The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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0 4 4 iWtt it TMW tpr Jw LHSLgBS KM TOLUME 18 NUMBER 143 WHOLE NUMBEB 5272 SPRINGIELD MASS TUESDAY JUNE 18 1861 PRICE TWO CENTS i IVE DOLLARS A YEAR Kaikoobs Wants Steamboats (Estate Suilbing iHaurials QPRINGIELD IRE AND MARINE 0 INSURANCE CO otrls anb Boarbing tjoace nrnishing fit ebka I Insurance GAB tn23Smd Merrick William Birnte Georse Walker Lombard Dale Charles Merriam ATLANTIC ROYAL MA I STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY ROM AMKBI IA uuuincw lull 1 UVPUHT UDO 11 from New York Tuesday June 25 from Borton Tuesday July 9 BATBe PASSAGE: BOSTON AND GALWAY LINE AKD NEW YORK AND GALWAY LINE Touching at St John's Cabbtino ths British Mail and Govern bunt Jjispatci RS HALATION DE HOWARD MARSHALL Catarrh Throat and Lung Physician of New York city so celebrated for his success in curing all the above diseases will again be in Springfield Hotel June 30th and 21st Examination of Lungs and Consulta tion free Direct all letters to St Nicholas Hotel New York J13 Post Office Building BATES PASSAGE 7500 Sieerage 83000 88000 1 do to London 83300 Daily line of steamboats be tween Hartford ana new york ti Steamer Capt Kikg leaves Hartford tor New York every Tuesday Thurs day and Saturday The Steamer HARTORD Capt Simpson leaves Hartford for New York every Mon day Wednesday and riday The time of leaving Hartford is fixed at 3 o'clock thus giving passengers leaving Springfield by Train at 145 pm ample time to connect and arrive in New York at about 5 the following morning This Line affords the cheapest and most comfortable route of travel from Hartford and various points north of Hartford to New York The Boats have the best of State Room accommo dations and every requisite for safety comfort and convenience Cabin are (no charge for Berths) 150 orward Deck 100 reight taken at low rates Consign Goods to A St Bt Co a3 daw I URNITURE AT THE OLD STAND Tire attention of persons purchasing urniture Upholstery Goods CurtMsra and Trimmings is re spectfully invited to the assortment at the subscrib er's Ware Room where may be ouud a great variety of urniture for Parlors Chambers Dining Booms Halls Ac Ac Particular attention given to all kinds of Uphols tery Work Also a large assortment of Shades and Trimmings Having made arrangements with parties in New York I am prepared to furnish Shades of any size pattern and qua ity and warranted to give perfect satisfaction Curiains trimmed and hung at short not ce urniture made to order I ake this opportunity to thank my old friends for their liberal patronage ot former years and ask a continuation of the uma from them and all others who niy favor me wib a call A SHERMAN Muns Eiock Mam tt Springfield Mass TO The Subscriber will con tiuueto receive orders at his oilice for the various kinds of Composition Rooting now in use Mastic Tanned elt Gravel Gutta Percha Ac Also agent for uller's Cement for Tin the best article known has stood for twenty years without failure is of a light brown color Also delivers to order at the shortest notice Block Stone Brick Mortar Sea band Turf Loam Ac Ao ALIAS in daw8 Office No 1 Allis' Bloak NEW YORK and NEW HAVEN STEAM BOAT AKE NO CHARGE for The Steamer ELM CITY Capt Lewis will leave New Haven every night at 11 arriving in New York in time for the early morning trains South and West Returning Leave New York every afternoon at 8 o'clock Passengers for stations on the 8 Railroad can take the train north from New Haven at 11 NIGHT LINE ROM NEW YORK The Steamer TRAVELER Capt Bowks will leave New York every night at 11 o'cleck arriving in New Haven in time for the early morning train to Springfield Returning Leave New Haven every morning at 10 mH RICHARD PECK Agent North East and West to sell lately improved Patent Indelible Pencils for marking Clothing without pre paratiou or risk of blotting We offer splendid in ducements to Agents and vvillrturu all the money sent to us if the pencil be not found indelible after trial Samples sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents or circular Terms bv addressing with stamns enclos ed HERMAN ZAHM sole Agent 139 riend corner Msrkctstieet Boston Mass 2nd Optics ort Block Main St Springfield Mass Cash Capital and Surplus (Jan 1 1851) $482839 DIBB0T0B8 Edmund reeman Chester Chapin Daniel Harris Marvin Chanin Edward South worth EDMUND REEMAN President Connib Jr Secretary JI Large ven Air Tight Summei and Winter Cooking Stoves for sale by JI WILCOX CO 14 MACHINERY OIL from the MECCA OIL WELLS have the Agency for the sale of this superior article now rapidlv taking the place of other Lubricating Oils It is without unpleasant odor adapt'd to all kinds of Machinery more dura ble and at less than half the cost of Sperm or Railroad purposes it is unequaled Orders for this article will be filled 'n quantities to suit cud at the lowest price Gi SuHRTLE J5 Hampden st ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Parana Capt Pro wee' I Anglia Nicholson Columbia Capt Leitch Annis tic Walker Thee Steamers have been constructed with the greatest care as regards safety and comfort and are iuilt wbh water tight compartments ano the accom modations for passengers cannot be excelled 1 bey have been approved by the Admiralty and appoint ed to sail fortnightly as follows: ROM AMKBUA Princb Albert from New ork Tuesday June 11 ADRIATIC Columbia RATEe PASSAGE: rom Boston or New York to Galway or any city or town la Ireland situated an a Railway or to Liv erpool or irst Cabin 8100 and To London $110 and 880 (according to State 'oomsccommudarions) THIRD CLASS 830 Tu LONDON 83250 TO ST JOHN a irst Class 835 Third Class 818 Children under 12 years half price under 1 year free Third class passengers are required to furnish beds and tins taking passage at Boston fcr the steam ers sailing from New York will receive free passage from Boston to New York PRE CERTIICATES Sailings prom Galway Princb Albert from Galway for New York May 21 Adriatic from Galway for New York June 4 Columbia from Galway for Boston June 18 jgTersons wishing to prepay the passage their friends to the United otates can purchase Th! rd nt tickets as follows: rom Galway to Boston $31 58 Trcm Halwav to New York 3150 rom Dublin Cork Limeriek Roseommsn or Longford to Boston or New York 8250 rom Liverpool London or Glasgow to Boston or New York 88 00 DRATS ON THEBANK LONDON pavab'e at sight at any Bank in England Ireland and Scotland for sale or freight or passage apply to NAZRO RO 8 SWEENEY Agents 5 Chatham Row Boitoa Or to PHILLIPS Hartford Conn Je6 HENRY 8 PERSSE Windsor leeks Conn TR CHARLES SWEET intend! to be IeSz Hartford ou the second Tuesday in each month Mid the day following in Springfield' at Ho tel to attend to Bones flip and Spina! Diseases ever Sores Scrofula and Rheumatic Difficulties Bie remainder of the time he will be at home in Let anon except when attending to special calls oil lyd A BURT LIE AND IBE INSUB ANCE AGENT At it Hampden Block ff Hartford and long island STEAMBOAT The new and beautiful Steamer MARY BENTON Capt Geomb Bates having been placed upon the route between Hart ford New London Greenport and Sag Harbor will until further notice run as follows: Leave hag Har bor Mondajs Wednesday and ridays at 750 a Greenport at 815 a New London at 1015 a arriving at Hartlord at 6 Returning leave Hartford on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 83J a New London at 3 pm Greenport at 5 arriving at Sag Haborat6p Passengers from Northampton at 6 a and Springfield at 7 a arrive at Hartford in full time to take the boat The Mary Benton stops at all the principal Landings on the route THUS GROSS Jr Secretaty Landing June 1st 1851 my31 Smd Steam weekly between new YORK and LIVERPOOL landing and embark ing Passengers at QUEENSTOWN (Ireland) The Liverpool New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company intend despatching their lull powered Clyde built Iron Steamships as follows: Glasgow Saturday 22d of June City op Baltimore Saturday 29th of June Kangaroo Saturday 6th of July and every Saturday at Noon from Pier 44 North River MASSASOIT INSURANCE COMPANY of SPRINGIELD MASS OICE ORI BLOCK Cash Capital $150000 Cash Surplus 881097 61 1 DIRECTORS: Samuel 8 Day Chester Chapin Vinton Stephen Bemis Henry uller Jr Stebbins Cbamn 1 Hall Secretary jASSAOHUSETTS MUTUAL LIE INSURANCE COMPANY Office 8 Building Springfield Masi Capital and Accumulation August 1 1850 $343313 44 Caleb Rice uller Jr Beach Stockbridge James Kirkham Holman Moseley Tyler Sylvanos Adams Wm Rice Otis Childs Albert Morgan A Chapman SturtevantSamuel Bowles Homer oot Jos Brooks Bacon A Lambert CALEB RICE President Bacon Secretary Dr A Lambert Med Examiner American hotel HARi ORD CONN $150 per day One of the best Houses in the city jelO 3md Opposite the State House TJUTLAND and BURLINGTON RAIL JA ROaD ROUTE to BURLINGTON ROUSES POINT MONTREAL and cGDENSBURtiH Pas cengere from stations on line of Cenneeticut River or Vermont Valiev Railroads by taking train leariug Springfield at 745 a connect at Bellows alls with Train lor Burlington making direct eonnec tions there with Trains ou Vermont and Canada Road for all paints north Passengers by this Train dine at Bellows lh ed arrive at Burlington at 600 1 Point 8 40 Montreal 10 8t) Ogdensburgh 1 4e a Train leaving Springfield at 1 30 pm connects at Bellows alls with Train striving at Bullington at 460 a Rouse's Point 7 30 a Montreal 940 a Ogdsnsburgh 100 New and well ventilated Sleeping Cars are run on this Train between Rutland and Montreal or 1 iokets and further information inquire at the offices tn the line A CHAPIN gupt Rutland Vt June 8 1861 jell New haven ni Northampton Ou and after Monday June 3d 1861 Trains will run as follows: Leave Northampton 620 a Mail and Passenger Train for New Haven and New York 1105 a in Accommodation fi rNow Haven and New Yrk 580 Aocommedatien Tiain for Westfield Leave New Haven lor Nortbampion Aceommoda Hon at 7s0 a connecting with train on Conn River for tae North 35 Mail and Pas senger cn arrival of in Tiain from New York connecting at Westfield direct for Albany and the West Leave Westfield 716 for Northampton on ar Sival of train frem Albany Connections at orihampton with Conn River at Westfield Western Rsilroad: at Plainville 'Providence Hartford and ishkill at New Haven with New York and New Haven New 1 Haven New London and Stonington and New Haven Hartford and Springfield Tickets sold and Baggage cbeoked to all principal points West reight forwarded with equal dispatch as by Ex 1 prses CHAS IEAMaNS June 1st 1861 jw Amherst Belchertown and PALMER RAILROAD On and after April 15th 1861 Trains will run daily as follows: Leave Amherst at 9 a and 4 pm Leave Palmer at 205 and 645 Passengers taking the mailtrains from Albany or New York for Springfield or the 1025 a and 530 trains East from Springfield will not fail to connect at Palmer with cars tor Amherst Stage ac commodations at Belchertown for Enfield Green wich and Dana at Amherst for Northampton North Hadlev Hadley and Sunderland D1XEY General Agent Lawrence water cure and rRATTLE8OROl VERMONT This delightful Retreat will open under entirely new auspices for the reception of visitors early in June References in the city of New A Sohnle wind zq Ga tavns Schwab Lotrfe GroTa menu Eq rhs Wolsch Esq Richard II Baue Esq Warren Eeq Alfred Sc'ierme horn Esq William Bawne Esq rf Weeendwck sq Benja min Esq Chas A Clinton Ksq James Grav Esq Julius Guelmmn Es) Peter Swea rer Ew Hon James vev Wariiiiigton Ma jor tVm Ansi 8 A WeUSjliqjllrattlo Ibero and Judgo Tsler or furHif information d'iress EMIL Al'ELBAUM Superintendent Jollnui DiutthiborQ Vk ARMS for A list of very desirable arms in different localities for sale Apply to 12 A BURT 190 Main st New haven Hartford and SPRINGIELD On and after' Jan 14 1861 Trains leave Springfield as follews 700 a Accommodation Train for Hartford Mid dletown New Haven New York and Way Stations IS 00 Express Train for Hartford Middletown Meriden New Haven and New York 145 Accommodation Train for Middletown Junction Hartford New Haven New York and Way Stations 835 Express Train for Hartford Middletown Meriden New Haven and New York 700 Aeecmmodatien Train to Hartford only On Saturdays this Train will wait at Springfield until the arrival of the Train 01 Western from Albany '1140 pm Mail Train stopping at Hartford and New Haven only connecting at New Haven with Train for New York Jan 11 1861 jl2 REED The mutual life insurance company of new YORK WINSTON President I ABBATT Secretary Assets over $7000000 double the capital and accumulation of any other Life Insurance Company in this country Dividend? once in five years Rates not exceeding those of other sound eompanies STEBBINS Agent Office 6 Goodrich Block Springflnld ril yd Building timber shingles and LATH We are prepared to furnish parties wanting Timber Sawed to order of Pine Spruce Chestnut and Hemlock at short notice Also a good lot of Sawed Shingle 18 inch ine and an extra Rived Shingle for sale by GOODRICH LUMBER CO Chas A Somksb Tress No 2 Goodrich Block Springfield Mass JI eod Connecticut river railroad i raias leve Springfield: At 745 a for Keene 8t Jehnebury Burlington Montreal and all wty stations same day connecting at Greenfield wi and for 'Boston At l3f) tor Keene Rutland and through to Whfte River Junction ooi nectiug with night train reaching Montreal at :5 a urxt day At 1040 a (freight and passenger) and 630 pm arrival of Aacom from New Yorx and Kxprees from for Northampton On Saturdays the ii latter will wait at Springfield till arrival of Evening Expres Train from New ork 8 40 At 730 a 12 00 4 40 and 700 in addi tion for Ch c' pee and Chicopee alls Passenger Trains for sprtngfikld Leath Chicopee ails at 815 a 100 5 10 and 730 Chic pee Jaucri tn at 050 825 and 1141 a 110 845 5 25 6 06 and 740 Holyoke at 6 35 and 1126 a tn 3 20nnl 5 51p at 611 aud 1103 a 240 (freight and pasteuser) and 5 28 Greenfield at 1010 a an i 4 35 Arrive at Springfielo at 7 00 siki 1150 a 4 CO and 6 15 iH nnectiug with 715 a 1210 and 825 trains from Albany and the West and wfrh morning and Evening Trains for Boston and New Yora je6 BRINSMaDE Sup WORCESTER AND NASHUA RAIL On and after April 1st 1859 Passen ger Trains will run as follows Leave Worcester 829 and 1115 a and 415 Leave Nashua 760 a 12 0O and 500 At Nashua all trains connect with the trains of Concord Railroad where passengers take the cars tond from the Northern the Passumpsie the Boston Concord and Montreal and the Vermont Central Railroad At Groton Junction trains connect directly with the trains of the Stony Brook Railroad and also with trains of the itchburg Railroad with the ex ception of the first train from Boston and at itch burg with trains of the Vermont and Massachusettsnd Cheshire Railroads or further particulars and connections with other roads see Railway Guide for the New England al2 BENTLEY WANTED Agents to sell Packages of STaIIONERY and JEWELRY ar prices one third less than can be purchased elsewhere Call on or address (stamp enclosed) BAAlBY No 154 Court st Boston Mass m263md William Birnie A Chapin Henry Gray Covill A Soule xsIcCUiCcU 8AMETEL 8 DAY President 11 'bl NEW LONDON WILLIMANTIC find PALMER On and after Monday December 8 1866 Trains leave Palmer 755 a and 210 Leave New London 715 a and 150 Trains connect with Western Road East and West with Hartford and ishkill Road at Willimantic at Slew London with Stonington and Providence New Haven and New York Trains and Boat to New York RICHARD DOWD or the instant belie? and Bait a wks otsi of this lng complaint use BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES Made by SEYMOUR A CO 458 Broadway NY Price 81 per box sent free by post or sale at all Druggists mO Ivdaw TTT A good home for a male In taut 13 month? old with some nereon who will adopt tee child Apply to MARY BARY at Jolm home Union street near the river SI II tn Arrive at Hartford at 945 and 1133 a and 711 Leave Hartford at 1000 a and 410 for Wa terbury at 1220 and 760 for New Britain New Britain at 1028 a and 488 Plainville at 1045 a and 500 Arrive at Waterbury at 1200 tn and 619 Connect at Hartford with Express Train for New York and Springfield GOING EAST Leave Waterbury at 8 a and 3 CO Plainville at 916 a and 415 New Britain at 807 and 930 a and 126 aud 447 Arrive at Hartford at 833 and 1085 a and 155 and 610 Leave Hartford at 6(0 a and 1200 for Prov Menoe connecting at Willimantic for Norwich aud New Loudon at 5 3' for Willimantic Wnifrnantie at 73' a 4338 Plamfield at 650 and 845 a ra and 4432pm Washington at 829 and 9 5a a aud 110 and Arrive in Providence at 93) and 1100 a 220 and frj30 0 tn tConneots at ProviUehoe for Taunton and Boston m87 SAMUEL NOrr CITY IRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford Conn Capital 8250000 and large Surplus Waite Secretary Bowers President LADD Agent Removal PAINTS OILS SASH DOORS AND BLINDS AND PAPER HANGINGS We beg leave to inform our patrons that we have removed from our old stand on State street to the building 285 Main Street 2d door north of State street here we have greatly increased facilities for the accommodation of our cus tomers We intend to keep a foil and complete assortment of articles in our fine of business or the best quality and at prices as low as are charged by oilier houses for the same class of goods Returning our sincere thanks for past favors would respectfully request a continuance of your patron age WALKER all 285 Malta st STONE YARD A DWELLY Manu facturer of all kinds of Building Stones Granite Longmeadow and Portland reestone also North River and Bolton lagging Soap Stone for Boiler Tops Registers unnel Stone Griddles oot Warm ers Waii Tubs and 8iuks constantly on hand Thick Slates for covering Drains: also Monuments Bases Sockets of Quincy and Monson Granite Portland Jersey and Longmeadow ree Stone Yard and Office in the rear corner of East Bridge and Main streets Springfield Mass jl lyd HAMPDEN CARD COMPANY Sanford street Springfield Mass manuiactarers of Ma chine Card Clothing ef all descriptions for Cotton and Wool also Staples for Windo Blinds m4 WM MONTAGUE Agent lUTNA INSURANCE COMPANY 4 Habttobd Connecticut Paid up Capital 81500900 00 Productive Assets $2194100 02 Insure against loss and damage by fire on terms Adapted to the hazard and consistent with the laws Of compensation Organized in 1819 with a perpetual charter LADD Agent for Springfield and vicinity office Music Hall Building Main street pONWAY IRE INSURANCE CO of Boston Capital $750069 James Whit ney President James Kent Vice President David Rosass Secretary LADD Agent pLAP BOARDS CHASE Vy celebrated Michigan Plne drersed Clap Boards can be found at tiie old eetabli hment North side Railroad a lew lods above Depot jel STuaTbaSwls BUILDING MATERIAL or the benefit of the building public I would state that I have constantly on hand a full supply of Hutobiuioa's and UMK Also toe Uoffinan Rosen dale and Newark CEMEN I'S as well as Hair and Plaster of the first quality and all times and Ce ments warranted ts be A 1 and for price call and it will be made satisfactory to the buvtr 8 The only place that the Untehinsoo Lime can be found at in this city is at the lour and eed Store on Lyman st at the Depot WILLIAM ELLIOTT m7 Springfield Maes NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LLb IN SURANCE CO Boston Mass Established 1843 Willard Phillips res't Stevens Net available capital over 81709000 The greatest risk taken on a life 815000 Surplus distriouted among the members every fifth veer from December 1843 Dividend Dee 148 20 per cent Dividend Dec 1853 30 per cent Dividend Dec 1858 39 per cent Only about one half the amount of cash required by other companies will pay the premiums iu this company J3dtsl NOYES Agent WESTERN RAILROAD ON AND after Monday April loth Boston Alba ny Troy Hudson and the West Trains leave Spring field for Worcester and Boston at 210 (Mail) 715 and 1025 a Acc 130 and 845 (Express) 530 (Express freight with passenger car attached Leave Springfield for Albanv Troy Hudson and the West at 715 a 1210 and 625 Tickets may be secund at the Ticket Offices to all the principal cities and towns to the West and South west Railroad At Albany with the New York Central Troy and Hudson Biver At Chatham with the New York and Harlem and Hud aou and Boston At State Line with the Housatonic At Pittsfield with the North Adams and Stockbridge At Westfield with the Hampshire and Hatnpdoa At Palmer with the New Loudon and Amherst At Worcester Junction with the Nashua Providence and Norwich At Worcester with the Boston and Wor oester HENRY GRAY Sup Hudson and new york freight and PASSENGER LINE with the Hudson and Boston Railroad and Western and and North Adams Railroads Steamer South America Capt Powers Steamer Oregon Capt King leave Hudsep daily Saturdays excepted at 6 o'clock ou the arrival of the cars from the East Leave New York daily Sundays excepted from foot ot Harrison st North River at 5 connecting with the cars for the East the next morning or further particulars inquire of Messrs Powers Bogardus Co or Messrs Haviland Clark Co of the city of Hudson or on board of the Boats in the city of New York my8ftnd VAT By a Young Man a situation as Table Waiter ia a first class Saloon or Hotel Understands the business thoroughly Address im mediately LK Mass jel3 6d RHEUMATIC ANB NEURALGIA COMPOUND A sure cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia is went form) Ths undersigned hereby certify that they haveusel Rheumatic aud Neuralgia lor the cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia and havt in every case found immediate and permarent relief We have full confidence in ita healing qualities sad would recommend it to all who are aiflicted with these harrassing diseases as one of the safest and hart medicines ever offered to the publics 3 HANco*ck Jr 20 South Market street Bos ton WH ALLEN Boston HENRY A ULLER 18 South Market street Boston WALES Jr Citv Hotel Boston GEO PLUMMER 1 Maverick square East Boston HENRY GARDI NER Webster street East Bton ABRAM WEEKS Webster street Beeton Capt CHAS DOLLIVER East Boston The best medicine for the disease I ever kw CHAS A SMITH No Old State House Bost on Have been afflicted with Rheumatism in its worst form and was entirely cured by the use of oae bottle A BRYEK Building Commercial street Boston Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound has entirely relieved me from sufienngs of several years standing HODGKINS No 1 Old Stale House Boston After suffering with Rheumatism for twenty ytare I was entirely cured by the use of two bottles 9f Gardiner's Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compcaxd NORM AN RERS 75 ranklin street Boston The Kheumatio and Neuralgia Compound has beets taken by hundreds of people for Scrofulous sucre with great benefit It may be given to children wttA perfect satiety WELLS A CO 116 ranks street New York GEO GOODWIN A CO 11 and 12 Marshal street Boston or sale by tee principal spotisecrrier everyychiie Principal 87 Kilby street BrewU None genuine unless signed by sl4 dawly CHAS' GARDINER Sold in Springfield ly Hntrnin fc Brew er Gee EeyBoP EWbUM and spA(vAVne CABINET Wewisntocaii the attention of purchasers to our Stock of ash ionable and Cheap urniture of ah kiuos end quali ties in Rosewood Walnut Mahogany ana ine Parlor aud Chamber Suites also Dining Room and Kitchen Curtains and Curtain Goods Shades and ixtures a great variety Curtain and Shade hanging nd Carpet laying Upholstering and Kenairiug of all kinds do ue prompt ly aud in the beet manner Thankful for the libera1 patronage we have receiv ed in part years we ask ita continuance and wth a large stock spacious Rooms lo Rente and an old ana well known Stand our facilities for giving satis faction as to variety quality aud pries are such as will offer great inducements to all wishing to pur chase DEW EY A OLMnTEA Nos and 2 Block mil corner of Main and Bliss 8t Springfield OR SALE our Dwelling Houses two on East Bridge street arid $2800 one on Bliss street $3000 one on Maple street $4500 In quire of PRIEST al6 cod 84 Main street CHARTER OAK IRE INSURANCE CO Hartford Capital $300000 and large Sur plus Jos Sprague Secretary' Raich Gillet President RANDOLPH Agent WESTERN MASS INSURANCE CO Pittsfield Mass Capital $150000 Surplus 866378 Goodridge Secretary Kellogg President RANDOLPH LADD Agent Insurance to any required amount can be effected with the above named and other first class Compa nies in this and other States by calling ou the sub scriber at his office os 3 and 4 Music Hall Building Springfield Mass ilo LADD Insurance Agent Hampden fire insurance co OICE PYNCHON BANK BLOCK 212 Main st Springfield Mass Capital $150000 Surplus Jan 1 1361 $62461 39 DIHBOTOR8: Jos Pynohon James Kirkham Horner oot Ephraim Bond Charles Shaw Tyler Erasmus Beach Montagne Chapin Moselev Edwin Seeger Crane J'tues Rumrill Geo Morris Chas Marsh' Willis Phelps JOS PYNCHON President Chablxb Maxsd Secretary jl '61 MANSION HOUSE Northampton Mass is now open and ready to receive visitors Haviug been thoroughly renovated re ainted and newly carpeted ia now ui better condition than several years ysst Early applications will secure good rooms al6 8md WILLIaM HILL Proprietor jyj It 11 THE PROSPECT HOUSE is now in tie beet possible condition for Visitors hilc Nature ba put the Lanrifcupe View in perfect order The Railway from the Carriage Road to the sii'nmitof the Mountain is in thorough repair and those who wish to mke tne arcent or te'eo by the Car can do so with enti safety Nw and TELESCOPE mat ufactuied by Al ien of Springliete with i xprtss te'erencc to the place where it is used been purchased this season and adds mitcn to 'he facilities for making observa tions aa well as bringing out mote distirctiy many objtcts interest hitherto not so rea ily seen rem the cau be seen Mountains In 4 Stare and 38 l'optis 31 in Massachusetts aud 7 iu Connecticut The Grove on the brow of the Mountain just North of the house commands a variety of fine Views and has been chart of underbrush and provided with Seats aud Tables to accommodate the public ritOUEOT IltltiRK Each Visitor must pay for the Use of the Hours and Grounds Telescope Observatory and Water 25 Cents Cliildtcu treder 12 years 12 Cents Schools iu numbers of tee or over if paid 111 by ore nersou 13 Cents are on Railroad (each way) 2i Ceuta Children under 12 vt are half price Particular attention given without extra charge) to frchoola cud Parties bringing their own Refresh ments Prices op Reprsfumskts Lodging Breakfast or Tea 85 Cents Lurch 25 Gents Coffte or Lemonade 5 Cents Cigars 5 Cents JyAll bills except for horse keeping to be paid at the tt'nmit It will be seen by the above prices tbattho entire necessary cost ot seeing one of the most charming land cape views in this country is only Twenty live Ceuta for which in addition the visiter has the use of the House founds Telescope and Water The prices of other things are as low as elsewhere RENCH Proprietor Post Office address Northampton Mass je4 Imd HOUSES and BUILDING LOTS for Sale in different parts of the city Inquire of A BURT 190 Main st IMPROVED IRE AND WA rEB The undersign ed would call the attention of Real Estate Owners Architects Builders aud all outers desiritig a supe rior Rooting to improved elt and Com position Roofing This article has been in uo more than fifteen years in most of the principal eities and towns in the United States upon Stores Manirfacto ries and Dwellings of ail descriptions It has grad ually superseded the various kinds formerly in until at the present tiuie irs sujieriority eannot be dented This Rooting is composed of Irek Compo sition and Gravel and i a durable article or further information apply either personally or by letter to the subscriber at hie urniture Ware Room 54 Burt'n Block Main st who ia tae only Agent iu Hampden county A SHERMAN m23 3md Svringtield Mass Hartford providence and fish kill RAILROAD Un and after May 27th 1861 Trains will run as follows eeiNs WBST leave Providence at 640 a 285 for Hart 112) a for Washington at 610 for Plainfield aadNew York via Norwich Washington at 725 a and 820 and 658 Plainfield at 145 a tn and 432 Willimantic at 750 and 9(0 a aud 581 irst Cabin eiei in ijiiiiiiiii as vurei 1 mi in 1 1 lit im Steerage Return Tickets good for Six Months $6000 Passengers forwarded to Paris Havre Hamburg Bremen Rotterdam Antwerp Ac at reduced through fares wishing to bring out their friends can buy tickets here attho following rates to New York rom Liverpool or Queenstown 1st Cabin $75 $85 and $105 Steerage from Liverpool 84000 rom Queenstown $3000 These Steamers have superior acoommcdations for passengers and carry experienced Surgeons They are built Water tight Iron Sections and have Patent ire Annihilators on board or ftrtlier information apply at the Offices JOHN DALE Agent 15 Broadway (X JOHN COMSTOCK Agent m25 Springfield riALWAY STEAMERS PROVIDENCE and WORCESTER RAIL To take effect on Monday Nov 12 1860 Passenger trains will leave Providence for Wor tester and way stations at 720 and U45 a and 420 Worcester for Providence and way staticns at 7 and 1180 a and 4 ViLUT alls Trains Leave Providence at 700 7 'iO 9 30 1030 1 143 a 12 at and 130 230 830 40 630 639 and 8 Leave Valley alla at 625 8 904 10 11am and 1 1382 84 693 613 and 730 Those trains in bold figures are the Worcester trains The Worcester trains connect at Providence with steamer PEBRY to and frem Newport midday and with the splendid steamers PLYMOUI'II ROCK and COMMONWEALTH to and from New York ria' Btenington At Worcester Junction with trains to and from the Western Worcester and Nashua itchburg and Wor ester Boston and Worcester and Norwich and Wor cester Railroads Through tickets to all Important points at the west can be obtained at the Offioe of this Company in Providence at as low rates as by any other route' 8 TABOR Providence Noy 12 1860 d4 7TURNING and SCROLL SAWING done1 well and expcdiliou ly at the farorite Steam Mill An endless variety of Moleiugs always to be found and any desired pattern to order CHASE BROTHER Jel STuaThaSwlS Steam Mill and Lumber Yard 1 LOOKINGS The best Spruce ever brought to Springfield we are bow dressing for 9 looriug at our Mill aud shall sell it low Southern Pine White Pine amt othr loorings always on hand all of which is dressed at our Mill and war ranted satisfactory CHASE BROT TER i'team Mill North side Jel STuaTha3wl8 above Depot A CURE OR PIN WORMS A NEW DISCOVERY The Ascgrides er in Worms the removal ef wMoks has ever baffled the skill of tbe most eminent physi cians are entirely expelled from the teaman ay steak by the use of DR PIN WORM SYRUP A CURE warranted in every ease RELIE afforded in twenty four hours This Svran is nwretv a veaetahl harmless with the youngest child 1 HERVEY MMRE Sole Proprietor Address GEO GODW1N CO fl aad 11 Marshall street Boston Mats General Agents frt New England 19 daeowBly GENUINE COGNAC BRANDY The infiimous practice of adulterating Brandte having become so common that a genuine article i the exception it is of vital important to these re quiring it for amily use and Invalids that it shooM be of undoubted purity and efficacy With a view to meeting the popular demand for a reliable Brandy in its natural state free from alco holic flavor and impurities and folly appretiatrsg the Pact that it is often reoonunended by the Medical aculty as a sustaining elimuiant when aM ether remedies fail we are now bottling aud seRiag at rea sonable rates a Brandy of our own importation from one ef the most responsible house in rance and known GRirunrR Cocwao Bkaicot It is mild delicate and frnity and is designed to ba always uniform in quality and character Put up in pint and quart bottles in cases containing two dosen pints and oue dozen quarts and is sold by all promi nent druggists grocers aad town agents The above is also lor sale in original packages tize Eighths aud Quarter Casks A BININGER 4 CO (Established 1778) Sole Importers No 19 Broad street or sale in Boston by GEO GOOD WIN 4 CO Nos 11 and 12 Marshal! st n21 dawtivl gZJOME MADE BEER DELICIOUS HEALTHUL ECONOMICAL Made from COMPOUND LUID EXTRACT DANDELION There is in this compound a cosabiaatioa of tha concentrated medicinal qualities of DandeUoss Yd low Duel' Sarsaparilla Wild Worry and se renal oth er valuable remedies highly ertecmed in heme prac tice and by Physicians er all schools As a renovator at this season ef the year it is effect ual The Spring almost always brings with it Head ache and Jaundice caused by inac tivity of the Liver this cause is removed the digestive organs health fully stimulated the blood cleansed of impurities the sluggish circulation quickened and the whole eys tem invigorated by using this BTBBNQTHkXINS IN VI80RATIM9 rLXASABT BEYKRAGB Among the diseases especially benefited ar Dysfefsia Nbrvousne jo Obstructions or thb Liver and Kidney Impure Blood Srisdiseabrs Jaundicb fj One Bottle which sells for only cents Is evffl dent for Six Gallons of BOOT BEER with very litH labor or trouble Prepared by JH BREWER Pharmaceutists 268 Main it Spiisgtield Mass Sold Wholesale and Retail by Druggists and Gro cers through the country m6 JRS WINSLOW An experienced Nurse and emale Physician presents to the attention of mothers SOOTHING SYRUP OB CHILDBEN TEETHING which greatly facilitates the process of teething! softening the gums reducing all will' allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS Depend upon it mothers it will give rest to your selves and BELIE AND HEALTH TO YOUR INANTS! It not only relieves the child from pain but invig orates the stomach and bowels corrects acidity nm tone and energy to the whole system It will ala Ml instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS and WIND COLIC and overcome convulsions which if not speedily remedied end in death We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD in all eases ol Dysentery and Diarrhoea in Children whether arises from Teething or from any other canse would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing do not ljhf YOUR PRBJUDICB8 NOB TUB PRBJUDIOB8 or OTHNSd stand between you and your Buffering child and relief that will be yes ABSOLUTELY 8UBB follow the use of this mediefne if ttaaely need ull directions for using will aoempny each bottle None genuine unless the foe simile of CURTIS PERKINS New York is on the outside wrapper Bold by all Druggists throughout the world Principal Offi 418 Cedar street n26 raws 3f oubt pr itfvmji iv da inanrial SPRINGIELD INSTITUTION OB Incorporated A 1827 Banking Room 7 Block corner of Main and State streets Bi ceives deposits and pays inter set cn all sums from One to One Thousand Dollars JOSIAH BOOKER PreaMest WILCOX Vice do Hbnry 8 Lbb Tress 8 Shurtlbw Benj Day Josiah Hooker Wil cox Thompson Stebbins William Gunn Henry Lee daw HE SPRINGIELD IVE GENTS SAVINGS BANK Banking Room No 1 Court street Hampden Hous Block north side of Court Square Business Hours from 9 to 1 and 2 to 4 Joseph Pynchon Vice Beach Wm Culhcnn Wm Rlcc Gad Bliss Marvin Chapin Chamberlin Bond A Cha pin Daniel Pynchon Thos Warner Jr Gal ugher Bliss Charles Chapin Mose ley (Georgs Ide David Smith Rookwood uller Jr Charles Marsh Springfield Aaron Bagg West Springfield Merrick Palmer Gil bert A Smith South Hadley Parsons Hol yoke Raymond Wilbraham lydaw Treasurer Daniel Marsh Secretary Bend AMPDEN SAVINGS BANK SPRING IELD Office at the Agawam Bank Deposits received every business day from 9 1 to 3p President 8 Bemis Vic Chapin Harris Trask Morgan 8 Day Caleb Rice Chapin ljrnt GrayT WasonE Southworth Baker Stebbins Gad Bliss Wm Belcher Secretary A Soule Tressurer 8 Bailey Deposits made st any time between the quarter ending the third Mondays ef ebruary May August and November will be put on interest on the quarter day succeeding the deposit at the rate of five per aent ner ann am vd rpHE MODEL COOK bTOVM lt has the largest Oven and is the most economical Stove for wood or coal ever invented or sale only by A GALPJN m2G Smd 16 State st AMPDEN HALL URNITURE WAREHOUSE The largest and best Cabinet and Upholstering Es tablishment in Western Massachusetts At the above establishment Houses Churches Halls can be furnished with thr most beautiful and latest styles of urniture in Rosewood Black Walnut Mahogany Oak or any kind of wood de sired in the best manner Curtains Draperies es toons and Desorations of all kinds done iu the most modern styles and at reasonable prices Also common urniture of all kinds which will sold as low as ths lowest RAPS jllv Hampden Hall Main ASA KNIGHT Plumber and Pumn Manufacturer and dealer in Lead and Block 9ru Pipes Bathreg Tubs Water Closets Marble Wa di Stands Brass co*cks Copper Boilers Drain Pine Ac Employing none but the best workmen be is able to do work in the most thorough manner and in a stvle not to be surpassed Main st first Store north of Republican Block Springfield Saddles Harness Trunks Valises and Traveling Bags of "11 kinds DR OSTER has retnsved his Office and Lesicencs to No 35 Main st corner Main and congress its XfARSHALL CALKINS AvA Office and Kesideaee No 121 Main st next door south of North Church Office Hours 7 to 11 a 4 to 7 slfi Bound hill water cure and HOTEL NORTHAMPTON MA33 Oras rvMMua asd Wister DR kiALSTEU's sa cess intha tore of diseases and pinal Difficu tes is well those brought ou beds even are sotra eeabled tir walk or the successful treatment of other com ylsinte and the great favor gir the Tuikuh tm leal and other Baths see CLcuIat eent areti jeK3mtaw20 WASHBURN ARCHITECT No 10 ort Block corner of Main and ort streets f2 lyd Springfield Mas li HEWITT Saddle Harness and Trunk Maker and Monts facturer of Patent Winkers Corner of Main and Bridge sts and 3 Hampden Hall Springfield Mass Jl 61 lyd Harnesses harnesses HARNESSES Wholesale and Retail ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES Chbay vob Cash At Saddlery and Trunk Store Springfield QEORGE DIMMQCK STEAM AND GAS ITTER And Dealer in WBOU0HT IROW PlB AND STBAM ABD imjtaB asd Tools Of every description No 3 Elm street can be bought cheap at CHILLING WORTH Pynchon House Block24 near Depot Main st 1RIDGE and ROO BUILDING We Afi continue to construct Railroad and High 8nd Roofs of Buildings upon the plan of Howe's Patent with promptness and des patch and upon the most reasonable terms Also Turning Tables and Draw Bridges Particular attention will be given to the construc tion of IRON BRIDGES upon the most approved plans All of our work warranted to give perfect satisfaction HARRIS BRIGGS Snnusfield 1861 NOT SOLD That beautiful Residence near the Acaoemics in Wilbraham Ma still for sale It consist of a fine House Ont Houwa ruit and lower Garden with three Acres of Land Terms very moderate Inquire of BUSS Wilbiaham or JAMES LUKE Esq or WM PARKER Proprietor my37 cod6wd Montreal IARMlor SALE ATTENTION AT 1 EN HON Does any one wish to buy a good arm on the most reasonable If so he will find one very eligibly situated 21 miles from Spring field on tbe road to Chicopee ails It comprises 40 Acres ot the best Soil and is peculiarly well adapt ed to the culture of cereals Thirty acreo of it are now cov ted with Eye the remainder with Potatoes aud Corn This arm will be sold either with or without the crops Hie Rye particularly is iu a very flourishing condition anil gives evidence that it will produce tin immense vield or further information applv to EDWARD ITZ GERALD Chicopee Mas or by letter if most con venient to the proprietcr DAVID ITZGERALD btratlord Conn Terms made easy jel5 3md for AH that portion of my ARM lying in one ooBEeoted tract north of mv dwelling home and containing about one hundred and ten acres is now offered for sale There are no buildings upon it but a beautifol and convenient spot for a house barn and out buildings half a mile from the Depot at the Junction of the Middletown branch with the Hartford and New Haven Railroad where four trains each way stop daily One half or more of the land is suitable for tillage and ail well adapted to grass His in about one hundred young Apple Trees of choice rieties now beginning bear Also eevcrsl old bearing trees of good fhiit and as much wood and timber as would be desirable to have standing on the land If not sold by tbe 10th of April at private sale it will then be sold at auction to the highest bidder Also for sale twenty head of Ml (X7 11 COW'S con sisting of thorough blood and grade Durhams and grude Alderney All wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call NORMAN POBTER Berlin eb 7 1861 418 I.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

What is famous about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What is Springfield best known for? ›

The lore and reputation of Abraham Lincoln has made Springfield a global destination because of the story of his life and the location in Springfield of his home and the Abraham Presidential Library and Museum.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

Springfield is the capital of the U.S. state of Illinois. The city lies on the Sangamon River. Abraham Lincoln lived in Springfield for more than 20 years before he became the president of the United States. Many people in Springfield work for the government.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What is the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

What sport was invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

Why is Springfield MA called the city of Homes? ›

Springfield is known as the “City of Homes” for its Victorian mansions and collection of unique architecture as well as the multitude of single-family homes constructed for manufacturing workers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

How many of the 50 states have a city named Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

When did West Springfield MA become a city? ›

West Springfield, Massachusetts
Incorporated (town)1774
Incorporated (city)2000
28 more rows

What year did Springfield become a city? ›

Inc. town, 1832; city, 1840.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.