Niles Weekly Mirror from Niles, Michigan (2024)

1 Different Methods of Following the junction Love One Another," Do men ever fall in love with each other? Women do. Not long ago a young woman In New Jersey was married to a youthful laborer on her father's farm. Sometime afterward it was discovered that the husband was a female; the young wife refused, however, though earnestly entreated by her friends, to give up her chosen consort. The strangest part of the discovery the fact that the bride knewwher husband was a Woman before she was. led tot the altar.

men do not exhibit this strange infatuation for one pf -their own sex, thoy at least oftentimes give evidence of the fact that they love one another. are many Instances record where ono man has to more another, instances given his life for another. There where men have Prentice It is a proud possession -the knowledge that one has saved a precious human life. Meriden, is the home of such a a man. John H.

Preston, of that city. July 11, 1890, writes: years ago I very: slok. WI. had several of the best cation of diseases. VI was sick four years, doctors, and a one and all called it a complitaking prescriptions prescribed these same doctors, and I truthfully stato I never expected to get any better.

At this time, I commenced to have the most terrible pains in my back. Ono day an old friend of mine, Mr. R. T. Cook, of the firm of Curtis Cook; adyised me to try Warner's Safe Oure, as he had been troubled the same way and it had 'effected a cure for him.

I bought six bottles. took the medicine as directed, and am to-day a well man. I am sure no one ever had a worse case of kidney and liver troublo than I had. Before this I was always against proprietary medicines, but not now, oh. no." Friendship expressos itself 'in' very far ways sometimes; but the true friend la the friend fu Money Slang.

ricedful," "the Wherewithal," "the actual," boodle," "the stuff," "tin;" "ooftish," "the bird, "brass, "dust, "dollars, "chink, "brass," or "palm last is such obviously appropriate name for "shin-plaster" seems feeble by, comparison. It is all money, however, and therefore the root of if Hot all, of the evil in the world. -Pick-Me-Up. MARY VENUs, Mary F. Seymour, Mary E.

Ryan, Henrietta: Schwartz, and about thirty other women aro commissioners of degrees and notaries of the public. THE easiest way to get along in this world. is tor forget yourself in helping people. PECULIAR INFATUATION. is simply listening to the marvelous cures effected by Dr.

Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The following case illustrates: February 14th, 1800. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL TION. Buffalo, N. Gentlemen A remarkable case has occurred In territory.

J. N. Berry, a man about thirty years of age, was going down rapidly. He tried physician after physician, patent medicines, home receipts-in fact, everything. 'He went to a noted sanitarium and returned no better.

Wo all thought he was lying with consumption, and only a few weeks of lifo were left for him. He commenced "Golden Medical 'and at the same time' commenced to mend. He has used anout two dozen bottles, and is still using it. He has gained in weight, color strength, and is able to do light. work.

Itis just such 'a case as we should have listened to rather suspicioualy, but when we see it we must believe it. It has trebled our sales of Golden Medical Discovery." JOHN HACKETT SON. Druggists, Roanoke, Ind. In all bronchial, throat, and lung affections, lingering coughs, spitting of blood, weak kindred ailments, Discovery? effects the most marvelous cures. PATENTS Send Washington, for LEHMANN, circular.


D. Money, 10 member of Congress, A. A. Freeman. 8 years Ass't U.

S. Att'y Gen. FAT FOLKS month Reduced remedies. Incouveuience. by 15 No to 25 starving, pounds Confident- herbal no per Band 6c.

for circulars and testimonials. DR. O. W. F.

SNYDER, 243 Stato Chicago, IL Name this paper when you write. ENSION JOHN Washington, W. D. 0. Successfully U.S.

Prosecutes Pension Claims. Bureau. Late Examiner 3yrain last war, 15 adjudicating claims, atty since. YOU HAVE no appetite, Indigestion, Flatulence, Headcahe, "tall run down" or losing flesh, you will find Tutt's Pills just what you need. They tone up the weak stomach and build up the flagging energies.

Why does this man stare 80 SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and A HYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and Soda is 'endorsed and prescribed by leading physiclaus because both the Cod Liver oil and Hypophosphites are the recognized agents in the cure of. Consumption It 1s as palatable as milk. Scott's Emulsion a perfect is a wonderfui Flesh It is the Best Remedy for CONSUMPTION, Scrofula; Bronchitis, Wasting Diseases, Chronic: Coughs and Colds. for Scott's Emulsion and take no other. stopping the I was sitting in offico of a Kentucky wookly paper, and the editor had just furnished proof of the fact that he: was editor, drintor, compositor, prossman, and the mail boy, when a shockheaded lad camorin to say: "Mr.

Laggers, he waitin down thar fur you!" "Who's a-waitin'?" "Kurnel Brill." a "What's he 'un want?" "Ter shute, I reckon." "Go'n toll ho un to wait till next week; I'm too busy. When the boy had gone, the editor mewwith: "You kin sec fur yourself what's a holdin' me down. That Kurnel Brill is no gentleman, or he wouldn't put in when ho knows I'm rnshed." The boy came back a moment later to say: "He 'un can't wait. "Why?" "Says he cum in ter shute, an' has got to shute, an' he will "Dod rot sech at man! I reckon I'll hev to go down. Didn't like my leader last week, and wants ter shuto.

Ho 'un's 110 gentleman, no gentleman. I'll be back in a few minits, stranger. I sat there in the office and hoard tho reports of pistols, and I looked out of the window and saw a crowd, and ten" minutes later the editor came in with his right car split a and somewhat petulantly remarked: "And now thar'll be a Coroner's inquest, and I'll hey to lose at least half a day! If the Kurnel wanted to pop at me, why couldn't he 'un hev waited till mne He was no gentlemansome tramp, printer cum along to ease no gentleman -New York Sun. In Many Forms Scrofula taints the blood of almost evory one, and it is the causo of much of our health. If it attacks the breathing organs, the issue is consumption; if the digestive' apparatus, the is dyspepsia and dobility; if the muscles, the issue is rheumatism; if the issue is paralysis; if the glandular system, the issue is in boils and other superficial exhibitions of corruption" It is a mistako to characterize It as unseen.

What festers your skin 'on every little abrasion? What gives that hack to your cough exposure to the slightest damp and Scrofula. What makos your food can oppression? Scrofula. What racks and twists the bones and sinows as you grow old? Scrofula PIt operates by withholding nutrition and defoating all efforts toward 'nourishment, life becomes and the victim knows not the blessings, and happiness of health. It Is your duty to yourself, your family, and your race to manfully oppose and dislodge this demon. Wo can only say that others who were afflicted as you aro have found relief and cure in a moderate use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, that compound in which the skill of the modern pharmacist and the science of the most advanced medical knowledge unite for the boneft of suftering humanity.

Flogging and Literature. Toward the beginning of the eighteenth century the literary standard of the French Academy fell to a low level. According to a in the Nineteenth Century, a poetaster, Moncrit by naine, more famous for his dancing and singing than for his verse, was recommended for election, though the only work he had produced was a mock history of cats. reception was marked by an incidents which might seem more appropriate than to an assembly of: undergraduates that of the intellectual ries of France: While he was delivering his reception spoech, some wag liberated a cat in the which naturally began to miaow with terror, at which the au: dience loud laughter and miaowed in unison. Horse-whipping appears to have been the method.

specially chosen, even by princes and noblemen. to remind men of letters of their social inequality. On meeting Dancourt, a and actor, at supper, the Comte de Livry warned him: "Boware, my dear sir; if you show more wit than I do before tho end of this repast, I shall give you a hundred strokes with my cane. When Rousseau said that men of lotters should take vows of poverty, liberty and truth, the Government, was so incensed against King. exclaimed that ho would do well to hava Rousseau sent to Bicetre.

"It would serve him right," added tho Comte, de C'ermont, he received a good thrashing." The Chinese as Farmers. A year ago I sold for a friend in San Francisco a lot of land in a then unbuilt western suburb. A Chinaman had been using it as a garden. The land was sandy and had not more than 390 by 250 feet surface. The Chinaman, therefore, had the full use of but about two and one-half acres." For this speck of ground he regularly paid a month, andthe lived on it with an assistant.

Hetused the land to grow vegetables, which he sold to Chinamen to be peddled through the city. Despito the high rent, he was making money. The Rev. Mr. Vrooman, now Chinese interpreter in the California courts, who was for twenty-five years a missionary at Canton, and was, subsoquently among the Chinese in Melbourne, informed me that ho knew of two Chinese in the latter place who made a living: for themselves and at horse from a quarter of an acre of land! In addition to thus supporting themselves and the horse, they each sent.

$50 yearly to their relatives at home, Chinese now rent at least 50,000 acres of fruit and bottom lands within a radius of 100 miles of San Francisco, for which they pay from four to ten times what a white lessee could afford to pay for the same. Land in their hands is farmed in earnest, and with them its richness increases rather than' decreases. -Thomas Magee, in the Forum. THE first university, degrees ever conferred on women came from Oberlin College in 1841, the recipients being Mary Caroline Rudd, Mary Hosford and Elizabeth. A THE Chinese say, "When the wind blows Your About Are, half wit's yourself." of your toil can be avoided by the use of No USE to recommend an Indian mixture for bringing out tho hair to a man who has once been scalped.

A loves his child. A mother worships it. Both decide the child should occasionally: be given Dr. Bull's Worm TO THE paragrapher: Bo sure bright, then go Herald. BEECHAM'S PILLS curo Bilious and Nerv-.

ous ills, SPIRITUAL manifestations cannot stand the ordeal of a spirit lamp. THE best cough is Piso's Cure for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 25c. Where Pocahontas Was Married.

The ruinous tower, which is now all that remains of the city. Jamestown, Va. is built upon the sito of the church which Lord Delaware found already erected and. "kept passing sweete and trimmed with divers, flowers" when arrived in 1620 with succor for tho perfishing colonists. They had just aban' doned spots so fatal, to them and were about, give the enterprise altogether.

They had perished from disease, staryation, and at the hands of the savages. It is related that, when' "the stock of oyle, vinegar, sack, and aqua vita was well nigh spent a little sack was kept for the communion table." At this church tho first legislative body assembled. Also in this church the Princess Pocahontas was baptized, and beforo" its altar she stammered forth in her imperfect English the vows. that bound har to John Rolfe. A A Disoase Unaccountably Prevalont.

The prevalence of aliments attributable to miasmatic poison in the air that people breatho, and the water "drink, is well nigh unaccountable, Not alone, in pestilential swamps, badly drained suburban districts, and marches exposed to the sun's rays by. the recoding tide, is this scourge humanity found. Even in great cities, healthfully, located, skillfully sowered, well looked after in every respect in a sanitary way, we find malaria. Its presence is often" "inexplicable, but its attacks are always preventable. The protector is Hostettor's Bitters.

The eradicator bears the game name--a namo known to thousands throughout our broad land and elsewhere as A synonym, of relief, prevention and cure of the Insidious disorders in its abominable phaseschills and fever, bilious romittent, dumb ague and ague cake, as well as otbers. Nor is tho Bitter: legs offoctive for. indigestion, kidney complaint, biliousness, and rheumatism, In 1492.0 Male le aborigine (charging into the hut) "It's come at last, Hiyila! Wo are discovered! Christopher Columbus hag just landed Female aborigine (triumphantly) Therel I told you so, Howow. You remember this morning when you dropped your stabber and it stuck in the floor, I you it was a sign we would have visitors to-day. Now, for goodness' sake, tie a string your Columbus will think you a savage! Is my hat on York World.

How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of. catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F.

J. Cheney for the last Afteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, aud financially able to carry out any obligations made by their Arm. West Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding, Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Toledo, Ohio" A Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Price, 750 per Sold by all Druggists. Too Much Excitement.

Mrs. Fletcher -You; don't for to go an' make any noise 'round deso4 -air premises; yo' poor ole fader's sick in bed wid dat nervousnous prostrations. Sam--What fotched it on, muddor? Mrs. Fletcher--Ho done gone and lose twenty-five cents on dem races: to The Epoch.1 a Ir you wish to do the easiest and quickest week's washing you ever did, try Dobbins', Electric, Soap next washday. Follow the directions.

Ask your grocer for it. Been on the market 24 years. Take no other. TriE mother of Marie, Bashkirtseff, whose grief is morbid, spends much of her time in the cemetery of Passy, near the entrance of has placed the monument erected to her memory. Life Is Misery To thousands of who have the taint of scrofula in their blood: The agonies caused by the dreadful running sores and other manifestations of this disease are beyond description.

There is no remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, salt rheum, and every form of blood disease. We know that it has' cured the severest cases and it will benett all who give it a fair trial. "Scrofula bunches in my neck disappeared when I. took Hood's Sarsaparilla." A. R.

KELLEY, kersburg, W. Va. Hood's Sarsaparilla Fold by all druggists. six for $5. Prepared 'only by C.

1. HOOD Lowell. Mass. 100 Doses One A MONTH 3 Bright Young Men or $65 P. and W.

Board tor ZIEGLER Ladies in St. each Louls, Countv. Mo. WANTED STONE $100 TO WELLINGTON, TRAVEL. We Madison, expenses.

pay: Wis. $50 AdDO YOU TO MAKE MONEY fast and easy? State name, town. county and Sta'e. G. T.

TOWNSEND, 35 New Cham ters N. Y. City. PATENTS! once inventors. Instructions information, for Washingion, DO band-book FREE D.

Write C. to of at MOTHERS. NEY WETTING. Enuresis, BALSA BED- MO per package, sent nost-paid, with full culals and testimonials for en stamps. Address: DR.

SNYDER, Lock Box 451, Chicago, I. MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WEITINE TO PEDINE, the rreat feet foot SMALLER. remedy tor Instant relief for cold or perspiring feet. At Drug and Shoe Stores, or sent free on receipt of 50c. Sample, package only.

dime. Illustrated Pamphlet Free. THE PEDINE 258 Broadway, N. Y. NEW PENSION LAW.

THOUSANDS NOW ENTITLED WHO HAVE NOT BEEN ENTITLED. Address for forms for application and full information WM. W. DUDLEY. LATE COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS, Attorney at Law, Washington, D.

C. (Mention this Paper.) a DADWAY'S READY RELIEF, THE GREAT, CONQUEROR OF, PAIN. For Sprains, Bruises, Backache, Pain in the Chest or Sides, Headache, Toothache, or any other extornal pain, a few applications rubbed 011 by hand act like magic, causing the pain to instantly stop. For Congestion Colds, Bronchitis, Pneuinonia, Inflammations, Rhoumatism. Neuralgria, Lumbago, Sciatica, more thorough and ropeated applications are necessary.

All Internal Pains, Diarchea, Colic. Spauns, Nausea, Fainting Spell, Nervousness, Sleeplossness are rolevod instantly, and quickly cured by taking inwardly 20 to 60 drops in half a tumbler of water. 50c. a boltio. AU Druggists.

DADWAY'S PILLS. An oxcollent and mild. Cathartic. Puroly The Safest and bost Medicino In the world for the Cure of all Disordors of the LIVER, STOMACH OR BOWELS. Taken according to directions thoy will restore health'ond reuew vitality.

Price 25 cts. a bold by all Druggists. She Looks Them. Tradesman- You were a looking for -here something is a for your very pretty: ornament for the hair. Very stylish.

It is, you see, all Oriental dagger. Boothby- Thank you. My wife has all them she needs. Trades yes, 1. 800 How will this pair of bluo spectacles suit? All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs.are purposely avoided by the Cal.

Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys. liver and bow. ols, cleansing the system effectually, but It is not A cure-all and makos no pretend that: every bottle will not. substan: tiate.

Infallible Weather. Sign, Doubloup," said Engleman, looking up from his paper, "here's incteorologist who says the severest storms always begin about midnight." rest "He's right. That is about the time I frequently reach home and find my wife -Norristown Herald. Hold It to the Light. The man who tells you confidentially just what will cure your prescribing Kemp's Balsam this year.

In the preparation of this remarkable medicine for coughs and colds no expense is spared to combine only the best and purest Ingredients. Hold A bottle of Kemp's Balsam to the light and look through it; notico the bright, clear look; then compare with other remedies. free Large atall bottles 50c druggists'. and. there Sample bottles NEW gros grains are ready for The weave is about like the old silk, but the material having less dressng is as pliable as the India stuff.

BURNS are cured SCALDS by according On DIRECTIONS with each also SORE HROA WOUNDS, CUTS, SWELLINGS THE CHARLES A. VOGELER Baltimore, Id. TO LIFE Dr. White's Dandelion Alterative. the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, FOUNDTHE and all disorders of the stomach, Liver and Kidneys.

It perideand blood, makes the weak givos to the old the vigor of youth. Cream. Balm, Cures CATARRH THE COLD HEAD HEADACHE ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren New York. Prico 50 cta. RELIEVES INSTANTLY.

-CREAM PISO CURE FOR 2 Cures Best Cough else Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. 5 taste. "children take it without Pleasant objection. and By agreeable druggists.

to the: 3 CONSUMPTION PAINLESS. EFFECTUAL BEECHAM'S WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For BILIOUS NERVOUS DISORDERS 3 Such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Fullness and Swelling after Meals, 3 and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of, Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful. Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, THE FIRST DOSE WILL CIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES: BEECHAM'S PILLS TAKEN AS DIRECTED RESTORE FEMALES TO COMPLETE. HEALTH.

For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered. Liver, they ACT LIKE MAGIC, Strengthening the muscular System, restoring long-lost: Complexion, bringing back the keen edge off appetite, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the human frame, One of the beat guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated 18 that BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PROPRIETARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Sold Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM. At.

Helens, England. Sole by Agents Druggists generally. B. FL ALLEN 365 and 387 Canal New York, BEECHAM'S for the PILLS United Stater. who lit your druggist does not keep them) WILL MAIL on RECEIPT PRICE, 25cta.

A BOX. (MENTION THIS PAPER.) PATENTS tain ent, How a to Pate O'FARRELL, Att'y at Law, PEN PENSIONS! The Disability BIll is a law. Soldiers disabled since the war are entitled. Dependent widows and parenta now dependent whose sons died from effects of army service are included. If you wiah yourclaim speedIly scuted, and address successfully to Mg; pros JAMES TANNER.

Late Commissioner of Pensions, WASHINGTON. D. $500 REWARD will be paid to the agent of any scale company who will say over his own name as agent, that the JONES 5 TON WAGON SCALE, $60 scale. particulars, address only, not equal made, and a standard reliable Jones of Binghamton, Binghamton, N.Y PRICE We Sell DIRECT to FAMILIES PIANO to Absolutely Perfect, Sent for trial. in your own home before you charge double what we ark.

Catalogue freo MARCHAL AMITH PIANO must sell inferior buy. Local Instruments Agents or 35 233 East 216t N. Y. If You Want to Know 11.001 code the human system, life To perpetuated, Mallh saved, disease induced, How to avoid a of ignorance and indiscretion, How to amp fiome-Curs to all forms of disease, How to curt Croup, Old Eyes, Rupture, Phimosis, low to in Marriage and have prize babies, and an odd Slot of Doctor's Droll Jokes, profusely truted. Bend ten cents for new Laugh Book called MEDICAL SENSE AND NONSENSE, M.

HILL PUB 120 East 23th St. Now York. TF YOU GOOD WISH A REVOLVER sh*t WESSON. parchese one of the celebrated AMITH WESSON arms. The Anest small arms ever manufactured and the first choice of exporta.

Manufactured in calibren 32, 39 and 44-100. Singloor double action, Safety Hammerloas and Target models. Constructed entirely of best wrongut steel, carefully inspected for workmanship and stock, they are unrivaled for finish, durability malleable and accuracy. Do not be deceived by cast-fron imitations which are often sold for the gennine article and are not onlv unreliable, but dangerous. The SMITH relo WESSON Revolvers are all stamped upon the barwith firm's name, address and dates of patents and are guaranteed perfoct in every detail Insiat upon having the genuine article, and if your dealer cannot supply you an order sent to address below will receive prompt and careful attention.

Descriptive catalogue and prices furnished upon appucation. SMITH WESSON, Mention this paper. Springfield, Mass. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST.

"By thorough knowledge of the natural laws which gorern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the Ane proper ties of wel -selectod Cocoa, Mr. Epps has providid our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beyerage which Inay save many heavy doctors' bills. la by the judicious uso of such articles of diet that a constitution inay be gr dually built up anti strong enough to resist every. tendenoy to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherover there is a weak pout, We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping selves well fortided with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.

Civil Servios Gasotte. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Fold only in half-pound tins, Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS 00., Homeopathic Chemists, LONDON, ENGLAND. prescribe and fully dorse Big as the only Oures to specific for the certain cure TO DATS. of this disease.

not H. INGRAHAM, M. D. Amsterdam, N. ur d'only by the We have sold and Big, it has for Chemical Co.

many given the years, best of satisCincinnati faction. Obio. D. R. DYCHE Chicago, ill Trade Mark $1.00.

Sold by Druggists. N. U. No. 44-90 WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS In thin say you saw the advertisem*nt paver.

SAN: A No. other Weekly Paper gives such a Variety of: Entertaining and Instructive Reading at so low a price." THE YOUTH'S d. COMPANION SPECIMEN COPIES AND FULL ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE SENT ON APPLICATION. Illustrated Serial Stories. The Serial Stories engaged for the year will be of unusual interest and Finely Illustrated.

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How can She make the most of Her Voice? What can a Girl of Sixteen do? A remarkable series of papers written expressly for Series of Four practical and helpful Articles, which THE COMPANION by the following famous singers: will prove suggestive and valuable; to any girl; by Madame Albani. Miss Marie Van Zandt. Amelia E. Jenny June." Miss Emma Juch. Miss Emma Nevada.

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Niles Weekly Mirror from Niles, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.