The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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'Thotisnds of 'Readers Da eCSfeiit What Autos and Trucks or Sale Houses or Sale Business Places or Rent Iscellaneou or Sale 7 Auction Sides' Receivers Sale in Equity Ci Desk Room and Offices inancial 36 Suburban or Rent 1922 $200 350 67 Storage and Warehouses 69 Wanted to Rent Business Opportunities Wanted Real Estate or Sale Money Loaned 82 70 Real Estate Agents A Winter of Snug Garages To Let Antos and Trucks or Sale 1923 1921 318 Maid Street 387 Main Street Business Places or Sale KIMBERLY Wanted to Borrow AVENUE 91 RIVER 2942 Automobiles left town and the upper aperfc Money Loaned REALTORS 74 Houses for Sale Classified Display Lawyers and Patent Attorneys Anto for Hiro 85 Autos and Trucks for Sale 100BBOADWAY River 3339 Business Services Rendered BE A HOME OWNER Business Places or Best Business Plaqps or Rent STORE OR RENT tunlty Worthington Street Cor Chestnut 317 MAIN STREET RANK DUNLAP $1 THE EXPRESSION THAT COUNTS! 6 OTTER LINCOLN COTJPH 5 PASSENGER 175 175 27n 621 State St Walnut 444 River 1330 3 AMELY On North 1 GOSH LOOKS 818 Main Street JOHN TEHAM VIm Bis it Name Address Mileage 1021 1922 1923 Modern 3 famlly house 'of l4 rooms in excellent 'condition a fireplaces Mnen closets and VCR A VD Weddte an'nce LNUKA mt0 Bt home cards etc Die stamped business letterheads and cards NATIONAL PAPETERIE CO WALNUT Bl 30 BLUS TITLE AND CONVEYANCING CO BOO Main Street EDW MURPHY 817 Main Street ARTHUR TAYLOR QO 377 Main Street RANK DUNLAP 398 Bridpe Street MOW ARD ALDERMA3 platform chassis chassis 2 ton platform 5 ton dumD touring 1923 touring 1924 coupe 1924 sedan 1924 roadster 1922 nass sneedster 1923 4 pass speedster 1924 7 pass sedan 1921 7 pass touring 1924 7 pass touring 1917 REALTOR Stearns Building 293 Bridge Street RIVER 490 SPRINGIELD COMMERCIAL BODY COMPANY 885 LIBERTY ST LONGMEADOW: room single on a lot SSxlSS Bn JV ANTED Cottage or lower ten 4 or rooms with garden place for chickens preferred Box 519 Republican Office 1922 192U 1023 GOOD USJSD Touring starter demountable new paint Touring starter demountable Touring starter Coupe new paint Coupe new paint Truck body and cab Truck starter body and cab Truck starter cab and dump body BYRNES MOTOR CO AUTHORIZED ORD DEALERS 29 BELMONT AVENUE WALNUT 882 POULTRY YARDS or immediate sale the Housatonic Poultry Yards and equip ment Established 10 years I ped Imperials Barred Plymouth Rocks Mrs Holland New Milford Conn ESSEX 1924 Essex coach 1923 Essex 4 coach 1922 Buick 8 cyl 5 pans touring 1921 Essex sedan 1921 Essex touring 1921 Cleveland touring 3920 Dort touring 192(1 Hupmobtle touring 1920 Buick coupe 1919 Buick touring many others not Hated APPLETON A ZAPATHA 86 Main St Walnut 4545 DODGE TOURING Looks and runs like new Genden Bros 18 Morgan St Walnut 1300 HProtscts the buyer oi homes svry where to Hampden County DESK ROOM Desirable desk room on ground fluor of new building cor Dwlghi arid Bridge Sts Walnut 7400 nf flruir WhAMwO brand new banding i Just Received Carload BARRETT ROOING PAPER I And Roofing Material Roofing Paper $100 Per Roll HARRY ZUNDELL 524 Main MAIL ORDERS ILLED ORDS 1IW1 1922 1920 1919 1921 1924 1923 1922 1924 1923 1021 LOAN UP TO Married couples housekeeping BENEICIAL LOAN SOCIETY 288 Main St (Lie 73) Rm 308 Wine Kegs 5 gal $185 MORRIS A COHEN 159 Main St MIDDLESEX Nearly new 12 room two family house with two car ga rage on lot COxlOO entirely modern Ed ward Murphy Co River 555 $1750 1100 850 1500h 3000 825 1050 1350 1700 700 1750 2750 1500 2750 650 950 500 750 OVERLAND NOW RUNNING 125 HOUR NONSTOP I XPERT APPRAISALS SPRINGIELD REAL ESTATE BOARO 318 MAIN STREET OLD ESTABLISHED meat grocery and fish market Pease 195 Pine St Southwick Inn Chicken Dinners' $L25 Sekved from ll A to? On the College highway 10 mil from Springfield' GUYfcR Mgr SOUTHWICK MASS'' Weather Strips Durable Practical Economical They Resist Cold and Conserve Coal OX A CUSHING 33 Lyman St OR RENT Stores Offices BESSE 21 Besse Place Room 400 $125 150 100 65 100 300 300 250 150 200 75 BERKSHIRE PRODUCTS CORPO1 Service Station Repairing My bustneee la buying your business for cash See me or write Young 770 Sumner Ave 823 or 4880 $100000 to Loan Client hag the cash ready to put out on good second mortgages' Any amount If security is Cash immediately Call 8 EINER 358 Main St WaL 888 GOOD USED CARS 1944 1922 KENT Near Parker St Hill sec tion' a modern 7 room stucco house with garage 4 acres of land aid many poultry houses some electrically lighted house has all modern Improvements steam heat electricity automatic water pressure sys tem attractive grounds an Ideal proposi tlon for anyone seeking a location for rais ing chickens or other poultry or for mar ket gardening price now $8500 with terms Arthur Taylor Co Realtors 377 Main St Walnut 1620 Wrecking Service for AH Repair Jobs Ct Peastee Garage 8 8 Tqpth St Jt heated garage Modern In every reaped Many ohraba and frott trees Corner lot A delightful home BELMONT AVENUK Three family house of 18 reomu Good location for renting Rente aov bome and there is nothing mars cottfortfa*gt able to draw up to your own firesida aBd fesl belongs to you Springfield real1 (MULTIPLE USftJfG I Business Opportunities 80 TP 1 Bellow Co I rademarks Est 43 year" 1 laUCllKUNv 807 Main Street WALL PAPER Kio Patterns to chooao froan Paprrhangers furnlahed at'reasonable nrtoas Work guaranteed Call Walnut IMS BAY STATE HARDWARE S2U Wor'too St NASH CAB low mileage 8900 NASH TOURING excellent condition $700 WILLYS KNIGHT TOUR ING excellent condition $700 M1VNS COUPE: wood' rnndltlnn mechanically 8500 ORR MOTOR CO 339 Worthington Wai 5103 Auctioneers and Auction Sa les7 1WINTER a Auctlonaera and Ap pral9ro of Real Eatata or Mervhandlae 3 Elm St Springfield River I4d Standard 8 Volt 13 Plate ord Battery 1 4 25 YOUR1 OLD BATTERY SPRINGIELD MOTOR SPECIALTIES CO Automotive Electricians Cor Chestnut and Winter Stu YTTC? Made from Old Carpets Alm ItUu0 Rugs for Sale 'Phone 743 17 Taylor St SPRINGIELD ECONOMY RUG CO WINTON OR SALE MODEL NO 25' SEVEN PASSEN GER SEDAN UNDAMENTALLY THIS CAR IS AS GOOD AS NEW AND MERITS THE CONSlDtRA T1ON ANYONE CONTEMPLAT ING THE PURCHASE A HIGH GRADE CAR AT A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING PRACTICALLY BRAND NEW RUN ONLY 400 MILES A REAL OPPORTU NITY OR IMMEDIATE CASH SALE PAINT $175 Gal MORRIS A COHEN 159 MAIN STl Antos and Trucks for Sale 85 Overcoats Cleaned $200 CITY DYE WORKS Phon Walnut 7081 296 Worthington St 124 State St RUGRS AVE Maple Hights steam elec fireplace extra lot a real bargain easy terms Tel or River 4G98 eItteS Genera! Repairs pxra CARLISLE HARDWARE CO dt 4 326 Mala Baby Carriages Maynard Tire Co 185H Chestnut St AUTO TOPS Ida enrt aufioatenns and mtal work Hampden Auro Top and Metal Co 31 33 Winter St' Rlv 4SH8 MAGNETOS AND GENERATORS All make repaired 16 reputation back of all Jobe BroutUett 61 Dresden St elx etreeta above town da Worcester Tel Walnut 6445 WE WILL save you money on auto body re pairs The Vehicle Metal Works 469 Tay lor St River 6451 ATTRACTIVE 7 room cottage off Boston Rd corner lot 83300 terms 200 to 84U0 down balance monthly long time to pay Ad dress Box 191 Republican office JiMHERST Single 10 room house oak floors flreplace conservatory furnace heat gas and elec: price 89500: extra lot 1 adjoining with 2 car garage If desired an excellent home a very low price Edw Murphy Co' River 555 Buckingham st Delightful roomhome just entirely remodeled lot 60xio3 house finished in excellent taste and is ready for occupancy Edward Murphy Co River 555 PARK SECTION 2 famtly 14 ronma all modern price $7900: also new 4 family corner 2 car garage income $1848 year price only $15800 terms Cohen 75 Beaumoit St River 4183 PINE TOLNT 6 room Colo nial tile bath Liberty St corner of Chicopee road 3 2 famlly houses 6 rooms to each tenement and sun parlors open attic strictly modern Carlo Guerci builder and owner 107 East St Ludlow Tel APPLE Will sell my crop to party who will pick same A Smith fl eld Mass Tel 41 COMPLETE lunchroom and bakery on High St Holyoke Must be sold at once In quire Holyoke Auction Co 524 High St olyoke Tel 1i67 GENERAL STORE AND POSTOICE do ins good cash and carry business entire stock fixtures and real estate consisting of store 6 room apartment above and garage approximately $8000 Arthur Green Co Westfield Mass OLD ESTABLISHED coal and cement busL ness In the country Box 528 Rep Office Bank unds for irst Mortgage Loans Applications solicited No commission Inquire: William Cunliffe reaLtor 476 Main Street 6424 If yoti have hot already eent in JW It costs you nothing to enter eogrt'bsi ai some of this money Overland Oii A 743 Main Street DODGE TOURING Juat like new See W1 iintman 80 Main St ESSEX CAB Repamted and thoriiugh ly Inspected Low orlce Jordkn bpring fleld Co 765 1(1 al St River 7915 ESSEX COACH In flrat clns condi tion Better see It Genden Bro 18 Morgan St Walnut 1300 Ante Psrti Aeofswieeg United States TIRES Edw A Turkey 128 DwUtht St MARSDEN ST New 6 room pml galow oi floor oak trim flrepla stenm elecirlcity gas 5 minutes from new park Kuhn Bros River 6072 MARSDEN ST Colonial house 8 rooms and eun parlor steam flreplace rench doors oak floors throughout white enamel and Ivory finish garage Inquire 176 Marsden St Walnut 2236 McKNIGHT 8 room modern sin gle fine condition corner lot price and terms right Edward Murphy Co River 53fl BELVIDERE ST Very desirable 7 room modern single house 2 car garage ex cellent location Owner anxious to sell leaving city Edw 3: Murphy Co Tel River 536 BEVIER ST Off Armory 6 rqom cottage 2 yrs old In good condition qirlce 85700 81262 will buy equity Call Wai 1620 Arthur Taylor Co feoSTON ROAD 6 room bungalow all mod ern with 2 car garage for sale rent or exchange Hartter 49 Dover St River toT'l rAGES 4 5 6 and 7 rooms Boston Rd and Berkshire Ave section 8150 to 8300 down balance monthly payments Ap ply on property on Boston Rd directly opposite Basco Rd and Loon pond Satur day afternoons and Sundays other days Room 438 Court Sq Bldg Springfield EOZY COTTAGE only floOO 6rms steam elec Owner wants Imm dlate sale See Hawley A Locke 377 Man St CAREW Brand rew 12room 2 famlly Ea sy terms Omer Meunier V'alnut 6417 BALL TO RENT for meetings and danceg Tel River 6330 befors 6 TUDIO to let part time well furnished good piano centrally located Box 187 Republican Office STATE ST office to rent at eel floor especially designed for a medl ca specialist Tel 837 Dr Shcr man SPACE TO Large and small manu facturing space in business section Hyland Co Real Estate and care of op erty 15! Dwight strict 412 STORES at 510 and 514 Worthington St Apply Maynard Inc 1851s Chest nut St i 2 AMILY modern noeie on one of tbs best streets for only 412ZKX) easy terms 14 rins 6 on a floor fir home and In vestment Hawley A tyke 377 Main St Il DEN 11 room 2 famlly house ith store large lot price right terms easy Collester 214 Main St WEST SPRINGIELD One 4 rnt and one 5 rm tenements 210 Main St Inquire at ruit store WEST SPRINGIELD 849 UNION ST i oo i tenement River 3926 JV SPLD LA BELLE ST 6 room modern upper tenement ateam heat ga rage front and back porches garden 840 I adults preferred Inquire at premises or Tel Holyoke 1621 Antomobiles Wanted AUTOMOBILES bought Tor caan Highest price paid for any make or model See Henry 136 No Main St Tel 4880 ORD TRUCKS wanted xiadrtere tourings with or without atartere aleo a road body lo good condition Clark IM Mill St Wert Sprtngfleld USED CARS We buy trade and cell noth ing but late model care Come in and eee in If you want a good price tor your ear Bland'e Auto Exchange The Big Ueed Car Dealer 737 Main St River 6646 USED We pay cash The Ueed Cat Mart 78 Hillman St Tel Rlv 58719 CHEVROLET TOURING 1921 Stone 69 Dwlgbt St Open eves 5565 CHEVROLET 1922 SEDAN Price 84(10 tires good tine condition terms Sauers Garage Westfield Mass Tel 48 7 passencer sedan 1921 good condition for sale cheap terms Sauers Garage Westfield Mass Tel 48 DODGE Dodge Brothers re conditioned Coupes Tourl igs and Trucks at a bargain purchase Williams Motor Sales Co Used Car Dept fl Bliss W2882 HUPP SEDAN Good eonJPion mechanical ly perfect anubbers 600 State St TeL River 6444 HUPP SPORT TOURING Jack Stone 69 Dwight St Open eves Walnut 5565 HUPP SEDAN 1922 Jack Stone 60 Dwlvht St Open eve'a Walnut 5565 Anto Partg snd AeecMoriei AAl AUTO AND TRUCK Save 23 85 on new and used CARS TRUCKS PARTS Genuine Brown Lipe Warren and Tim ken gears axles bearings springs joints: ord radiators $1250 tops $450 8650 Radiators and tops for other cars $12 up brake lining 4Q 5O off tail lights 85c gears for ords $275 set: axles $1 New differential Buick gears $1250 set Maxwell $350 Chev rolet $450 set BRIGHTMAN AUTO EXCHANGE 821 WINDSOR AVE HARTORD CT PHONE 4255 Touring (6) Touring (3) Touring (2) Touring (2) Runabout (1) Runabout (1) Coupe (2) Sedan (1) Truck and body Truck stake body Light truck TERMS TO PLEASE men agrncy AUTOMOBILE SALES CO 95 LIBERTY ST vADnc VDRDR 1924 4 door sedan $500 1923 sedan 1924 coupe 8425 1924 touring $300 1921 touring with starter $125 1922 runaboutwith starter $100: 1920 coupe $100 1923 touring $200 Cash or easy terms Ackerman 48 Willow St Walnut 53960 ORD TOURINGS and roadsters from $25 up Terms Dan Chatlos Co 613 Main St River 1670 ORD TOURING 1917 Good condition cheap Call 8 Hampden St Indian Or chard or Tel Orchard 124 2 ORD PANEL DELIVERY iB23 Stone 69 Dwight St Open eve's 5565 COUPE A good ord 1923 $100 many other valves Wlnnlman 80 Main St HUPMOBILE ARMON EDERAL USED VEHICLES ederal 3 ton ederal 1 ton ederal 2 ton Pierce Arrow Pierce Arrow Hupmobne Hupmobile Hupmobile Hupmobile Hupmobile Marmon 2 Marmon Marmon Marmon Marmon Studebaker touring (new) Lexington touring 1921 Essex coach 1923 SAUERS TMtrlhutA 721 Worthington St TeL Wai 530 CASH ON HAND or a few good second mortgages Springfield property Beaton 318 Main St WaL 570 CASH for 1st 2nd or 3rd mtgs reasonable rates quisle action See 196 Worthington St Walnut 5504 or River 2987 Open evenings CASH TO LOAN on 2d and 3d mongafes Andrew Redden 288 Main St 'Phone River 4462 CASH OR SECOND MORTGAGES HEN RY CLARK 100 BROADWAY TEL RIVER 3339 OR WALNUT 2584 IRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE MONEY loan rates reasonable quick service Roy Long 374 Main 2907 HELP to working people Is offered In the loans made by Industrial Loan Society Room 303 318 Main St Lie 43 AUTO PAINTING The new super durable lacquer finish Applied by Knox Motors Associates S3 Wilbraham Road Walnut 8130 AUTO TOPS and side curtains slip corers and upholstering Get our prices Costigan A Ptnney 175 Dwight St Walnut 4176 a tadO aMBLEX Bi IV business nd rcldentl! property Insur ance of all klnda 21175 818 Main St ITLAND Real estate and care of property 151 Dwight St River 412 1IETCAL WALLACE Real estate farms a specialty 818 Main St River 3578 Mass REALTY Specialist In busi ness property and houses Insurance 356 Main St Tel Walnut 888 KORRIS HOWARD Real Mtate In surance auctioneers notaries construe tlon loans 145 State St 'Phone Wai 440 Mm: A Real Estate Brokers Room 518 Third National Ba Bldg Itwer 1566 Walnut YOGEL RED Hlgh clase city prop erty Insurance of all kinds 44 Ver on St Room 417 River 1177 WEBSTER HARRY Real estate Insnr ance loans: caring of property a specialty rents collected 23 Elm Wai 1780 SMITH BROS A or the Beet I A A I Service Winter Tops and Enclosures Jefferson Auto Top Co 1061 North St Phone WaL 1017 aulty Brakes accldenta Relined white you wait Get Mr fiat rate price River 3546 EDWARD'S yRAGE 553 North MalB St DIAMONDS tor dlamondA platinum and old gold REDERICKS $08 Main Street NEAR IG room 2 family house furnace heat electric light: good home Edward Murphy Co River 555 NEAR WESTORD A now colon ial tyne 6 room cottage with sun parlor and breakfast room or price and terms call Arthur Taylor Co Walnut 1620 NEAR WESTORD New Colonial type dwelling six roomr sun porch and breakfast room A well built home or price and terms call Arthur Taylor 377 Main 1620 ST Oft Liberty a new colonial type 5 ro house fireplace price $7000 $1000 down Call Arthur Taylor Co Walnut 1620 ACCESSORIES all kinds most complete stock In the city orer orer 140 Dwight St tAUTO PARTS for all makes of ears Ueed cars bought and sold Shapiro 55 Morgan St Walnut AUTOMOBILE There is hardly an orphan Genden Bros cannot supply parts for in new or used Call ue first Genden Bros 18 Morgan St Walnut 130 Res 'phon Walnut Exclusive Dis trlbutors of American Gear Co products AUTO PARTS We carry complete line ot new and used parte for all makes of care Autos bought sold and exchanged Hamp den Auto Parts Co 26 Morgan St 2005 AUTOMOBILE PARTS eAH kinds Every part guaranteed subject to refund If not satisfied You pay no middleman's profit AUTO GEAR AND PARTS CO 88 Dwight St Walnut 980 Opposite Victoria Square Parking Space GABRIEL SNUBBERS prolong the life of your car Order yours now Gabriel anub ber Co 140 Dwight St River 6495 WINDSHIELDS and all kinds of glass fcr automobiles Springfield Mirror Coyl5 17 19 Taylor St 'Phone River 2663 Motorcycles and Bicycles 89 BICYCLE TIRES 8185 KUfcnteed Bicycle repairing and service Bike Shop Croa St Open evening until 9 IND1AN Light and heavy typee several models greater gattHne mileage combined with more pow and apeed or motorcycle try an Indian Partial payment plan and cata log on request Geo Golden S3 Dwteht CARLOAD SHIPMENT 1925 "Stream llne" Harley Davidson received Imme diate delivery Dyer A Everett Ine $56 State St 1924 IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES and veloci pedea baby carriage tires bicycle fP1r tng Edw Rich 14 East Court St 2373 MONEY TO LOAN on city first mortgages at 54 per cent also money for good second mortgages John Crane Co 289 Main St opp Tel River MONEY AVAILABLE for 1st and 2d mort gages full particulars required Box 56 orest Park Station MONEY TO LOAN on second mortgages or one year first mortgage Bion Wheeler 374 Main St Walnut 4092 or 1st mortgage loans We are now receiving applications for permanent loans William eltham A Son Inc Maas Mutual Bldg 500 Main Street MONEY If you want any money plus serv ice you should see the New Method at 818 Main St Rcom 309 MONEY TO On second mortgages and on email construction mortgages Apply direct to Springfield Mortgage Corp 5 6 Court House Pl Ct So Theater Bldg Real Estate Wanted 79 ARMORY ST OR NORTH 1 or 5 family house from owner state lowest price Box 176 Republican Office HILL Will buy cottage or two family house Will give good cash pay ment Box 26 Republican Office TWO AMILY HOUSE in So End in good repair Can give $2000 down for right buy Metropolitan Ins Co 235 Main River 3837 ANTE Your real estate to sell or auc tion off I turn the cash tn your hand on short notice Dragon 476 Main St MASS PARTY wants 2 modern house Will pay cash above mort gages Box 33 Springfield 3 4 or 6 AM1LY house wanted Will buy immediately 1f price is right Howard Alderman 318 Main River 4087 Antos and Truck Dealers 84 BUICK passenger car and trucks The Springfield Buick Company 738 Main St Tel River CADILLAC Distributor for Western Mm and Southern Vermont Western Mass Cadillac Co State at Oak St 7410 COLUMBIA SPRINGIELD Sale and service fcinford St Garage Cor Sanford and Dwight Sta ORDS ordsoi tractor and Lincoln The Auto Sale Co 95 Liberty St MOON SALES AND Moon Co otSpringfield 757 Main St Tel Rlvei 5646 NASH AND LAKAYE'ITE Sale aud eer vice 339 Worthlngtcn St Tel aiu: 51(13 61114 Ort Motor Co OAKLAND Sales and service The Spring field Oakland Company 770 Stat Street Tel River 141 A AND WILLYS KNIGHT Crosby Overland Co 9 Pearl St 6957 Service station 242 Dickinson St 5619 OVERLAND AND WILLYS Sale service and parts The Overland Spring field CO 743 Main St Tel 7455 BUCKINGHAM ST Garage to rent Call River 13 arms or Sale 73 That 4W acre farm located one mile from thrifty village 20 miles from Spring field with good 5 room bungalow com pressed air system? Shed could be made to house 500 hens Can be bought for $2500 Mesick 374 Main WaL 5294 On state road ft rm house barn 4 henhouses lota of fruit running water some furniture Incubators and brooders Higgins 75 Elmwood Ave West Spring field Walnut jci A od ern 10 tooin house good 30 ft barn and running water very convenient to market near state road easy terms Stllo or exchange Ros well A lien Riv or WaL CkvERAL good dairy and tobacco farms fully equipped some with crops included may be had on very easy terms or will trade for city property also some small chap poultry farms $2500 up Phillips 389 Main St Walnut 6393 CENTRAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE ir proof rooms packing moving River 96 URNITURE STORAGE Eastern States Warehouse ad Ooid Slor age Co 685 Liberty St WaL 7400 AUTOMOBILES bought and sold highest prices paid for all makes See Savoy 268 Central St Walnut BARGAINS 1st Pytl let Pyi Chevrolet Sedan Sedan $95 Durant Sport 200Cadlllac Touring 200 A LAPORTE 94 Broadway BUtoK SEDAN Excellent condition tires perfect 2 spare Must be seen to be appreciated Genden Bros 18 Morgan St Walnut 1300 BUICK SPORT MODEL 1924 ive passen ger drivelY less than 5000 miles Just broken In wonderful condition or sale at a bargain price 'Phone River 5845 BU I ck TOURING 1920 6 cyl tip top me chanic all Winnlmans 80 Main Bt BUICK SEDAN 5 passenger A cou rt 1 1 i on Arrow Co 11 Park St CHEVROLET COUPE 1 st class condi tion The Arrow Co 11 Park St Barlow SETH Real estate Insurance rents collected 163 Spring St SaLY REALTY Money on nrst ana secona mortgages ww Room 307 Tel Wai 5915 or 4310 tULT A Real eMate city md euburban property rente mortgagee1 Elm 8t Room 429 Tel River 2165 ETT EDGAR Real vitato tnort loan Republican Bldg 87 B41dPhone Walnat 56(IO MBLE Realtor lotaea for aal renting property cared for 374 Main St TeL River 77(n OREST PARK SECTION fl room bunga low team elec bra ts plumbing ak floor Price $6000 small payment dow Walnut OREST PARK 6 room cottage with i car garage house finished In oak wl'h oik floors eteam heat fireplace price $75i'l 1st rsymnt $8on bnlaice on ray lermi Myer or 54J HILL Two farnlly six rooms oak floors steam' new for $98i0 $l(00 cash Near I Wilbraham road 6 roonvs oak finish on floors hardened street extra good lot price and terms reasonable Bungalow 5 rooms for $4500 See II Wilcox 374 Main St Tel Blver 4698 11 rm modern eun par lor 2 car garage $18600 $1000 down: I rms' modern Dutch colonial style aim parlor $14000 6 rms breakfast ioo $11800 2 car garage 6 rm ateam flreplace $7300 $500 down Haw ley A Locke 377 Main St River 3552 What are your need? Cottage or 2 famlllea? Over 200 listed to $25 000 Whitcomb Residential Specialist Boom 518 Ct Sq Bldg Rivet 5337 MILL near lorence fl rooni cottage fur nace gas etc Price $5800 $300 down i Vacant Jenney 423 Main St WaL 1164 nr River BOUSES cottages and 2 famlIlea Block and terma fdr eale or will trade See me ar OOCC I Mcreso 804 Pclrv onl Ave WSlnut 2106 Open evenings 83 IRST MORTGAGE WANTED on local real estate Edw Murphy Co 317 Main St Tel River 555 HUDSON Wire wheel Used Car Mart 78 Hillman St LINCOLN LIMO SEDAN In elegant condition Packard Motor Car Co of 721 State St Walnut 2580 JORDAN BROUGHAM Overhauled and repainted excellent condition through out Jordan Springfield Co 765 Main St River 7915 LINCOLN 1921 Touring 3 pass new paint new top slip covers 5 brand new tires In first clas mechanical rendition Car can be bought for $1200 This car la privately owned Call Dillon at Holyoke 7(17 MAXWELL 1921 TOURING Must sell to settle estate: 'Phone Wai 4243 MAXWELL 4 DOOR 1923 In per fect condition Norcross Cameron 151 Bridge River 6170 MAXWELL 1923 models all In good condition prices from $385 to $675 Ncr cro Cameron Co 151 Bridge St Tel River 6170 NASH TOURING Jack Stone 69 Dwight St Open evenings Walnut 5563 NEW AUTOMOBILES Of popular makes at a big discount See them at The Interna tional Motor Co 16 Worthington Street OVERLAND sedan 1920 Good paint good tires mechanical condition good terms Sauer's Garage 'Phone 48 Westfield PIERCE ARROW 5 ton dump truck John son Bros 778 Main St River 61281 ESSEX' COACH Jack Stone 69 Dwight St Open evenings Walnut 5565 ESSEX COUPE 1923 Jack Stone 69 Dwight St Open evenings Walnut 5563 REO SPEED Rebuilt and re painted fine tires Price $300 Reo Spfld Co 'Phone River' 1636 275 Chestnut St STEARNS KNIGHT touring 1920 fine con dition throughout Price very reasonable Reo Spfld Co 1636 275 Chestnut St SPORT ROADSTER Custom built body very attractive price Arrow Co 11 Park St SEDAN 5 Popular make a bargain The Arrow Co 11 Park St STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1922 Jack Stone 69 Dwight St Open evenings WaL 5565 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Jack Stone 69 Dwight St Open evenings 5565 STUDEBAKER TOURING Light six low mileage excellent mechanical condi tion paint and tires very good Jordan Springfield Co 765 Main St River 7915 I RUCKS We have 35 from line to flve ton all makes sold regardless ot price In 3(1 days Easy terms Johnson Bros 778 So Main St River 6128 USED Large stock to choose from See them and compare our prices Con venient terms Norcross Cameron Co 151 Bridge St River 6170 WILLYS KNIGHT COUPE SEDAN 1923 In perfect condition driven only 7000 miles Will sacrifice for a quick sale Wal nut 4146 WHLYS KNIGHT Sport Touring 1923 Jack Stone 69 Dwight St Open eves 5565 Rtcm iKlrt BURKE SAI I MS I BeT HE TCAlMS JAOH vuEUHei Gar AICTMIM UN 1 I I I 3 I 1 3 1 i 5 la wpuB rtew am ugg hi ii i a i i i mi jif ini I 1 I I I I I' sW I VI th city iMtelln gUlteP I Ml AUTOMOWLK MAMrt ISM I SHERWOOD 'M 111' 'Al' a auto 1 1 1 ij Ji Real Epiipset be dM RIDAY OCTOBER 10TH 1924 AT 1 5 EAGLE Mtetem 6 story basem*nt meurfarta tag yragrtyjiMraMM8 ft floor space lot approxWiately SOxlOO Latteo MlMt BMBfrg Drills Grinders Aotomotfe aerew Drills Compressor MotteteiWttac iaftMBaMrtl TteK jgpstrated eatajet upoo apyaoatlm gotbe Aw3asaoaL By Ortter aft riV' 7 fflcow 'wiog Gania a BariMMm Ufa teaamw MWil amuel roemaa eaf'S CHaiat 4 IMB lO Cheetmrt Street 4B WtiladolpM Rehl EKate ar Sate II Tr I I Still Time ji meeIVevI r'31 1 Every season seems the best when yon Oil ycra ara loolrfng jm 'T Parte nJ Aecasaorie 3 BK CTtejBSMUW I I A 3': ZS 4 fla Aooana C' zJ Af A eaua JSupUWBHB steoreea I tnent ia al or oceuyaBcy riaa ASHLE III Mwr TMAIN er ill Property 7: 1 I On Belmont Avenue A fine coraer frctltoWI I il 'Belmont AvennejTsoned for bnsfnert 1 I II Crouse in vahwStore llil I HI present eight room xnodem sine I liil a rf I UITMbV 1111 I HI 1 XIA A IVlsi wwwa WzTWIBai 1 a 1 Mm rooa iMBqa Am famaea tra Astaa'asS Trato ar Sale s1 Kite Madtinery a 7 Jm SSTj I hotdog! A WHHM Bliii rue ETC 1 1 GES' vm I'l BATTLlM' f' SZ 0t a its 1 i 1 i 11 I I I1W we 1 Kfctr VM i I AU TMe 'TlMe 7" a 1 WUS bCAKCW 1 LX Bfc OUW I 4 I "sn IP PIMlW! 1 ll4 Ii inc 'vn ivaz 1'1 I I STAcrreo we i ee we KNOCKSP HlAA CHAMP Yout eas IM ilirSzp £EUff i 1 4V fe JUa 4f it 1 a 4 as 4 33 7 3 i VIA r' Econqiny and rtoswse ju tthia coupon it in and learn more abort eyvev epefe 4 jO'O afiHfjjfBEM 'y i eiGeMb1 To be given away in I age and on the gasolin Im 7 I Endura PARK Near Woodlawn St and Washington school 6 room cottage all oak floors throughout steam sewer gas and electric 2 car garage fine home very reasonable Price and terms Present owner built for home Arthur Taylor Co 377 Main St Walnut 1620 PARK 2 ten house brings in $80 per month Price $98'X) Terms $1200 Call River 3078 for appointment PORTA KIE HOUSES Garages playhouses schoolhouses voting booths Thayer Por table House Co Keene ree booklet PINE ST 227 Single 12 rm hardwood floors steam heat slate roof large lot gas elec price $10500 George Young 5 Ruskin St Wai PRESTON AVE 7 room cottage team heat electric lights gas sleeping porch fireplace all modern Small amount down terms to suit buyer Call between 12 1 Walnut Baldwin RANDOLPH 10 rooms 2 car heated 'garage excellent condition price $16000 Call Edw Murphy Co River 555 THREE ROOM camp cottage $1700 $60 down $30 monthly Can be made into all year round home with little expense plenty of land for garden Address Box 195 Republica office WILMONT STREET 4 famlly house 16 rooms Income $1800 per year two car garage Edward Murphy Co 555 $5(M) DOWN buys this modern eight room semibungalow steam heat fireplace elec tricity This is Just an ideal place for a large family: off White St price only $5800 Arthur Taylor Company 377 Main St Tel Walnut 1620 5 Steam $3400 six rooms steam garage $6000 seven rooms new $6000 14 rooms 2 family $8300 13 rooms $6500 12 rooms steam elect J110 500 3 family $8500 Terms do suit Call Julius Meltzer387 Main St 4365 eves Bolldlng Lots or Sale 75 SUMNER AVE Allen St and Phimtree Rd section building lots $200 to $800 a lot $5 to $10 monthly also 5 6 and 7 room cottaee houses on easy terms Address Box 192 Republican office GAREW AND EAST un size lots on easy terms located between 2 car lines John ish Realtor River 3821 HAL ACRE PLOTS $350 acre plots $675 (7 city lots) between Boston Rd and Wil braham Rd terms $3 to $8 monthly: also camp cottages for sale $1900 to $220 in cluding land payable $50 to $100 down then $9 weekly Address Box 194 Repub lican office LOTS on propertv on Boston road oppositeiLtOon pond $150 $175 $225 $300 each small payments down then monthly pay ments lots In the Pine Point section Den ver Coleman Warrenton streets and Riv erton road $150 to $500 each Apply on property on Boston road opposite Pasco road and Loon pond Saturday afternoons nnd Sundays other days 31 Elm Street Room 438 A EW CHOICE LOTS near Sumner Ave $10 down $lu a month Edward Seyler 318 Main St River 4650 LONGMEADOW Large carefully restricted lots near orest park River 3603 12 LONGMEADOW (Harrington 2 new lots StixlOO cheap for cash Charles Sears 5 Grace St Waluut SOCENTS WEEKLY' for building lots In Springfield on a tract which has water gas electricity and 20 houses now built on same Price of lots $200 size 50x100 ft buy one for Investment Boyle Realty Co 318 Main St River 3880 Summer Places or Sale KNOLLWOOD Club property re stneted shore lots directly on I Sound at Saybrook Send for photos and price list Simpson A Cosullch Saybrook Ct Suburban for Sale EAST LONGMEADOW $300 down 5 room house well built all modern lot 100x100 fine place for chickens 3685 Petersen 3d Natl Bank Bldg Room 924 IN EAST Txvo beautiful bungalows JO' walk from the shop Price $4500 with a small amount cash down Inquire Milton erris Real Estate agent 23 Hilton St Chicopee ralls Mass Tel LONGMEADOW An exceptionally well kept 6 room cottage 2 car garage price $8000 $1000 down Call Arthur Taylor Co Walnut 1620 LONGMEADOW Attractive 8 room single on lot 60x165 extra lavatory and toilet I car heated garage modern In every re spect Many shrubs and fruit trees cor ner lot a delightful home Edw Mur phy Co 317 Main St tTel River 555 LONGMEADOW New brick veneer houfee Taxe a ride with me to see It Lampson 310 Main d348 RIVERDALE 2 family of 12 rooms 1 car fare 1 minute from car line $6500: lib eral terms Roswell Allen Tel River 2 pi7 or Walnut 16M5 1.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The birthplace of basketball

The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield. Today, the city of Springfield is known worldwide as the birthplace of the sport of basketball.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield Demographics

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5%

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Takikawa became a city in 1958 and this year proudly celebrated the 50th anniversary. Springfield is located on the Connecticut River. The Ishikari and Sorachi Rivers come together near Takikawa.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

The Type 1861 "Springfield" rifle-musket used during the American Civil War, was nicknamed the "Springfield" after the city it was manufactured in.


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.