarnations. This is good, keep yourself safe and in good shape up there. Earth case will be resolved by its inhabitants who incarnated themselves here on purpose.

I think she just means a friend who is not an ‘Earth human.’ Just like your cat might be your ‘non human friend.’

I took it as a sweet little sign of affection from Mari.

Yes, I fully agree with Ariya: it was meant as a sign of affection.

Mari’s actions through her channel have helped us immeasurably.


#12 2024-05-27 15:33:05

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (11)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

It is rather insulting to see how the G.F. will claim that the Earth must be isolated for our own good and protection while they engineer elaborate 500+ year plans to reset humanity for their own regressive agendas. This all needs to be exposed. There's no excuse for the other benevolent ET species up there to not pay attention to what Mari and the Taygetans are saying. We're able to do figure out we're being lied to with 20 minute long YouTube videos.

I completely believe Mari when she says a reset took place around the late 1700's. I tend to think the entire story of the founding of the United States was fabricated to cover the destruction of another society that was at least moderately advanced. I think remnants of them exist with all the old architecture we see in major cities that surpasses modern constructs in aesthetics and design.

I don't know exactly where we are headed, but, I'm so glad we have the Taygetans with us blazing the trail in the right direction.


#13 2024-05-27 15:45:36

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (12)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Just last friday I was speaking to two of my colleagues about how in America they forbid archeologists from digging too deep because it's "unreasonable" when in fact all signs point toward the fact that a lot of infrastructure is under a very thick mud that buried our past.
Even q lost recording of Tesla's assistant tells tales about his fancy metal detector with which they've found an old spaceship with. Of course with their naivity they've contacted the local authorities about their interesting findings.
Tesla had a television he has made and an x-ray machine to look deep into the stuff.
Just imagine what kind of stuff is buried under us??


#14 2024-05-27 16:00:47


Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Ariya wrote:

Aleksander wrote:

Now "non-human friend" was really what you wanted to say? Looks to me like you wrote this under pressure to delineate us for particular reason. Declining past messages.
Welp, not like it matters for me as we are both Lyran kind in the end in this incarnations. This is good, keep yourself safe and in good shape up there. Earth case will be resolved by its inhabitants who incarnated themselves here on purpose.

I think she just means a friend who is not an ‘Earth human.’ Just like your cat might be your ‘non human friend.’

I took it as a sweet little sign of affection from Mari.

Scott Summers wrote:

Yes, I fully agree with Ariya: it was meant as a sign of affection.

Mari’s actions through her channel have helped us immeasurably.

It doesn't matter how we perceive and feel towards her. Our feelings will remain the same. But this is food for anti-Taygetan movements, which are stronger in numbers than us. Ofc quality over quantity. But still in this case quality won't make info and Taygetan disclosure spread better.

I will not elaborate on this but those words were not necessary for me. I am saying this based on my experience, as retired leader and speaker in different human structures.


#15 2024-05-27 16:57:23

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (13)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

This was a good video today - it is important to revisit and contemplate the situation that humanity finds itself in.

We have known for a long time that history is not what it seems. And the evidence of a planetary reset is all around us. We would be blind not to see it.

It seems that the controllers (at all levels) have to work very hard to keep us from knowing our history. To me, they seem very concerned about covering up their actions.

This is why we must try to remember our other lives.

But destroying and concealing the contents of the time travelling Lemurian ship (along with our libraries, and our ancient sites) only highlights their weaknesses. But their actions won’t have their desired effect.

Because no one can stop the thousands of starseeds, beings and extraterrestrial people, who have arrived here through time, to Earth - to be here to expose and remedy the lies.

Thank you Mari, Sophi, Athena, Taygetans and starseeds here for your strength, wisdom and support.


#16 2024-05-27 17:02:33

Joe R
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (14)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

There is a flaw in the Matrix, just like the movies from 1999 depicted. But it's not in "the imperfection of The Architect's equations", as told in the movies. That's likely just more programming, as few know how such “equations” look like, making it just another pacifying concept within the awakened community.

I suspect a much better candidate as a “flaw” is the uncertainty; the very fact that we are programmable is making the reset possible, but there are parts of us that are not so, as they (the parts) are simply suppressed by the “veil”. But they will remain and can emerge again under the right conditions. The “Architect” is feverishly trying to avoid that, because it will blow out the Matrix as we know it on Earth. Then the controller’s possibilities for control are eviscerated, and that opens up for natural development for Souls on Earth.

“Natural development” is mentioned as a motivational factor in the “Prime Directive” and is likely a heavy reason why so many visiting star-races remain passive regarding our struggles.

A “reset” is always a continuation of sorts, contrary to the general understanding. There are always remnants from the previous civilizations' existence embedded within the continuation. But the physical eradications of historical evidence, structures, technology and knowledge are just one part of it. A sword can be a tool for both battle and suppression. Mari mentioned the double-edged sword of the internet.

But swords has been used as metaphors for power before, particularly in a major debate within clerical environments of the Vatican in the early 14th century, actively referencing biblical topics. "Two swords" can be very useful for someone who is vying for power and control. This was clearly seen in the early medieval treaties called the "Westphalia System" from 1648, concluding the “Thirty Year War” with many millions of casualties in Europe – even then – and paraphrasing the “two swords” as the Vatican and the “princes”/emperors. It forbade interference with internal affairs of other nations/states/city-states – over 100 different parties involved – irrespective of how the controlling heads treated its inhabitants/vassals.

It was a derailment, cementing the power-over-others by the controllers and pacifying rebellion as a matter-of-course. The “European balance of power” emerged as a doctrine – completed by the end of WW2 – and has further developed into the “global balance of power” we see coming up today. More wars are most probably being prepared now, as a complete collapse is likely being prepared in a culturally/socially eroded Europe and North America.

The Federation (UFOP) conveniently forgot its main task; to secure the stability and respect of borders, and as such stop conflict. ...regressive... ...anyone...?

There is actually a way out of this swamp. And it identifies the flaw with the two swords; with the fight for who will remain in power-over-others. Well, power-over-others is an imposing authority, given or taken. On Earth it has produced an elaborate hierarchical system of acceptance and submitting. But the authority embedded will always be given or taken, because its source can only be found within the individual. Authoritarian abuse of collectives only exists while the transfer of authority from the individual to the controller is accepted by the individual. We also know this as “elections”.

Democracy, or not?
Democracy is the generally recognized standard model for governance on Earth. The word indicates that the population is governed by itself, in contrast to external governing entities. It is a cliché, in that most countries on Earth claim to be democracies, while this is a very nuanced picture in reality, which in some instances even break with the very idea of self-governance/self-determination. But this may actually be considered the rule upon scrutiny.

Democracy as a model has developed from the antique’s “Republic” via the medieval “Magna Carta” and "Napoleonic Code" into the “representative parliamentarism” we often see in the world today. In theory, it is supposed to guarantee that no less than 50% of the population may decide what is valid for all. In other words, it enables the 51% to decide what the 49% must relate to, even if the latter is of a different opinion and may even be harmed by the decisions made. The reason why the 49% is considered self-governing in spite of this, is that whenever the collective and the individual is in a perceived conflict, the collective – or the 51%, who is given the authority to impose its decisions upon the collective from elections of representatives – has the overriding power.

Elections of representatives promote polarized partisan strife. It opens up for personal and covertly paid agendas of a sinister nature, and will result in a detachment of government from the original intent of its service – "the wellbeing and prosperity for all" – if left unchecked, which is not unheard of. A better term for this is "the majority's dictatorship” and if it is meant to facilitate self-governance, it can be considered flawed to the core.

The controllers can only control while the collective remains a collective. But there is a reason why natural personal authority is ethically superior to the imposed/imposing (given or taken) type. The cause for this is that the individual is the foundation for the collective. With no individual, there would be no collective: The individual can stand tall, alone and strong with no collective, while a collective without individuals doesn't exist.

There are other ways to administer societies/cultures/civilizations.


#17 2024-05-27 17:08:19

Pamela 3333
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (15)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

mes333 wrote:

...This conveniently meant total control of information knowledge and what can be considered as facts and with them the monopolization of truth itself. If the controllers can monopolize what is considered to be facts then you control truth and with it you can monopolize the perception of the human population and that means complete control over what they consider to be reality itself. If all of what the people think and perceive as their reality their values their ethics and spirituality as well as their Science and Technology are under their control they can skillfully guide and exploit the general population's reality manifestation Powers.

What the population decides to manifest in their lives will be convenient to those who control Earth its Global society and culture because their very perception of reality and its values as well as their very needs and wants are controlled from behind.

.. We can see that humankind at a planetary scale is being led directly into a total social and cultural as well as memory reset which can only be done on a planet with a strong veil of forgetfulness. ...

These are powerful sentences! Excellent video and writing, Mari! Thank you.

At first I felt the general sense of the overwhelming scale of the task before us to change things for the better, but then I realize how many people, both earth human and ET are working towards a positive future for this planet.

It is a stark reminder that we have to connect in greater ways with our source to remember. We have to question and practice discernment for everything we believe as our conditioning is so intensely multilayered and to learn see clearly through the haze of controlled perceptions. In some ways, this is fairly obvious and in other ways, it is not so obvious.


#18 2024-05-27 17:17:36

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (16)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Scott Summers wrote:

Ariya wrote:

Aleksander wrote:

Now "non-human friend" was really what you wanted to say? Looks to me like you wrote this under pressure to delineate us for particular reason. Declining past messages.
Welp, not like it matters for me as we are both Lyran kind in the end in this incarnations. This is good, keep yourself safe and in good shape up there. Earth case will be resolved by its inhabitants who incarnated themselves here on purpose.

I think she just means a friend who is not an ‘Earth human.’ Just like your cat might be your ‘non human friend.’

I took it as a sweet little sign of affection from Mari.

Yes, I fully agree with Ariya: it was meant as a sign of affection.

Mari’s actions through her channel have helped us immeasurably.

It can also be taken as a way to mix things up to not get stale.
As you know if you say something a lot of times it loses its meaning, its depth. And you know, things get boring so it's a nice way to freshen things up just for the hell of it.
It's done so it's not taken as the usual fluff "youtubers" do because it's really meant, every time. And I absolutely adore it.

Thanks mes333 for the transcript. You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (17)

Btw I probably state the obvious that everyone should avoid social media as it is the worst cesspool of racial and gender infighting and social division in all ways. Only if you really need to for interacting with your loved ones or collegues etc...
I have serious hatred for all of them since they are the very reason the sentence: "can't we just get along?" was invented.
Social media is also tool for narcissists to inflate their ego and ruin the fun of anyone they can. It's also a place to radicalise people into the most inhumane ideas just like cults, since it feeds back to your interests, shaping them along the way. Anyway I'm probably preaching to the choir here You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (18)

Interesting note, this is another occasion where the generated voice had a "voice crack" at yet again on a word with a negative connotation: "(destroy) and erase the past" at 8:36
Interestring how these "bugs" show in such ways in computerised things.

@Joe R
Your writing is amazing. Thanks for that amazing text. It sounds inspiring and very positive.

Last edited by akos996 (2024-05-27 19:31:17)


#19 2024-05-27 18:23:48

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (19)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Pamela 3333 wrote:

At first I felt the general sense of the overwhelming scale of the task before us to change things for the better, but then I realize how many people, both earth human and ET are working towards a positive future for this planet.

It may seem overwhelming at first, but we just need to learn to use our opponents energy and momentum against them.

We can turn their destructive actions to our advantage. They are only destroying their own systems anyway …


#20 2024-05-27 21:09:38

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (20)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

The Villains in this story are going all out to play their role.

I just want to remind folks that they should not harbor hatred towards the opponent and approach this like a Martial Arts sparring.

It is foolish to feed your opponents their sustenance (e.g. negative emotions and thoughts like hatred) while vanquishing them; it's just going to cancel each other out.

Hence vanquish them with a serene mind and heart, with no hatred or thoughts of revenge, similar to a calm mindset when you're sweeping out the dust to clean your place, or throwing out the trash; just do your duties and manifest the reality you want; for those who are of Spiritual Warrior Role, just do your jobs in full moving-meditation, with no emotion, yet with a compassionate heart, embodying the concept of a "Demon's Hand; a Saint's Heart".

Vanquishing these villains in complete meditation, and a serene mind and heart, and a passionate spirit.


This information of Mari's has always reinforced my suspicion that the Cabal/Corrupt-side Galactic Federation are using this Planet as a sort of Loosh Farming ground to feed whatever nonphysical abomination they are serving, which might be much larger than they are.

I think this problem extends more than just the Cabal, the Corrupt-side Galactic Federation, and the Orion Council, way beyond just Planet Earth.

To that I'd say, just continue in having conscious use of your powers of Manifestation, study and practice Neville Goddard's materials or similar materials, to quickly build your foundations in the Metaphysical Arts of Manifestation, and then go from there.

The only weapon we have to overcome this is already within us all: our wonderful Human Imagination, Sensory-Emotional Recall and Emotions, and the manifestation capabilities the combination of them has.

Don't lose heart, keep the flames of courage within you burning, and do not be despondent. Make active use of your powers instead of being led to use it for the benefit of the Villains in this Story/Divine Theater/Game; be the Heroes you are meant to be in your own personal "Book of Life", as its sole author and main protagonist.


All of us can create Beauty, but we must also have the power and the right capabilities to protect and preserve it. Such abilities are better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.

Last edited by Azure-CrimsonLeaves (2024-05-27 21:20:09)

-"Form is Emptiness (Void) and Emptiness (Void) is Form."--The Heart Sutra
-"All the world's a stage..."--William Shakespeare; "and God (Source/I AM) plays ALL the parts."--Neville Lancelot Goddard
-"Nothing is true; everything is permitted."--Hasan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster & Founder of the Order of Assassins
-"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."--Hermetic Principle of Mentalism


#21 2024-05-27 21:11:00

|| Chantal
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (21)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

I’ll keep tending my fire and moving ahead
No matter what’s hidden inside of our heads

Here bridging beauty amongst various lands
As we cherish bonds with ethical hands

we laugh, we cry, we dance, we write
we go in and trust, with all of our might

Art - where self-discovery meets artistic movement


#22 2024-05-27 23:18:04

You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (22)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

It's all coming out... been waiting for this declaration.

So, which council runs the "federation"?

Quote of the month... "Creatures who run on pure logic are not positive."

Any other ET races out there want to chime in?

Thanks Mari, the non-human wonder woman. You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (23)

Last edited by wandereringsoul (2024-05-27 23:19:07)

Elephant's trumpet for his creed,
he travels faster than Wildebeest.
He eats bamboozled wonderweed,
he loves his visual feast.


#23 2024-05-27 23:44:48

Horton HaW
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (24)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

Hey Joe!

Wow. Alot of information. For those who saw my documenting of the infrastructure and tech being used against us to harvest and transform, the odysee channel I show mentions several times about technology that was going back to 1800's underground.

I think Mari was reminding us that she is our friend on the other side so to speak. Yeah, that vibe follows right along with what I have been feeling from our contrasty friends. Yuuck. The game is getting old.

Thanks Mari!♥

Btw anybody else notice the Ashtar video that was talking about starseeds getting dna upgrades? Below Mari's. Really?Really?


Last edited by Horton HaW (2024-05-27 23:55:30)

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#24 2024-05-27 23:57:18

Horton HaW
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (25)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

|| Chantal wrote:

I’ll keep tending my fire and moving ahead
No matter what’s hidden inside of our heads

Here bridging beauty amongst various lands
As we cherish bonds with ethical hands

we laugh, we cry, we dance, we write
we go in and trust, with all of our might

Very nice. Inspiring, but warm and cozy.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#25 2024-05-28 00:11:05

Horton HaW
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (26)

Re: You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset

wandereringsoul wrote:

It's all coming out... been waiting for this declaration.

So, which council runs the "federation"?

Quote of the month... "Creatures who run on pure logic are not positive."

Any other ET races out there want to chime in?

Thanks Mari, the non-human wonder woman. You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (27)

Hope it isn't related to this characterization. Lol.

Stargate Lore: The Ori
You are Experiencing last stages of a total Cultural and Social Reset / English Forum (28)

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


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