Springfield Weekly Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD WEEKLY REPUBLICAN: SPRINGIELD MASS: THURSDAY JULY 28 1927 5 CRASH Lumber for Old Ironsides Enough to Build 47 Homes Sweep Over Two Counties been esting the Gov picture take provided a Zimmerman Mrs superiority could Mare as a Mind Reader said Has Scientists Guessing British his JI A COMM I TS I CI I Nassau the the who which like' no immedi alive center not was RARE LIVE RED LOBSTER COSTS LOCAL MAN $3 1 0 Hudson and the for Canada Peter tickets which a show res be is a member had $135 on orsyth last family told tjj a WISCONSIN SENATE MAY REPEAL STATE ENORCEMENT LAW former member of to a GOV ULLER VISITS SCENE MURDER OR INVESTIGATION DR DONALD DAVIDSON MADE SUPERINTENDENT them: tlie belfry of the the Good Shepherd was wrecked and tho wall of cracked from the roof to by another bolt and tlie their she sci the mare There is comm unI to develop 1 She confessed today that much puzzled as weie the AIRPLANE HITS" MUD OCCUPANTS UNINJURED Rebuild Dock at DEIES GUNS SAVES $3000 PAYROLL Mr McKenzie Iook at that red one That one has been admitted that major in char performed to Lowcr was to bribed and intimidated her so that they would not her behalf and that he had tap her telephone wires although they operation was The operation Dr William an internal disorder that has embassador for some DETROIT PLAYS HOST TO 15 GOVERNORS mental these am convinced that the trainer is Dr Machlachlan insists has supernormal powers manifestly a subconscious cation between the mind of man and the mind of an animal he declared The neurologist is not a disciple of telepathy but admitted he could find no mechanical explanation of the enigma Many oilservers asserted that Lady Is a more marvelous animal than the Elberfeldt horses of Germany about street man follow he had even ed from this Airs Hudson who is said to have been a Hungarian motion picture ac tress before her marriage November 13 1925 said her husband had told the immigration authorities that she was not of good moral character and had evaded customs in' importing jewelry The Hudsons' marital actions be came of a public nature in May 1926 when in opposing his wife's applica tion for alimony pending trial of a separation suit on grounds of deser tion Hudson's counsel announced that the broker was allowed no latchkey after his marriage He said that he could enter his home on his wife's express 'although he had spent $10000 on furnishings In her supplemental complaint Airs Hudson today charged that her hus band had witnesses testify in detectives bribe employes to pilfer her mail and had had disreputable persons call and unprintable in the street a nd other public places HERRICK UNDERGOES SECOND OPERATION RAIN ORCES DOWN GEN PLANE Influence" are that purely Boston Spectators Get Un scheduled Thrill at lying Maneuvers Boston July 21 (AD A crowd of 2000 assembled at the Boston airport today to watch Hying maneuvers staged in honor of Lieuts Albeit Hegenbcrger and Lester Maitland San rancisco to Hawaii flyers had an unscheduled thrill when a commercial plane carry ing two men crashed on the mud flats of the harbor The oc cupants escaped Injury The plane owned by the Aero Inn association of North Beading had just taken off from the airport At a hight of 250 feet the engine failed and it dropped landing upside down in the flats Stewart (Red) Chandler of Dorchester the pilot was thrown out and was buried to his neck in mud Joseph Dunn of Charlestown tlie passenger was held by his safety belt Volunteer rescuers from the crowd as sisted tho men ashore had been in failing past few months but farm at Leyden until he came to the home WALES WILL SEE BRIDGE DEDICATED brought dealer The electric refrigerator is being shipped t6 Springfield POLICE DOG SAVES LIVES BY BARKING ships during POLICE DRAG RIVER OR SLAIN YOUTH ARE INSURED AT $150000 TOTAL a boiled lobster doin live ones? Tasked fall from a The indications influence may be the cause of Dr Johnson said owner and and Dr ran pastor of Christian church visits tlie entire the central 7" I VK1 IT 500 inooo 2O0I) 21000 29000 will be completely Grounds Off Plymouth July 21 The freighter Hazelpark missed the har bor buoy and grounded off here dur nig the night in the dense fog She floated under her own power half an hour later Tlie Hazelpark was bound here from Yucatan with a cargo of hemp when the accident occurred: No damage was reported toward orsyth Police at inclined to think that he murdered and robbed and the body thrown into the river I GENEVA AWAITING RETURN BRITISH Spends Time in Gymnasium of Ship Bound for America Visits Steerage Passen gers Aboard the Steamship Empress of Australia July 24 The Prince of Wales learned about horses from President Coolidge and spent a con siderable time on tlie first day of his trip to America in the gymnasium riding an electric horse are what I will like he said throw The Prince of Wales Prince George and Premier Baldwin met a number of old friends and renewed old ac quaintances aboard ship The Prince of Wales later visited the steerage passengers conversing at length with an old woman who said she was to join my son on the Premier Baldwin although he has 20 pipes with him for the trip has mysteriously taken to smoking cigars This has not been explained! MORE CHARGES IN SEPARATION SUIT Van Lear Black Completes 20000 Milc Round 1 rip to DutcHEast Indies Amsterdam July 23 (AP) Van Lear Black Baltimore publisher was received enthusiastically today on his arrival at tlie Schipol airdrome in his chartered airplane round trip to tlie Dutch East Indies Mr BlitcE was received by Minister of public Works Va ndervegte who congratulated him in behalf of the government and Queen Wilhelmina him tlie Urangcn recognition of Ids of aviation Tlie nounced tliat Pilots Scholte and Gey sendorff would he similarly honored During liis 39 lay liip Mr Black covered almost 20000 miles High American Officials Will Also Participate in Buffalo Eric Peace Bridge Events Ottawa Ont July The prince of Wales the British premier Stanley Baldwin Vice President Dawes of the United States Secretary of State Kellogg and Premier MacKenzie King will participate in the dedication and thanksgiving ceremonies which will formally open the Buffalo Erie peace bridge on Sunday August 7 and commemorate 100 years of peace Tlie ceremony will begin by a meet ing of the representatives of each nation at the middle of the bridge where after appropriate exchange of courtesies tlie ribbons will be cut The United States party will then conduct the British and Canadian party to a stand at the Buffalo terminal of tlie bridge and there tlie dedication and thanksgiving ceremony will proceed The service will open with the Dox ology followed by an invocation and by addresses by the prince of Wales Vice President Dawes Premier Bald win Secretary Kellogg Premier Mac Kenzie King and probably Gov Smith of New York Representatives of the Ontario government also will attend the ceremony The national anthems will be sung and the ceremonies closed with the Lord's prayer and the benediction The United States party will then return the call of the British and Canadian parties by recrossing the bridge and proceeding down the Cana dian side by the Ontario government boulevard to monument farewells will be said 1 railroad Little its banks for keels planking 1ns which Maeterlinck wrote a book Her teats are more perplexing than were Princess Trixie's or Clever Hans's they declared Children's blocks are dumped on a shelf under Lady's nose There is a number on eacli block A spectator twists lhe dial of a small clock to say 10 minutes past six Nobody else sees the hands save tlie one spectator time is it by this he asks and the mare noses over three blocks the the and the When letters are turned to the tops of the blocks Lady spelk out the names of strangers in her audience She even give the maiden name of Dr Machlachlan's wife when nobody present but he and Mrs Machlachlan know the answer A group of doctors representing many specialties of the profession asked Lady the correct spelling of She replied correctly The mare was bought by Mrs onda wife of a machinist when the animal was two weeks old Mrs onda fed the colt on a bottle The mare fol lowed her all over the farm into the house and out again Mrs onda played blocks with her and worked at arithmetic before her She was discovered to have unusual powers when children were unable to hide anything where Lady could not find it A Richmond doctor heard through a race horse breeder of the mare He made an investigation which led to careful experiments by the scientists Mrs onda is not an experienced trainer she says Once she taught two Shetland ponies some tricks but did not try actually minds was ns entists PRINCE HAS DAY ON IRON HORSE Next Meeting of Naval Con ference Expected to Take Place Wednesday Ameri cans Stand irm Geneva July 24 (AP) The Amer ican and Japanese delegations to the tripartite naval conference are na tiently awaiting the return of the British plenipotentiaries that the con ference may resume its business at same old The latest information is that the British will not arrive before Wednes day morning and tliat the next con tact among the delegates will place the same afternoon There is no change so far as known in the American attitude of opposition to any treaty which would restrict American freedom to construct eight inch gun secondary cruisers Admiral ield chief British naval delegate departed tonight for London because of severe intestinal trouble Admiral Saito today handed to United States Minister Wilson sec retary general of the conference a beautiful silevr cup offered as a tro phy for the golf tournament open to members of tlie delegations from the United States Great Britain and Ja pan In what is known as the Tomb stone handicap The tournament is to be played between now and the end of the conference which is predicted will be about August 15 announced that had conferred upon order in work in tlie cause minister later an' Equine Seeress Pet of Virginia Woman Counts Spells Does Sums in Arithmetic and Picked Jack Dempsey to Win the ight Insurance Man Refuses to Stick Em Up and Rob bers lee New York July Charles Ritchie superintendent of the Prudential Life Insurance company branch out on Broadway does not believe in giving in to burglars ight is his motto And fight he did when two bandits sought to relieve him of a $3000 pay roll as he was entering his office to day Instead of as he was ordered to do Ritchie slashed about with his two bare fists and so terrible was his attitude that the ban dits fled what's with all those McKenzie Even explain tliat but Mr McKenzie positive he was right that's not a boiled he buy you that electric refrig He pointed to one on which the tag read $310 The matter was left to the proprie tor of the store settle the said he and stepping inside the store he in serted a lead pencil in one of the claws In a flash the claw closed so tightly as to almost crush the pencil The lobster was a very rare speci men which had been caught at Graf ton's island by Maurice Escorsio and to Harold Look local Wife Wins Elect nc Refneer atqr When Question Is Set tled By ish Dealer Rockland Me July The fun that is poked at inland residents for believing that lobsters are red when caught proved a boomerang for James McKenzie proprietor of a market at Springfield Mass Strolling with his wife on Main street here Mr McKenzie caught sight of a window fill of the crustaceans and being a dealer in the same lie paused for With a solitary excep tion the group of lobsters were as green as Nature intended them to he In the center however was one that was as red as all lobsters are after they have been boiled at the live ex claimed Mrs McKenzie said not all in the boiled Navy Department Approves Requisitions for ing of the Constitution Now in Dry Charlestown Executives Guest of City at Luncheon on Way to Con ference at Mackinac Island Detroit was host for a few Mackinac Island where they will at tend the annual conference of gov ernors as guests of the state of Michi gan ollowing a noon luncheon as guest of Mayor John Smith of Detroit the party will leave for Mac kinac on a chartered steamer Gov red Green of Michigan welcomed the governors here Those here for the Detroit program were: Govs Robert Robinson of Delaware John Trumbull nf Con necticut: John Martin of lorida Ed Jackson of Indiana John Ham mill of Iowa Ralph Brewster of Maine: John Weeks of Vermont John Martineau of Arkansas: Al bert Ritchie of Maryland Spaulding of New Hampshire John isher of Pennsylvania John Kicnards or South Carolina: rank Emerson of Wyoming and Ben Paulen of Kansas Robbery Believed Motive for Apparent Murder of Geor gia Legislator's Son Macon Ga July 23 (AP) City and county police dragged the Ocmulgce river here today for the body of Scott Goolsby 22 of orsyth Ga whose au tomobile containing hat coat and blood spattered razor blade was 'found on the river bridge early today Goolsby whose father of the state Legislature his person when he left night members of his police The father and mother came to Macon today to assist Sheriff Hicks in an investigation Goolsby called at the homes of two young women last night and soon after 11 was seen by acquaintances driving first were had been North Truro July 21 Two went aground and another struck a bar but floated free tlie night in an extraordinary dense rfog that cast an almost Impenetrableshroud over Cape Cod waters ''The four masted schooner Orlehas heavily laden with lumber grounded just insioe the outer bar off Wellfleet about 2 a today A mile south the team trawler Ruth Mildred of Gloucester rested high and dry on the rocky shore At Eastham some dis tance away an unidentified three master touched the Nauset outer bar out was almost free by a rugged damaged As soon as the discovered early and a crew from coast guard station at Wellfleet put out in a surf boat and despite thV heavy sea succeeded in reaching th helpless craft Stick to Ships 1 Capt Norman Brynes of Wellfleet? skipper of the Orleans and his crew of seven refused to leave the ship which was believed in no immediate danger The Orleans had an out to prevent any change for the'worse in its positi A coast cuard cutter 'was expected to reach Wellfleet from Boston or Woods Hole this morning and it was' believed the schooner might be floated at high tide The captain and Seven members of the crew of the Ruth Mildred also re mained aboard their craft wise was thought to be tn ate danger Coast guards described to tion in recent years Guggenheim und Takes Out Policies Covering Both Lindbergh and His "Spirit of St New York July are insured for $150000 Veitch a broker revealed today tliat various policies have been placed on the life of diaries Lindbergh and on his plane "The Spirit of St for the duration of tlie transatlantic flyer's present country wide tour Veitch said tliat the life insurance branch of his film was approached on the matter by Harry Guggenheim president of the Daniel Guggenheim fund for the promotion of aeronau tics which is sponsoring the Lind bergh tour A policy for $25000 was arranged with one company on Lindbergh's life and policies covering the plane with another There was a public liability policy for $10000 to $100000 and a property damage policy for $10000 A $15000 policy covering damage to the plane by fire taken out on Lindbergh's return from rance is still in force The $25000 policy for three months the duration of the tour was said to have cost $59825 the $10000 to $100000 one $125 and the property damage one $25 'immediately swept sea apparently un plight was' today Capt Daniels the Cahoons Hollow Amphibian San rancisco Held in New York Bay for Two Hours New York July 23 orced to alight in New York harbor because of low visibility during the heavy rain storm here today Maj Gen Mason Patrick chief nt the army air corps and Capt Ira Eakcr noted army pilot rode the heavy waves in the amphibian plane San rancisco more than an hour and a half before they werp able to ascend again They had left Washington at 1030 thipj morning on their way to West Point The fog lifted sufficient ly at 230 for them to take oft for Mitchel field where they landed a few minutes later The co*ckpit of the plane had filled with water while the plane bobbed on the rough waters of the bay and both officers were drenched Capt Eaker piloted tlie San ran cisco on Its recent "good will" flight to South America With Gen Patrick lie will spend tlie week end at West Point where the son Breen Patrick is a freshman cadet rom The Washington Bureau Washington July 24 Requisitions for enough lumber to build 47 six room houses have been approved by the navy department for the rebuild ing of the Constitution now in dry dock at the Charlestown navy yard it was announced here today This in cludes a large ''quantity of live oak that lias been submerged in the Pen sacola navy yard for the past 40 years amt wnich will be used keelsons knees and' deck replacing the original oak of the toric frigate Some idea of the magnitude of toration of Hie Constitution can gathered from the fact that the requi sitions approved by Hie navy amount to approximately 710000 board feet of lumber' allowing footage for knees This includes white oak long leaf yellow pine and Douglas fir aside from the live oak The live oak which will be used is a relic of the days of iron men and wooden ships of which Old Ironsides was the greatest and last survivor In IS70 a large quantity of this was sunk in the fresh water of Commo dore pond at Pensacola navy yard for future use in tlie building of men of war But the iron and later steel battleship came into being and since in Ticket Probe Declares Practice Applies to Both Movies and Stage New York July 22 (AP) One good show Is made to carry several poor shows and tlie principle applies to both the movies and the stage lorenz Ziegfeld testified today at United States Atty investigation into the practices of Broadway ticket brok ers The promoter charged that thea ter managers force agencies to dispose of tickets for as many as six failures in return for the right to sell tor one success a practice sends prices soaring whenever is successful "It is lust like the moving he added get one good picture you must contract to show 10 bad Mr Ziegfeld charged that the central ticket agency plan dis cussed at a meeting of theater manag ers on June 3 was a plan to the Shubert interests which he con tended control through ownership or influence most of the theaters in the city Charges had been made against him during the investigation he declared in an effort to force him into accept ing the plan He expressed the be lief however that a central agency "rightly managed" would be beneficial to both the public and the managers The complaint made previously at the hearing that the public would not come to the box offices for tickets was characterized by Mr Ziegfeld as "I think you have already put a crimp in tlie grafting by this investi he told Mr Tuttle Dr Donald and Mrs James has the and Dr Ardent Baseball an Held Not Well Balanced Mentally PROMINENT LEYDEN CITIZEN 96 DIES Harrisburg Pa July 23 One of the worst floods in tlie history of this section of Pennsylvania swept prac tically all of erry coitnty and the upper sections of Dauphin county as a result of a cloudburst early today A conservative estimate placed the damage at more than $1000000 thassyuOyearenAOylso nna mh mh Takes Stork of 11a mage Harrisburg a July 23 Penn sylvania took stock today of the dam age wrought by the worst rainstorm of the season that washed out rail road trackage made many highways impassable and interferred with traf fic generally Cloudburst in the mountain regions caused the Susquehanna river to rise 23 feet Trains on the Williamsport envision or the 1 ennsylvama were stalled near Millersburg Juniata creek overflowed washing away a number of garages ami small buildings Reports here indicated state suffered although region paid the heaviest tribute Dam age will run into thousands of dollars the de by Charles Rehl near the Northfield station and caused damage of over $10000 in the early hours this morn ing A police dog saved the lives of the owner and others in the house ad joining the granary by arousing its master with 'its barking The fire de partments of and East Northfield were unable to save the granary but concentrated their ef forts 'on tlie house connected with the burning building The distance of the fire from the hydrant on Main street made necessary the laying of a long hose and considerably slowed the efforts of the firemen A large number of the delegates to tlie Northfield conference of religious cducaeion aided in fighting tlie flames and saving tlie furniture in the ad joining building No cause for fire had been discovered today Manchester July 26 (AP) The body of Amanda Gustafson a maid in tlie employ of Mrs Gordon Abbott at West Manchester was found floating in the harbor today She had been ill for some time It is thought she went to the yacht club during tlie night and jumped overboard Medical Examiner Stone made a Rinding of suicide WIJ Have Charge ol Pennsyl vania Epileptic Hospital Amherst July vidson son of Davidson of South Pleasant street been appointed superintendent of Pennsylvania Epileptic hospital colony farm of Onkbllrn Pa Davidson has just finished his period asdnterne at the Philadelphia General hospital He was graduated from Am herst High school in J916 and from the Massachusetts Agricultural col lege In 1921 In 1925 he received his degree from the Harvard Medical school where he had a brilliant record During the war Dr Davidson went across with tile 77th division as a machine gun man and served as American rench interpreter for sev 71I months After ids period of serv we he remained in rance for a year's study at the University of Lyons He was born In raserhurg Scot which has the rare record for a small sea faring town of having turned out 12 Other medical men besides Dr David son within the last few years Arouses People Endangered by ire Granary Destroy ed at Northfield With $10 000 Loss Northfield July 26 One of worst fires in years completely stroyed the granary owned the night's as one of the worst in this sec that time the oak has been jesting comfortably at the bottom A carload of this submerged live oak was shipped by the navy to the Boston navy yard tests It was found to' 'ii excellent condition Test pieces of the wood were then sent to the bureau of construction and repairs here a' max imum crushing strength of 5586 pounds per squ ire inch It was the oak sides thafgained for the Constitution its best known name Old Ironsides During the fight witli the British frigate Guerriere August 19 1812 the crew of the Constitution saw the cannon btlls rolling off the sturdy oak'sides leaving the Consti tution undajnaged and they gave their ship the nickname of Old 'Iron sides Tlie approved requisitions for lum ber to be used is as fol lows: 7 item Gun do beam's Spar do beams Celling below gun deck Celling above gun deck Celling below main rail Dock planking Nibling stiakes Spar deck planking Gun deck planking The Constitution rebuilt all of the original lumber be replaced Aside from tlie above list requisition for 332 of live or white oak has been approved rench Aviator Only Some what Stupned by Rapid Descent Paris July 25 (AP) Dropping 20 000 feet from a falling airplane and yet living to tell the tale is the experi ence with which the rench pilot Emile Van Laere is credited An airplane which he was testing near Beaumont Sur Oise in the forest of Carnelle began to hight of 7000 meters it is said: parachute did not open until he was 1000 feet from the ground Although somewhat stunned from his rapid descent Van Laere was uninjured' In Philadelphia and Pittsburg the rain continued intermittently through out the day swelling small streams Serious Damage at York York Pa July 23 A severe elec trical storm tlie worst of the sum mer struck York today causing a damage estimated at nearly $100000 Tlie Htibley Printing company plant was completely destroyed by fire after it had been 'struck by a bolt of lightning two houses were badly damaged niter lightning bolts had struck Church of com pleteiy the church the ground can plant of tlie York Manufacturing company the plant of the Certain teed Products and the Morgan Smith plant also were damaged by light ning Ralph Brickman was knocked from his bed and rendered 'unconscious when lightning struck in tlie vicinity of his home In another home light ning striking a nearby tree ripped all of tlie plaster from the ceiling In two rooms Drops 19000 eet Before Parachute Opens and Lives Richmond Va July 26 Scientific men and women here today confessed they were perplexed by the uncanny behavior of Lady a thi ee year old black mare on a small farm in Ches terfield county Lady apparently reads the human mind The scientists were not con verted to the mind reading theory but admitted they could find no other ex planation Among the recent achie vements of this mare were finding correct answers to questions in Chinese and predict ing tlie triumph of Jack Dempsey in his ring battle with Jack Sharkey Many scientists and students of psychic phenomena has the mare Dr ranklin Johnson pro fessor of psychology at tlie University of Richmond Dr inley Gayle neurologist at the Tucker sanitarium xiacnaiacman vet tlie Seventh street have made several Substitute Bill Drawn ol lowing Veto Beer Bill He Terms Latter Madison is July 22 (AP) Within a few hours of the reading of Gov veto of the Duncan beer bill intended to repeal a sec tion of the prohibition enforce ment law and allow 275 per cent beer the state Senate today engrossed a substitute biil which would repeal the entire state enforcement law as has been done in New York The amendment takes the place of a bill which would have abolished the office of prohibition commissioner placing liquor law enforcement under the supervision of the attorney gen eral The Duncan beer bill vetoed this morning only repealed that sec tion or tne law which penalty for convictions of the law violators This Gov held was "invalid and misleading at tempting by indirection to nullify a law of the Ufved The present amendment which will be voted on next week removes all liws which cal for state enforcement of the fed eral prohibition law If it becomes a law in Wisconsin there will be no state enforcement of the law ruit Steamer Hits Excursion Boat in Boston Harbor Schooner and Trawler Strike Bars Boston July 21 og that shrouded Boston harbor so completely the excursion steamer Mayflower struck the United ruit steamer Limon probably saved the lives of some of the passengers on the excursion boat The cold damp fog had driven aifOC passengers from the promenade decks which ordinarily are crowded wheat the Mayflpw'e'r crashed into the frui leftl late yesterday i Less than hour another ex cursion steamer the Alary Chilton narrowly avoided striking the Charges were made last night by redJ? Lane of the Nantasket Steamboat company owner of the Mayflower an the Mary Chilton that the fi uit steamer had violated maritime law anchoring in the main shi channel between the wharf and the outer har bor DEVALERA SUPPORTER TAKES OATH TO KING Dublin July (AP) Patrick Bel ton who was elected as a Republican for Dublin county and a signer of the protest of Eanion De Valera against the oath to the king today took the oath and his seat in the Dail Eireann Th re was no demonstration wen he made his appearance vviiqMHJ Vi liu hopes to get away in a few days He advertised today: motoring to Reno Nev August 1 would like company of two of three gentlemen to share ex He admitted he was going to Reno for a divorce and that he expected to have a pleasant trip hare heard it is a delightful au tomobile he said "and decided to go tliat way Have two or three nibbles to my advertisem*nt but these gentlemen are all going to the coast A friend of mine just back from Reno tells me I will have plenty of com pany there as the divorce colony is packed" Professor of Psychology De cries Standing In Line or Hours and Shouting 'l Philadelphia July A man who would stand in line for hours for a seat in the bleachers'and then shout' himself hoarse rooting for his favorite' baseball team Is not well balanced mentally in the opinion of Dr Thad deus Bolton professor of psychol ogy at Templet university Philadel ph la He mayjrptbe abnormal but he i not with good rpeqtal poiseiDr Bolton said today well balanced said Dr 1 Rolton not become fanatical insv his love for a particular sport to the exclusion of all others If he does he is suffering from a mental hyper trbpliy explained Dr Bol ton a growth There are and physical hypertrophies Phy sically they manifest themselves in the form nf corns bunions boils Mentally they are evident In the ca so of the baseball fan by a tendencyto ward oxer ardent hysterical to the one particular IN OG ON COAST4? OTHERS AGROUND SAYSGOOD SHOWS CARRY POOR ONES Bar Patronized Liner Held JuIy A f0 that it amazed old experienced sea men held the steamship Cleveland i the Hamburg American line a pri oner at anchor off the New coast for 48 hours it was when the ship docked here today The Cleveland left Boston in clear weather but the fog became so thick off Pollack light that Capt Conrad Luck decided to hold the ship until the sea cleared With the bar well filled and riding outside the i2 nine limit tne two day delay was uwuiuvu uy many passengers as New Yorker Wants Companions On Trip or Reno Divorce Chester Severance Hac Been Holders of Most 'Town Offices Greenfield July 26 Chester AV! Severance 96 died today after a short illness at the home of his daughter Mis Alien Newcomb of Leyden road Mr Severance health for the worked on his the 7th when of his daughter He was born in Ley den ebruary27 1831 and was edu cated in the schools of that town and at the Shelburne ails academy At the age of 17 he started in teaching school which profession he followed for several years or a short time he was proprietor of the only store in Leyden In 1835 he moVed to the farm which had been his home ever since Air Severance had held most of the town offices for Leyden excepting that of clerk and town treasurer In 1896 he represented the Legislature for his district or over 70 years he was leader of the Unitarian church choir He was a member of the Re publican lodge of Masons He is sur vived by two children Mrs Allen Newcomb and Charles Severance of Leyden The funeral will he held Thursday afternoon at the church in Leyden Burial will be in South cem etery Advertises or To Share Sees Pleasant Time New York July 26 A joy ride to neno co get a divorce That is plan of Dumont Jr of American Law Book company ert Unset Price1T41J 2541 50 Reported "Making Satisfac tory Will Re ceive Lindbergh in Hospital Cleveland July (AP) Myron Herrick United States embassador to rance was reported tonight by surgeons attending him to be "making satisfactory fol lowing his second operation today within the last 10 days No serious results are feared unless complica tions' in attaches said to night today's acter day by correct troubled the tima The first operation performed the 17th was as a preliminaryto operation which was planned If the 73 year old diplomat rallied sufficiently from the first one The operation was expected to delay the embassador's re turn to rance for an indefinite period He will go to his home when he gains sufficient strength and remain in virtual seclusion until fully recovered Embassador Herrick will receive Col Charles A Lindbergh the trans atlantic flyer in the hospital when lie comes here nex't week The celebra tion planned for Lindbergh was originally planned as a homecoming celebration for Herrick with Lind bergh participating but the embas sador's illness has changed the char acter of the festival W0ULD BAN DEMPSEY ROM WAR STADIUM South Bend Ind July 26 A res olution asking Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago to deny Jack Dempsey the use of field for his fight in September with Gene Tunney was fo be introduced today in the convention of the Indiana de partment of the American Legion in session here A storm of opposition based on the ex champion's record during the World war was cryatalizing today into definite support of the sugges tion made by Cuiifvssniaii rei'r iek of Loganrport that Deiyii ssport tliat Dempsey not be allowed to fight in the maniflr ient stadium dedicated to tlie nun who fought tn the World war do you' think of a system that will allow hollow chested book keepers to go to the trenches over seas and then let the ex heavyweight champion of the world stay at was one of the questions Imljs no ted editorial writer hurled at the convention during an aklress yester day the American Legion going to let Dempsey light on the field sacred to the war dead? Every soibiier in I landers held would turn over in Landis said July Detroit to 15 governors here hours on their way to Screams Aboie Crash The' screams of women and childiea could be heard above tlie noise of ths grinding crash as the vessels came to wlfM gether Lifeboats were manned andR7 pi epa rations were made to leave thefie: Mayflower It was soon found how eyer that the ship was damaged only above the water line and was in danger ortsinking The Mayflower under own poweAn examination of her in juries revealed about $2000 damage where the steel prow of the freighter had cut through her timbers Captains of the Mayflower Mai v' Chilton and are to file report! of the accident Excursion Steamer Held L'p 15 Hourl Dog bound for nearly 15 hours in1 tncouter harbor the excursion steam er Dorothy Bradford docked here at 30 a today landing about sleepy passengers who yesterday 'gone to Provincetown for a day's outjng Tlie Bradord due here at 730 lasf p'snt had been at anchor near Boston nn throughout the night waitin'' for an unusually thick fog to lift This morning the weather cleared slightly and the ship was able to land Its pas sengers most of whom had spent the night in chairs afi? AU during the night relatives or excursionists aboard thn Bradford waited anxiously at the dock refusing to go home even when as sured that there was no danger to the fog bound craft iaJ vesselsalso were de layed by the fog' Makes Lone Trip Unknown and Takes Measurements to Secure Sacco Vanzetti Information 4 Boston July (A Gov Alvan uller today paid a surprise visit to the scene of the double murder at South Braintree in 1920 for which Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Van zetti were convicted and are now under sentence of death It was part of his long Investigation of the trial and conviction of the two Interna tionally known radicals Slipping out of the State House un observed and accompanied only by two state policemen he sped to South Braintree with as little ceremony as when last week he visited the con demned men in the warden's office of Charlestown vState prison lie went to tlie Slater Morrill Shoe factory near which the com pany's paymaster and guard were shot down and spent some time mak ing measurements One of these was to ascertain whether from the indow of a nearby factory an eye witness could have identified the men and the second to discover hew long a speeding automobile fleeing from the scene of crime would have remained in lew The governor returned to Boston after an hour andhis xissit did not become known until late at night Boston July While tlie advisory committee named by uller to make an independent in vestigation into the Sacco Vanzetti case studied Its report in seclusion today the two men to whom its find ings mean life or death waited with varied emotions at the Charlestown state prison Visitors who were admitted to tlie cells of Bartelomeo Vanzetti and Nic cola Sacco widely known radicals condemned to death for murder oo ported the former vigorous and still nopeful the latter depressed and weak The men have been on hun ger strike for more than a week as a protest against the alleged secrecy with which the governor has conduct ed his study of their case but Van zetti interrupted his fast for one meal on Sunday wife Rose who has been a regular visitor to her husband since hts arrest seven years ago took their children to see the condemned qian It was the first time the boy Dant had met his father since his removal from the Dedham jail July 1 Later Mrs Sacco said that the prisoner's appear ance had shocked her He had Jost weight she said had deep rings under his eyes and showed little interest in the recent developments in his case Vanzetti Hopeful With Vanzetti the story was differ ent members of the Sacco Vanzetti defense committee reporteil Last week Gov uller went to the prison and talked with the condemned men He hns promised to come again and Vanzetti who made a stirring appeal to the court when he and Sacco were sentenced at Dedham is busy now preparing an argument to be present ed tho one man who now holds his life and that of Sacco in his hand Tlie governor today interviewed a number of witnesses continuing his inquiry Into the case although the in lestigation of his advisory committee ended yesterday with the hearing cf stnto and defense arguments The committee the members of which are President A Lawrence Lowell of Har vard President Samuel Stratton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy and former Judge Robert Grant of the probate court has given no in timation as to when its report to the governor will be ready Sacco and Vanzetti originally sen tenced to die in the electric chair dur ing the week of July 10 were granted respite to August 10 It was be lieved by many today that tlie deci sion of the advisory committee would not be made public until the govir nor's council iiiiets on August 3 inxmnon 2625110 150000 4 20Onoiixtno 45I5'H) 50500 Early Morning Cloudburst Causes Havoc in Perry and Dauphin Districts Main Streets of Pittsburg Are I illed With Water Halting All Traffic Northern New York Has Heavy Rain RIENDS PLAN PENSION OR ORMER PREMIER London July (AP) The Daily Mail says that friends of the Earl of Oxford and Asquith the former premier are preparing a gift in rec ognition of his great and prolonged services to the empire It is hoped to provide an annuity of £2500 and also a cash present possibly amounting to £20000 The paper understands tliat the sub scribers include Lords Reading Devonport and Lincolnshire Sir Abe Bailey Sir Robert high commissioner Charles Larkin I ord Oxford as a tlie British cabinet is entitled pension of £2v00 but only on condition of his signing a declaration that he is Impecunious The promoters of tlie subscription emphasize that the great gifts which Lord Oxford bestowed in the service of the state would if em ployed for personal profit have made li is weal BALTIMORE PUBLISHER GIVEN AVIATION HONOR Wife Claims Percy Hud son Stock Exchange Mem ber Used Entire $5000 000 Means to New York July 25 Percy Hudson a member of the New York stock exchange and a direct descendant of Hendrik Hudson was today accused by his wife of having used every method within his $5 000000 means to harass and' annoy Mrs Hudson in a supplemental complaint filed today in her suit for separation charged that the Wall had and and strike her and that tried to have her deport country loods in Pennsylvania Cause $1000000 Damage Ziegfield.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.